

photo by romie lie

高木仁三郎の言葉 #23


高木仁三郎セレクション pp.39-40

The words of Jinzaburoh TAKAGI(1938-2000), people's scientist against nuclear power#22

The present science technologies in the 20th century we find here are non-peaceful in the basic motif of genocide and completion, being fundamentally and strongly characterized by “the century of wars.” I guess though we are said to “enjoy” their results as “affluence” and “convenience”, most of their results would be made “affluent” and “convenient” by new products produced to stir people’s desires through commercialism and technologies. Furthermore it is now clear that this process is breaking down in the way that it deprives the future of the planet.

Jinzaburoh TAKAGI selection pp.39-40

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