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高木仁三郎の言葉 #26


高木仁三郎セレクション P.64

The words of Jinzaburoh TAKAGI(1938-2000), people's scientist against nuclear power#26

The pollution has immediately come into the problem of the table, since the radioactivity also fallen brutally on those who hadn’t even had nuclear plants in the USSR in their mind, living thousands-kilometer away from them. Particularly in Europe, where people took a direct hit by so-called “the radioactivity cloud”, it seemed common feelings that “we are at a loss to know what we should eat. To be honest, we don’t know frequently what we should do, feeling a mixture of emotions such as anger, angst, fear and sadness” (a letter from C.Y living in West Germany).

Jinzaburoh TAKAGI selection p.64

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