豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2011-01-16 23:54:23 | 教養?










Civic Musical

Sun. January 16 : fine


This is the 87th performance of Cairns Civic Musical that was founded 58 years ago. This year’s program is “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”. It’s a monumental stage with 20 orchestra members and more than 100 casts. Most of the musicians and actors are students. Australian schools cherish dramas as composite art. A lot of students from elementary and secondary schools are on the stage, too.


last year's performance

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2011-01-15 21:56:27 | ケアンズ









Statues of turtles

Sat. January 15 : fine

They are reporting the hatching season of turtle has come on the news. As the highway has cut off traffic everywhere due to the flood we cannot go to see those turtles this year. There are statues of turtles beside Cairns International Passenger Terminal. When new Culture Center is completed and Promenade is extended a lot of passersby will come to see it. However, I see nobody and nobody will visit here until then.


Culture Center



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2011-01-14 01:26:57 | 日常生活







Kitchen garden

Fri. January 14 : fine

Yumi is working on the terrace secretly. Before me knowing she bought some planters, soils and vegetable seedlings (beefsteak plants, basils and corianders). She has no experience of gardening. I wonder if she has influenced by some TV program. I believe that raising animals or cultivating plants are precious experiences but.... we might be able to become the sellers of vegetables and fruit at the market we go to buy every Friday.


kitchen garden in Sydney

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2011-01-13 01:30:45 | ケアンズ







Barron Falls

Thu. January 13 : fine

In QLD the same size of land as the entire Japan has swamped by flood and there are lots of missing and dead. It leaves no doubt that international price of wheat and coal will rise. In Cairns it rains at night and shines during daytime as usual. Passing through the boardwalk in the tropical rain forest we went to Barron Falls. The plague of cicadas (not butterflies) makes the route noisy. Barron falls in rainy season is swollen with a volume of water and it’s quite splendid.   



Barron Falls

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2011-01-12 00:50:55 | シドニー近郊







Plague of butterflies?

Wed. January 12 : fine

We heard on the news that the plagues of butterflies caused by the record heavy rain have occurred in all over Australia. We went straightway to Kuranda that is surrounded by tropical rain forest but the number of the flying butterflies seems to be same as usual. During a 15-minute period while we were waiting for our meal we saw 22 butterflies and 108 birds from the cafe terrace. The number, 21 has no connection with the number of butterflies but the order number of our meal. 


butterfly samctuary in Kuranda




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2011-01-11 22:17:42 | 海外旅行






If you have no money and no brains

Tue. January 11 : fine



Australia is a multiracial country. Most OZs don’t think you are a foreigner regardless of your Mongolian face. They only think, ”Poor you! You have no brains”. Somebody who doesn’t speak English isn’t able to have a job or help even at the police or hospital in emergency. Not only in Australia but also in every country people refuse to deal with a person who has no money and also no skills to speak the common language.

there were languages first

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2011-01-10 22:16:26 | 海外旅行






Adults Day

Mon. January 10 : fine

Young fellows, please become the men who express their opinions both at home and abroad. Japanese English-language ability is the third worst within 38 Asian countries. There are more than 100 different races in Nepal. The official language is Nepali but even children there speak English since English is the official language in education. People speak English in the government organizations and large corporations. Can we say that people in multinational and contiguous countries are good at languages? Or do we need to admit that Japanese are just not good learners?  

abandon Japanese!


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2011-01-09 22:13:50 | 海外旅行






Nepali food culture

Sun. January 9 : fine

Kathmandu Basin is a high land but it is fertile and yields good quality vegetables and fruit. Nepalese eat curry-flavored dal soup putting it on indica rice. As the quality of water there is not good they usually stair fry vegetables but we had a chance to eat raw vegetables at the restaurant in Bhaktapur. The white radish was cut in a butterfly shape, not a crane. Well, we surely saw a lot of butterflies everywhere, on the mountains and in the towns. 


fruit carving

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2011-01-08 01:41:30 | 動物











Hooded crane

Sat. January 8 : fine


No animals in Chinese zodiac are native mammals of Australia but cranes and turtles. Talking about cranes people are quite anxious about how to handle the highly virulent hooded cranes in Japan. Farm animals for food are being more important than special natural monuments. Hooded cranes flying from China and Russia are harmful birds for Japanese because they damage the fields and crops. We Japanese have been eating cranes as same as eating turtles and whales for a long time. Protect Japanese food culture and tradition!


Australian crane


1000 cranes

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2011-01-07 23:51:20 | 動物








Fri. January 7 : fine

All native mammals of Australia are all marsupials except bats. A dingo is an exotic species that was brought from Indonesia by Aborigine 100,000 years ago. Thus Australian 12 kinds of animals in the Chinese zodiac are all exotic species except snakes. The number of this year’s animal, exotic rabbits living in Australia is estimated to be 600M. On the contrary bandicoots that have similar appearance to rabbits are on the verge of extinction.


exotic rabbit




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2011-01-06 23:35:55 | 日常生活







1991年X'mas tree 




Christmas Decoration

Thu. January 6 : fine


Back in Towada I used to decorate a Christmas tree in my living room and put a wreath on the door but after moving top Australia I only decorate some flowers in December. As we were away for 2 weeks this year we decorated some candles and 2 little Christmas dolls on the display shelf in the entrance hall. There are no decorations such as kadomatsu or sacred ropes in Australia so we are keeping those Christmas decorations displayed until the end of this month.


Christmas in 1992 


Christmas tree in 1991



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2011-01-05 21:46:57 | ケアンズ







Flood in Australia

Wed. January 5 : fine

We are back to Cairns now with gaining weight by overeating. On the contrary our pet, Alpha, a fighting fish is still swimming vividly bearing 2-week fasting. As our refrigerator was empty we went shopping but the shelves in the super market were empty as well. A record flood has cut off traffic on highways. Fortunately, we don’t have to worry much because we can get vegetables and fruit from Table Land.



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2011-01-04 21:39:33 | 海外旅行









Butterfly Paradise in Sentosa Island

Tue. January 4 : fine

You have to change planes 4 times to go to Pokhara from Cairns: we took 9 different flights including a tour flight. In Singapore on our return trip we stayed at Good Wood Park Hotel, had seafood dishes at Newton Circus and visited Sentosa Island. It’s exactly the same route as we took 18 years ago. I have lived with Yumi for 20 years.


today, 17 years ago


Sentosa Island 5 years ago

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2011-01-03 21:29:31 | 海外旅行






Dogs, bulls and pigeons

Mon. January 3 : fine

I see a lot of stray dogs, stray bulls and pigeons on the street corner in Kathmandu. Nepalese never eat beef but they make butter, cheese and yogurt from milk. I hear that cows have masters. Cows eat the grass that grows beside the road in daytime and they return to their cow barns by themselves at night. Oxen are ownerless but they are never killed in traffic accidents or die in starvation since bulls are believed to be holly animals in Hinduism.    

Islamic  taboo

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2011-01-02 01:39:34 | 海外旅行








Sun. January 2 : fine

During the 16th century Nepali dynasty was split into 3 cities; Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur. Bhaktapur is an old capital city with its population of 80,000. It is located 12km east of Kathmandu. The residents are wearing cylindrical caps that are officially used as the full dresses of Nepali public servants. At the square in front of the old palace goats in sacrifice were killed in the hope of New Year and children were dancing their traditional dance.   



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