豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2011-01-25 21:40:19 | 政治・経済



豪州の水害では独仏両国を合わせた面積が水没し、被災者は25万人に達するとか。恐ろしく希薄な人口密度!独仏両国の合計は面積が90万平方キロ、人口が14,000万人。ちなみに日本は面積が38万平方キロ、人口が12,600万人。豪州は774万平方キロに2100万人が住むすっかすかの国。(photo by National Geographic) 




Amazing population density

Tue. January 25 : fine

The flood occurred in Australian will submerge the area of the same size as Germany and France together and the number of victims is going to be 250,000. What a low population density! The total area of Germany and France is 900,000km2 and the population is 140M. Incidentally, Japan has 380,000km2 with the population of 126M. Australia is incredibly thinly-populated country, 7,740,000km2 with the population of 21M.

flood is a daily occurance




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