lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Breaking: Planck satellite: Maps detail Universe's ancient light.

2013-03-21 21:16:04 | Science News

Planck reveals an almost perfect Universe (with images) http://bit.ly/WFPFIT #Planck

#Planck satellite: Maps detail #Universe's ancient light http://bbc.in/ZMn6s8 via @bbcnews #ESA

#Planck data refine universe's ingredient list: dark energy: 68.3% (prev: 72.8). dark matter: 26.8% (22.7). ordinary matter: 4.9% (4.5).

A spectacular new map of the "oldest light" in the sky has just been released by the European Space Agency.
The map was assembled from 15 months' worth of data acquired by the 600m-euro (£515m) Planck space telescope.

It details what is known as the cosmic microwave background, or CMB - a faint glow of microwave radiation that pervades all of space.

Its precise configuration, visible in the new Planck data, is suggestive of a cosmos that is slightly older than previously thought - one that came into existence 13.82 billion years ago.

This is an increase of about 50 million years on earlier calculations.

□ Planck Legacy Archive (PLA)

>> http://www.sciops.esa.int/index.php?project=planck&page=Planck_Legacy_Archive

As of March 21st 2013, the PLA provides public data products from the first 15.5 months of Planck operations. It notably includes full-sky intensity maps at all nine Planck frequencies, maps of foregrounds components at high resolution, and the Cosmic Microwave Background fluctuations at unprecedented angular resolution. Angular power spectra and cosmological parameter grids are also provided, as well as the Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources and the Planck Sunyaev-Zel’dovich clusters catalogue.

「暗黒物質」の痕跡発見か、宇宙形成の謎解明に前進も http://bit.ly/14FP3HR pic.twitter.com/FWO2JIzg33


From @PLOSMedicine, article on the possibilities of incorporating geospatial mapping into biosurveillance: http://bit.ly/XbPa9A #ghdxdata

New post at #microBEnet Announcing Project MERCCURI (a.k.a Microbes in Spaaaaace!). #spacemicrobes http://www.microbe.net/?p=2069

Breaking News: @theACMG releases highly anticipated Report on Incidental Findings in Genome Sequencing @ #acmgmtg- http://bit.ly/ZAdim1

ACMGによる臨床Exomeとゲノム・シーケンシングの偶発的所見に関する推奨事項:倫理とコンセンサス: ただし、Informatics toolsはミスセンス変異体について、未だ信頼性の低い予測因子であり、偽陽性の可能性を最小化に設定

Preview - Parallel Programming and Optimization with Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessors by Manish Shah

□ Colfaxから、Xeon Phiによる並列アプリケーション開発と最適化プレビュー。BioinformaticsでMICアーキテクチャはメモリ帯域に懸念もあるね | Parallel Programming with Xeon Phi http://ja.scribd.com/doc/130979697/Preview-Parallel-Programming-and-Optimization-with-Intel%C2%AE-Xeon-Phi%E2%84%A2-Coprocessors

□ Gene-analysis firms reach for the cloud:

>> http://www.nature.com/news/gene-analysis-firms-reach-for-the-cloud-1.12634

Online bioinformatics companies rush to provide genomics platforms and software for hospitals.
The companies, many of them based in California’s Silicon Valley, have been tempted by a market in outsourced sequencing and analysis software that by 2016 could top $4 billion per year, according to BCC Research, a market-research company in Wellesley, Massachusetts (see ‘Genes in the marketplace’). “The sky’s the limit,” says Andreas Sundquist, chief executive of DNAnexus in Mountain View, California, which provides genetic-analysis software on its cloud-based platform and allows users to upload and run their own algorithms.

Angiogenesis: An Adaptive Dynamic Biological Patterning Problem ? new research in PLOS Comp Biol: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002983

Catalogue of Life, 2013 Annual Checklist is now online at http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2013/

Genetics sheds new light on one of the most enigmatic #marinespecies : the giant squid (Architeuthis) http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.0273

A special bioinformatics challenge for DNA Day with truly awesome prize - http://ow.ly/jq06k #genomebiology #dnaday

MT @martinjburton: http://Datadryad.org is data repository used by BMJ Open. @trished #evidencelive” and >>> & @PLOS also

□ The Conceptual Link from Physical to Mental

>> http://blog.oup.com/2013/03/conceptual-link-physical-to-mental/

【OUP BLOG】物理主義者が考える物理と精神の関係とは

□ Computational models can predict response to HIV therapy without a genotype and may reduce treatment failure in different resource-limited settings

>> http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/03/08/jac.dkt041.full

これすごいな。ジェノタイピング無しに薬剤応答を予測する計算モデル。TCEデータからウィルス負荷推定値を導くらしい。TCEsからランダムフォレスト法で薬剤応答を予測。in silico解析で治療失敗時の代替案をRLSsから識別。
Random forest models were trained to predict the probability of response to ART (?400 copies HIV RNA/mL) using the following data from 14?891 treatment change episodes (TCEs) after virological failure, from well-resourced countries: viral load and CD4 count prior to treatment change, treatment history, drugs in the new regimen, time to follow-up and follow-up viral load. Models were assessed by cross-validation during development, with an independent set of 800 cases from well-resourced countries, plus 231 cases from Southern Africa, 206 from India and 375 from Romania. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was the main outcome measure.

逆数学と型理論のワークショップ:ポール・シェファーのBΣ_2+∃kDNR(k)がWKLを導かないことの証明は、いわゆるbushy-tree forcingをBΣ2+¬Σ2の超準モデルで時空を圧縮して行う逆再帰理論の常套手段+二階部分にジェネリックを加えるという手法かー。

□ Huffington PostのHeLa細胞に関するライブ動画で、Jonathan Eisen氏が出演してるよ(゜∀゜) 個人ゲノムと提供者の子孫の権利とプライバシー。過去に訴訟の参考事例にも: Is 'HeLa' A Person? http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/human-nature-and/514fae11fe3444426e00038d
動画の中でJonathan Eisen氏は、HeLa細胞のゲノム・シーケンシングに際しては、家族の同意を得ることが医療の信頼と未来のために必要なんだと力説。データ・シェアリングによるリスクも

□ Forum: Current useful developments in the field integration of -Omics data

>> http://www.biostars.org/p/67514/

What are currently developments to watch in the field of data-integration of Omics (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, phenomics ) data?

Some time ago RDF and triplestores were the main development in the field and I guess they still are. Big data sets like Kegg and Uniprot are now available as RDF (Seehttp://linkeddata.org/) but I don't know how many people can and do integrate these data sources with their local produced data. . And you can't store your raw data in RDF, only your conlusions, leads , hypothesis etc.

In the Proteomics community a big development I guess is the increased reproducibilty of the datasets and standard data formats like mzML and mzIdent. But for the other Omics I don't know.

□ CRAM 2.0 release: ENA sequence data compression format, its supporting software toolkit & the CRAM reference registry http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/about/news#news_133

#EvoBIO 2013: Seeking creative solutions to complex biological problems. Read more about it here: http://ow.ly/jtg8H

□ X-ray analysis on the nanogram to microgram scale using porous complexes: SCD analysis without the crystallization: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v495/n7442/abs/nature11990_ja.html?lang=ja

Warming could degrade U.S. Midwest farmlands while boosting African, Chinese harvests http://goo.gl/S1hn1

□ CRAC: an integrated approach to the analysis of RNA-seq reads: リード解析から直接インデル、スプライス部位、候補変異、キメラを検出、従来より高精度の予測を行うツール http://crac.gforge.inria.fr

Read about our experience navigating cloud computing, the EU, and data governance. New post at http://sagebase.org/2013/03/26/cloud-computing-the-eu-and-data-governance-a-sage-bionetworks-white-paper/

Syria/Turkey: #diplomacy & hard #friendship. Ankara denies mass deportation of Syrian refugees http://www.todayszaman.com/newsDetail_getNewsById.action?newsId=310988 … via @todayszamancom

Spectacular paper comparing Celera vs Human Genome Project. Short version: fences for knowledge decrease use. http://economics.mit.edu/files/8647 (Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: Evidence from the Human Genome)

□ Influence of chaotic synchronization on mixing in the phase space of interacting systems:

>> http://chaos.aip.org/resource/1/chaoeh/v23/i1/p013103_s1

カオス同期の混合: ノイズに関わらず相対距離エントロピーの減少はシステム内の同期を示唆。生物学・金融の時系列解析に有効かも

□ CPAT: Coding-Potential Assessment Tool using an alignment-free logistic regression model

>> http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/41/6/e74.full


#ISOpure, new computational purification tool, directly addresses effects of tissue contamination in #tumors http://ow.ly/jEMlU #cancer

Multi-bit binary decoder based on Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction http://ow.ly/jHtNN #AIP_JCP

Scientific Data, new journal from NPG looks really great - but don't understand lower pricing for CC NC licenses. http://www.nature.com/scientificdata/

"RT @wspoonr: BGI @GigaScience and NPG @ScientificData both into @isatools. Interoperability?" YES, indeed!

Perspective:A Healthy Fear of the Unknown: Interpretation of Parameter Fits from Computational Models in Neuroscience http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1003015 …

エジプトのミイラのメタゲノム… /First insights into the metagenome of Egyptian mummies using next-generation sequencing.

And when speaking of statistics, we think of data. Have a look at a wrap-up on #OpenData status in Africa: http://globalvoicesonline.org/2013/04/05/opening-the-black-box-of-governance-alleviating-poverty-with-data/ … #OECDgfd

#Argentina, Bolivia and Chile hold the planet’s largest reserves of lithium http://blogs.reuters.com/photographers-blog/2013/04/05/the-lithium-triangle/

"Politics trump data" finds study of Somalia famine & failure of "data-driven humanitarianism" in @plosmedecine http://blogs.plos.org/speakingofmedicine/2013/04/04/famine-in-somalia-and-the-failure-of-data-driven-humanitarianism/

Stanford creates biological transistors, the final step towards computers inside... http://bit.ly/10ngIcA #leclercfl_evolution

Africa: Japan's First PPP to Spearhead Innovation in Global Health - http://tinyurl.com/cks2quy - #ghitfund

Sadly the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) #GSoC 2013 application was unsuccessful, but still some possibilities… http://lists.open-bio.org/pipermail/biopython-dev/2013-April/010508.html

Should the supreme court invalidate the patent on human #DNA? http://ow.ly/jRwpw via @washingtonpost

Tech & #OpenData for addressing social & political Qs in developing countries http://bit.ly/Zc0uiK by @MaliciaRogue via @globalvoices

□ Single photon from a quantum emitter? a matter of timing: quantum information processing, photons as logic operator http://phys.org/news/2013-04-photon-quantum-emitter.html

□ Systemic Risk & Stability in Financial Networks: the efficiency of the financial networks that emerge in equilibrium http://t.co/W4ube72qN0

□ Base Pair Biotechnologies: submitted multiple SBIR grants totaling $868,000: Custom Aptamer Discovery Updates: http://hosted-p0.vresp.com/1050611/16323e4d79/ARCHIVE

□ Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Global Markets: BCC Research Market Report: http://www.bccresearch.com/report/nucleic-acid-aptamers-global-markets-bio071b.html


Mendley founders: 'Sale to Elsevier was opportunity to give users better content' - nothing to do with £65m then? http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/news/mendeley-founders-defend-sale-to-elsevier/2003094.article


Gallup global warming poll finds a growing number of Republicans are now ... - New York Daily News http://nydn.us/ZH4zme

□ The human gene connectome as a map of short cuts for morbid allele discovery ヒト遺伝子コネクトーム:生物学的距離とGPSアルゴリズムで対立遺伝子の検証容易に http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/03/15/1218167110.full.pdf

A GPS View of the Human Genome @rickilewis http://blogs.plos.org/dnascience/2013/04/11/a-gps-view-of-the-human-genome/

"NNSA Defends Nonproliferation Cuts, Boosts Radiation Detection Funding" from Global Security Newswire @NTI_GSN http://bit.ly/10UskUG

INFINITY LIFE! The time has come! Save Your Master-code for 200 or 50,000 years! THERE WILL BE NO MORE ONE-TIME LIFE! http://gedna.com

General DNA, Inc. http://gedna.com/ 自身の体組織の一部を長期間(200-5万年)保存してくれるというサービス。後から遺伝子技術でクローン再生できるかもと煽り。 この会社マジなのかどうか計り兼ねてたけど、こういうビジネスは増えるだろうね

1.25 billion clamoring voices makes Indian policymaking difficult, but the country needs more democracy, not less: http://fam.ag/10YKLXQ

To deal with the trauma resulting from a complex emergency, Kenyan Red Cross organised psychosocial support in... http://fb.me/22BsRyqNQ

