lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2012-07-27 21:18:34 | Science News
(Biologically relevant genes within marine bacterial GIs:16 biological categories with the potential to increase fitness)

□ Patterns and architecture of genomic islands in marine bacteria

>> http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2164-13-347.pdf

70 selected marine bacterial genomes detected with IslandViewer, to explore the distribution, patterns and functional gene content in these genomic regions. We detected 438 GIs containing a total of 8152 genes. We showed that the GI number per genome was strongly and positively correlated with the total GI size. In 50% of the genomes analyzed the GIs accounted for approximately 3% of the genome length, with a maximum of 12%.


□ Assessing Drug Target Association Using Semantic Linked Data

>> http://t.co/iV8EiVRv

a statistical model to assess the association of drug target pairs based on their relation with other linked objects. Validation experiments demonstrate the model can correctly identify known direct drug target pairs with high precision. Indirect drug target pairs (for example drugs which change gene expression level) are also identified but not as strongly as direct pairs. We further calculated the association scores for 157 drugs from 10 disease areas against 1683 human targets, and measured their similarity using a score matrix.


□ Bina is bringing an Apple-like business model to the rapidly expanding world of genomics.

>> http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/07/11/remaking-genome-analysis/

The Bina Box is an Apple-like (AAPL) combination of company-developed hardware and software that work together to crunch sequenced genetic data faster than conventional solutions -- sometimes over 100 times faster in some cases.

The box analyzes and compresses those 300 gigabytes of raw data into several hundred megabytes of information -- making it much faster to upload -- and either transmits it to the Bina Cloud, which stores and processes the data, or a private cloud constructed for the company. That also allows users such as doctors and medical specialists to consume and share it. As a result, what once took several days to over a month to accomplish can take as little as two hours.



□ GenomeRing: alignment visualization based on SuperGenome coordinates

>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/12/i7.full
>> http://it.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/software/genomering/

First, we propose the SuperGenome concept for the computation of a common coordinate system for all genomes in a multiple alignment. This coordinate system allows for the consistent placement of genome annotations in the presence of insertions, deletions and rearrangements.

Second, we present the GenomeRing visualization that, based on the SuperGenome, creates an interactive overview visualization of the multiple genome alignment in a circular layout.

now integrated the GenomeRing visualization with MAYDAY (Battke et al., 2010), our visual analysis platform for ‘omics’ data. As a result, GenomeRing can be linked with all other visualizations offered by MAYDAY, including a traditional, linear genome browser.


Tree history RT @SpeechNerdess @brainpicker Visual history of evolution in tree-like diagrams http://j.mp/K9b1KH #boidiversity #treeoflife

Mapping 450 years of mankind’s curiosity about the living world and the relationships between organisms.
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859, the concept, most recently appropriated in mapping systems and knowledge networks, is actually much older, predating the theory of evolution itself. The collection is thus at once a visual record of the evolution of science and of its opposite ? the earliest examples, dating as far back as the sixteenth century, portray the mythic order in which God created Earth, and the diagrams’ development over the centuries is as much a progression of science as it is of culture, society, and paradigm.
生物種ツリー・ダイアグラムの歴史。図象隠喩としては最も普遍的で、古くは12世紀ルルスのArs Magnaに遡る。シャフナーからポピュラーに。

□ SCABIO: a framework for bioinformatics algorithms in Scala

>> http://www.mi.hs-mannheim.de/gumbel/en/forschung/scabio/

generic and extensible dynamic programming (DP) algorithm. Many bioinformatics algorithms rely on this method. scabio simply comes with a dynamic programming framework/interface which can be (re-)used or extended for many purposes, especially for all kind of bioinformatics algorithms. Within SCABIO, all pairwise alignment algorithms, the Viterbi-algorithm and the Nussinov-algorithm are based on these DP classes.


□ Computational analysis of target hub gene repression regulated by multiple and cooperative miRNAs

>> http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/07/13/nar.gks657.full

We then show how a kinetic model can be derived from the regulatory map. To validate our approach, we present a case study for p21, one of the first experimentally proved miRNA target hubs. Our analysis indicates that distinctive expression patterns for miRNAs, some of which interact cooperatively, fine-tune the features of transient and long-term regulation of target genes.

With respect to p21, our model successfully predicts its protein levels for nine different cellular functions. In addition, we find that high abundance of miRNAs, in combination with cooperativity, can enhance noise buffering for the transcription of target hubs.

□ Zooma 2: A million gene expression annotations: Gene Expression Atlas, aligned to ontology classes in EFO.

>> http://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/fgpt/zooma/
>> http://t.co/T0wwjzjq

Linked data repos of annotation knowledge.
A million gene expression annotations with Zooma.
Zooma is an RDF knowledge base of annotation knowledge, extracted from the expert curation performed on a subset of ArrayExpress data. This subset of data has the added advantage of being curated twice because it has also been loaded into the Gene Expression Atlas, where it has been aligned to ontology classes in EFO. This is very powerful for several reasons.


□ R-chie overlapping covariance arc diagram:

>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/dullhunk/7554750410/


□ A new entropy model for RNA: A critique of the standard Jacobson-Stockmayer model applied to multiple cross links

>> http://www.pagepress.org/journals/index.php/jnai/article/view/2650


□ Evolutionary dynamics of RNA-like replicators: A bioinformatic approach to the origin of life:

>> http://www.narcis.nl/publication/RecordID/oai%3Adspace.library.uu.nl%3A1874%2F42375/uquery/RNA+world+and+RNA+world/id/2/Language/EN

□ Evolution of Protein Synthesis from an RNA World:

>> http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/content/4/4/a003681.long …

This cycle of noncovalent complex formation, followed by ligation, can then be repeated, while selecting for improvement of ribosome-like function. Finally, the influence of the peptides produced by a primitive ribosome on its own structure and assembly would also begin to impact its own evolution. Ribosome-binding peptides may thus have played an early role in shaping the ultimate form (and function) of the ribosome.


RNA-seq analysis of C. briggsae genome reveals >10,000 small assembly errors. Genome Research http://j.mp/OqbMMh

□ Smart-Seq: a robust mRNA-Seq protocol: Full-length Seq from single-cell levels of RNA individual circulating tumor cell nature.com/nbt/journal/va…

Genomic sequencing method offers “smarter” cell analysis - R & D Magazine http://bit.ly/LHOtLZ

BioSharing and the ISA Commons presented at ?#ISMB? 2012; BOSC (P. Rocca-Serra) and at Highlight Track (S. Sansone): http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v44 …


□ A graph-based approach for designing extensible pipelines

>> http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2105-13-163.pdf

a graph-based approach to implement extensible and low-maintenance pipelines that is suitable for pipeline applications with multiple functionalities that require different combinations of steps in each execution. Here pipelines are composed automatically by compiling a specialised set of tools on demand, depending on the functionality required, instead of specifying every sequence of tools in advance.

2011年頃から、Bioinformatics分野においても"Graph-Based"なアルゴリズムに基づくOntology、Clustering Methodが脚光を浴び始めた気がするけど、こうしたシーケンシングの可視化は、実効的にData-Drivenの代替手段と言えるのかな

□ Mathematical Model Resolves Decade-Old Debate On Regulation Of Protein Production By MicroRNAs In Cells

>> http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/248486.php


Poster (PNG): "Visualization and ?#DataMining? of Integrated Whole-Genome Data using Self-Organizing Maps" ?#ISMB? ?#KN3?

?#ISMB? ?#KN3?: BW visualization of ENCODE data using SOM unwrapping doughnuts http://woldlab.caltech.edu/encodesom/

Barbara Wold: RNA-Seq wet lab challenges - how to get full length transcripts: ave 2581bp, median 1592bp based GENCODE 17 ?#ismb? ?#KN3?

Should BIoinformatics Cores have a "standard" pipelines? (I would argue to make them reproducible pipelines) ?#ismb? ?#WK?

Raw ?#exome? files on ?#figshare? integrated into new article on @f1000research: http://shar.es/teAJz ?#openaccess? ?#opendata? ?#openscience?


□ Sequencing low diversity libraries on Illumina MiSeq: 16S Seq: low yields, low per-base quality scores random libraries http://pathogenomics.bham.ac.uk/blog/2012/08/sequencing-low-diversity-libraries-on-illumina-miseq/

□ Xpression ? An intergrated RNA-seq pipeline

>> http://depts.washington.edu/cshlab/xpression/html/rnaseq.shtml

integrated solution for processing next-gen sequencing data derived from various types of samples, such as samples mapped to draft genomes and multiplexed samples.

□ MyMiner: a web application for computer-assisted biocuration and text annotation.

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/22789588/

MyMiner, a free and user-friendly text annotation tool aimed to assist in carrying out the main biocuration tasks and to provide labelled data for the development of text mining systems. MyMiner allows easy classification and labelling of textual data according to user-specified classes as well as predefined biological entities. The usefulness and efficiency of this application has been tested for a range of real-life annotation scenarios of various research topics.

□ Crystals, Information And The Origin of Life

>> http://t.co/Kxqa6lsj

The combination of information theory and crystallography should lead to a better understanding of DNA molecules, cells and perhaps even complex living things like humans

□ Beyond crystals: the dialectic of materials and information

>> http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/370/1969/2807.full

the possibility of the artificial construction of a synthetic living system, different from biological life, but having many or all of the same properties. Interactions are essentially nonlinear and collective. Structures begin to have an evolutionary history with episodes of symbiosis.

Underlying all the structures are constraints of time and space. Through hierarchization, a more general principle than the periodicity of crystals, structures may be found within structures on different scales. We must integrate unifying concepts from dynamical systems and information th

Emma Hewitt / "Burn the Sky Down"

2012-07-20 14:33:25 | music12

□ Emma Hewitt / "Burn the Sky Down"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Miss You Paradise (Venom One Remix Radio Edit)
These Days Are Ours
Miss You Paradise (Shogun Remix Radio Edit)

Release Date; 18/05/2012
Label; Armada
Cat.No.; ARDI3015
Format: 1xCD

>> http://www.emmahewittofficial.com/

>> tracklisting.

01. Burn the Sky Down
02. Colours
03. Miss You Paradise
04. These Days Are Ours
05. Foolish Boy
06. Rewind
07. Still Remember You (Stay Forever)
08. Can't Turn Around Now
09. Crucify
10. This Picture
11. State That I'm In
12. Circles (with. 16 Bit Lolitas)
13. Like Spinning Plates (feat. Dash Berlin) [Bonus Track]

□ Emma Hewitt / "Burn the Sky Down" Album Teaser

□ Emma Hewitt / "Burn the Sky Down (The Remixes)"

Progressive House/Tranceシーンのフィーチャーヴォーカリストとして圧倒的な歌唱力と絶大な人気を誇る、Emma Hewittのデビューアルバム。

プロデューサーにDepeche Modeなどを手がけたLee Grovesを迎え、クラブシーンで馴染んだ表情とは一味違った、80年代末期から90年代にかけてのニューウェーブ色に重ねて、現代的なクールでグラファイトな雰囲気を湛えたChill Out/Popアルバムに仕上げている。

オーストラリアのロック・バンド、Missing HoursのリードシンガーとしてキャリアをスタートしたEmma Hewittは、バンド活動の終局と入れ違いにして、ハウスシーンにおいて、その魅力を開花させることとなる。

Chris Lake、Dash BerlinやCosmic Gateをはじめ、一線で活躍する多くのDJによって見出された歌唱力と、その明瞭冷艶な声質に裏打ちされたクラブトラックへの親和性は一躍シーンを席巻した。

"Burn the Sky Down"においては、そんな彼女の『声』に焦点を当て、ヴォーカルパフォーマーとしてのポテンシャルを十二分に引き出した構成が試みられている、


"Colours"では物悲しい旋律の中に暖色の慰みを抱え、オールドスクールなビートに導かれ、セピアの郷愁に彩られたキラーチューン、"Miss You Paradise"へといざなう。90年代ニューウェーヴの系譜を色濃く受け継ぐ"These Days Are Ours"から"Foolish Boy"、近年のゴシック・インフルエンスを如実に主張する"State that I'm In"から、アコースティック・チルな"Circles"まで、多彩なサウンド・ディレクションで、エマの歌声の可能性を呈示している。

今月末には、DJ/トラックメーカー側からの、このアルバムへの回答となるリミックス・アルバム、"Burn the Sky Down (The Remixes)"がリリース予定である。今も多くのシンガーを排出・取り込み続けるクラブシーンにおいて、なぜEmma Hewittが卓越して評価されるのか、その寵児となった所以を確かめてもらいたい。


Miss You Paradise

And there is something we leave behind to join the ride
I couldn’t wait but did not realize I’d never come back…
And the calling is taking over and it lasts more than awhile
Another reason I won’t be around to say goodnight

Don’t write to me I’ll call you

All of my life I’ve been a lost satellite
It’s all a waste of time with me before I get it right
And I miss you paradise
Although you’re over
And I miss you paradise
I know you’re over

I lie awake and I count the hours passing by
Too many questions that won’t be answered here tonight
And they rise in waves before you and the force opens your eyes
Another reason I won’t be around to say goodnight

Don’t write to me I’ll call you

All of my life I’ve been a lost satellite
It’s all a waste of time with me before I get it right
And I miss you paradise
Although you’re over
And I miss you paradise
I know you’re over

All of my life I’ve been a lost satellite
Circling alone out here you’re always on my mind
And I miss you paradise
Although you’re over
And I miss you paradise
I know you’re over

And I miss you

待てなかったのよ もう戻ってこれないなんて知らなかったから
何度かけても 電話の呼び出し音は鳴ったまま

もうメールしないで 私からかけるから

私はずっと 失われた月に生きていた
そうして全てを棒に振ったの 目を醒すまで
なのにあなたが恋しい 天上の楽園

ただ眠れずに いたずらに時を数えてる
この夜 答えるはずのない問いだけを山ほど抱えて 
あなたに何もかもぶちまけたら 目を覚ましてやれるかしら

もうメールしないで 私からかけるから

私はずっと 失われた月に生きていた
そうして全てを棒に振ったの 目を醒すまで
なのにあなたが恋しい 天上の楽園

私はずっと 失われた月に生きていた
いつもあなたを想って 寂しくグルグル廻っていたの
なのにあなたが恋しい 天上の楽園


Delerium / "Music Box Opera" New Album out on October 30.

2012-07-20 11:29:01 | delerium

□ Delerium feat. Nadina / "Monarch" new single will be release in July.31

>> http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B008LBRRHO

□ Delerium / "Music Box Opera" New Album, and single "Chrysalis Heart."

>> http://www.releasemagazine.net/bill-leeb-on-the-new-delerium-and-front-line-assembly/

The album itself is called “Music Box Opera” and is out on October 30, and was made a bit differently than the other Delerium albums. One half was made in Los Angeles with long time collaborator Rhys Fulber, while the other half was made in Vancouver with current FLA member Jeremy Inkel, who joins the Delerium ranks for the first time. FLA guitarist Jared Slingerland is also involved on 3 songs. All in all there are 15 tracks on the album.

The first official release will be the single “Chrysalis Heart” with some major artist remixers, as well as a very intriguing bigger budget video.

"Music Box Opera"とタイトルされた新作は、Kristy ThirskやJaelなど御馴染みのシンガーを迎え、なんと半数のプロデュースにFLA陣を導入するという方針で、これまで以上にエレクトロニックな作風になるとのこと。まだ明かせない仕掛けもあるそうです。

Nadine (Nadina?)をフィーチャーしたリード・シングル、"Monarch"はインド・アラビック風のサウンドで、"Nuages Du Monde"で打ち出した、民族歌唱の生パフォーマンスを取り入れるという方向性は維持している様子。

最初の公式シングルカットとなる"Chrysalis Heart"には、もっとメジャーなRemixerを起用し、お金のかかったMVを用意しているとのこと。何にしても6年ぶりのスタジオ・アルバム!

bt / "Morceau Subrosa"

2012-07-17 21:19:08 | music12

□ bt / "Morceau Subrosa"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Nicht Musik [Verklarung] No. 2 in D Major

Release Date; 19/06/2012
Label; Laptop Symphony
Cat.No.; None
Format: CD-R, Digitally

>> http://www.btmusic.com/

>> tracklisting.

01. Nicht Musik [Verklarung] No. 2 in D Major
02. Sonitum Explicandis Tardius
03. Tabular Sarsa(λ) Algorithm No. 13
04. Seraphim
05. Le Particules et les Sortileges Muse No. 3
06. The Art of Perceptual Aliasing
07. Chant des Etoiles Thought No. 9, K 421
08. Apotheosis


This collection of ambient works represents the first in a series of non-rhythmic electronic tone poems composed at four hundred and thirty-two hertz. Reminiscent of everything from Debussy to Music for Airports, Morceau Subrosa is a dazzling cocktail of granular sound fields, ambient recordings and undulating vocal and acoustic instrumental works.

"Morceau Subrosa"...『秘されし断章』


"A Topological Abstract of Granular Synthesis [Symphonie elektronik]"を標榜する、btのコンセプト・アルバムの片割れ。"If the Stars Eternal..."とは同時にリリースされた双子のアルバム。

これまでもbtの楽曲の構成要素として大きな特色を放っていた音響技法、"Granular Synthesis"を主体としたドローン・アンビエントであり、パッドやアトモスフィアを重ねただけの凡百の作品とは一線を画した、どこまでも折り重なっていくような、多層的かつ粒度にこだわった、芸術的な意匠の『ウォール・オブ・サウンド』を構築している。

聴いた感触はEnoのそれよりも、Steve Roachなどのテープ・コラージュの手法に近く、何処までも透き通って、しかしアモルファスで無秩序な遠景を描き出している。

序盤の"Nicht Musik [Verklarung] No. 2 in D Major"では、儚く掴みどころの無いピアノの旋律と、その響きを映しとった電子の陰影も軈て縺れて欠片となり、次章の"Sonitum Explicandis Tardius"を最後にリズムパターンさえも崩れ始める。音の旋回軌道は恰も錐揉みとなり、何処までも滑り墮ちて、「人の夢」を遥かに行き過ぎ、遠く離れた霞の彼方へと消える。

bt / "If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I"

2012-07-15 21:59:02 | music12

□ bt / "If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>The Gathering Darkness

Release Date; 19/06/2012
Label; Laptop Symphony
Cat. No.; None
Format: CD-R, Digitally

>> http://www.btmusic.com/

>> tracklisting.

01. 13 Angels on My Broken Windowsill
02. Go(d)t
03. Hymn [808]
04. Seven-Hundred-Thirty-Nine
05. Hikari
06. Our Dark Garden
07. The Gathering Darkness

“A virtuoso sound artist and a creator a new form of digital art”, BT’s #ITSAESAYAI weaves a intricate tapestry of soaring melodic figures cloaked in bleeding edge synthesis and signal processing techniques. A rapturously beautiful, electronic symphony.

私の夢も あなたの笑顔の輝きも

btによる、エレクトロニカ・コンセプトアルバム。2007年の"This Binary Universe"のFollow Up作品とされる内容で、IDM/シューゲイザーの流れを汲みながら、glitch musicなどの多彩な起伏を織り込んで展開する、一遍の叙情詩を奏でている。

その物語は明かされていないが、"This Binary Universe"で、抽象的な映像とともに呈示された『音楽の可視性』というものを非常に高度な概念で示すものである。


>> lens,align.:: BT / "This Binary Universe" (改訂版)

Andy Moor / "Zero Point One"

2012-07-08 17:03:43 | music12

□ Andy Moor / "Zero Point One"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Atmospherica
Elysian Fields
Time Will Tell

Release Date; July.6 2012
Label; Armada / AVA Recordings
Cat.No.; Arma332
Format: CD, Digitally

>> http://www.andymoor.com/

>> tracklisting.

01. Atmospherica
02. November Morning
03. Please Forgive Me  (feat. Nicole McKenna)
04. Undeserved  (feat. Meredith Call)
05. Ordinary People  (& Daniel Paul Davis)
06. World to Turn  (with Ashley Wallbridge feat. Gabriela)
07. Love Again  (with Betsie Larkin)
08. Elysian Fields  (feat. Carrie Skipper)
09. Trespass  (feat. Sue McLaren)
10. Leave Your World Behind  (feat. Hysteria!)
11. In Your Arms  (feat. Jessica Sweetman)
12. Orbithing  (with Orkidea)
13. Tora’s Angel  (feat. Carrie Skipper)
14. Story of my Life  (feat. Carrie Skipper)
15. Don’t Sound the Alarm  (feat. Jeza)
16. K Ta
17. Time will Tell  (feat. Stine Grove)
18. Turning me on  (feat. Slimmie)

□ Andy Moor - Zero Point One Album Teaser

Andy Moor brings you 18 originals, travelling from the depths of ambient to the thick bass of progressive, melodic trance, rocking break beat and songs well beyond the sound of fusion. Timeless productions that were well worth the wait.

Zero Point One is packed with 18 thought-provoking, original tracks and each one offers a unique glimpse into the creative process of a self-proclaimed perfectionist. From deep, mysterious ambient to melodic trance and vocal melodies, across the spectrum to rocking break beats and the thick bass of progressive.

2000年代のProgressive Tranceシーンで、常に最先端であり、音楽的才能に裏打ちされた10年間のキャリアを積み重ね続けた影の牽引者、Andy Moorの初となるArtist Album。

収録18曲の全てが新曲となる"Zero Point One"は、その名の示す通り、原点の"0"であり、始まりの"1"である。そしてスマッシュ・ヒットとなった"Year Zero"を想起させるタイトルでもある。Andyは、この"0.1"を、『0より遥かに巨大で、そして余りにも小さい数字』という理由で好むのだと言う。

ヴォーカル・トランスの様式は保っているものの、音の細部がスタッターとパッドで造り込まれた、近未来的で重厚なアトモスフェリック・トランスであり、Ambient、Chill Outから、Old School Tranceまでを凝縮した構成は
聴き応えがあり、かつてのVincent de Moorのアルバム、『未来世紀ムーア』を彷彿とさせる、一遍のSF映像詩を目にしたようなカタルシスを味わえる。

Andy Moorの経歴に惨然と輝くグラミーノミネートの功績は、奇しくもアルメニアの聖歌をアレンジしたDelerium "Angelicus"のRemixであった。"Zero Point One"においても、Deleriumの曲想を受け継ぐ民族風トラックが2つ存在し、特に"Elysian Fields"では、中世史劇を彷彿とさせるDead Can Dance風のボーカルをSF的な音響ストラクチャに展開し、アルバムのストーリー性を一層際立たせている。

これらの曲におけるCarrie Skipperのヴォーカル・パフォーマンスは実に素晴らしく、エンヤを思わせる神秘的なアンビエント曲、"Tora's Angel"から、ベースラインが歌うように跳ねる"Story of my Life"の映画的な遷移は胸のすくような演出だ。

イントロ・トラックである"atmospherica"は、この幻想機械の起動音と捉えるのに相応しい、静謐で、しかし爽快な高揚感を讃えた美麗なシーケンスを提供している。Andy Moorのトレードマークである、暗号的なヴォーカルコラージュが登場する"November Morning"から"Ordinary People"へのベースラインの受け渡しも印象的だ。

上2曲と、アルバムハイライトである"Time Will Tell"にも通奏的なテーマとなっているが、リズム・コンストランション中の三拍フラットに乗せたベースを境界線に、高音、そして沈降するパルスが呼び交すように鳴り響く構成は、"Zero Point One"を特徴付けるカラーと言えるかもしれない。

また、JPLなどに代表される2000年代中後期の北欧トランスに見られた、光沢のあるウワモノで奏でられるオリエンタル・テイストの旋律も"Time WIll Tell"に至って顕著だが、意外にも、このように"Year Zero"路線を踏襲した楽曲は意外と少なく、Orkideaと共作した"Orbithing"で、そのブギーでレトロなエスプリな薫わせる程度だ。この曲も、2000年代半ばのLuke Chableなどを思い出せるベースの連なりとビートの同期が何処か懐かしい。

"Turning me On"や"Love Again"、"Leave your World Behind"など、適度にアラインメントされたVocal Chilloutも、壮大な未来風のヴィジュアルを喚起させるサウンドスケープで、アルバムの静と動を引き立てる一翼を担っている。


Tranceの指向する音楽性が、恍惚や高揚の先に超越という未来の視点を捉えているのなら、Andy Moorの構築するシネマティックな音響は正にうってつけだ。

火照りを湛えた真夏の夜のひとときの幻想に、星々の吹かす悠久の涼風に酔いたいのなら、この座標"0.1 (Zero Point One)"の刻む地平面に立ってみるのもいい。


2012-07-07 13:17:03 | Science News

□ RNASTAR: An RNA STructural Alignment Repository that provides insight into the evolution of natural and artificial RNAs

>> http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/18/7/1319.full

RNA構造アライメント・リポジトリ: 単結晶またはNMR構造にバックアップされた、9600のユニーク解析を手動で配列したキュレーション。自動化アライメントの改善に応用。


In silico method for modelling metabolism and gene product expression at genome scale : Nature Communications http://bit.ly/NasH3w
in silico comparative transcriptomics, the model allows the discovery of new regulons and improving the genome and transcription unit annotations. Our method presents a framework for investigating molecular biology and cellular physiology in silico and may allow quantitative interpretation of multi-omics data sets in the context of an integrated biochemical description of an organism.


□ Technical and biological variance structure in mRNA-Seq data: life in the real world

>> http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2164-13-304.pdf

In mRNA-Seq data from 25 subjects, we found technical variation to generally follow a Poisson distribution as has been reported previously and biological variability was over- dispersed relative to the Poisson model. The mean-variance relationship across all genes was quadratic, in keeping with a Negative Binomial (NB) distribution.

Over-dispersed Poisson and NB distributional assumptions demonstrated marked improvements in goodness-of-fit (GOF) over the standard Poisson model assumptions, but with evidence of over-fitting in some genes. Modeling of experimental effects improved GOF for high variance genes but increased the over-fitting problem.

mRNAの配列データと生物学的分散構造: 過分散ポアソン、NB分布からカウントデータを改善。生体信号とデータの意味

Mind the gap. New algorithms correct DNA sequencing errors, reducing gaps. http://bit.ly/ObEBi8 #genomics #bioinformatics

Correction algorithms extend the reach of genome sequencing:
‘Second-generation sequencers’ read genomes in pieces of 100?700 base pairs long, but those pieces are hard to stitch together in the correct order. ‘Third-generation’, or single-molecule sequencers such as the PacBio RS, made by Pacific Biosciences, produce reads as long as 23,000 bases, but make more errors than typical genome-analysis software can tolerate.

Reserchers used short reads from second-generation Illumina or Roche 454 machines to correct errors in long single-molecule reads from the PacBio RS. They tested their correction algorithm on the genomes of Escherichia coli and yeast, as well as the collection of messenger RNA, or transcriptome, of maize, and found they could improve accuracy, from roughly 83% to as high as 99.9%. They also applied this hybrid correction strategy to a previously unsequenced genome of a parrot (Melopsittacus undulates).

補正アルゴリズムを用い、2nd - 3rd-generation シーケンサーを併用して解析

□ The Return of Finished Genomes: Hybrid Sequencing Strategy Boosts Pacific Biosciences Accuracy, Assembly http://www.bio-itworld.com/news/07/02/12/Return-finished-genomes-hybrid-sequencing-boosts-PacBio-accuracy-assembly.html

PacBio ALLORA assemblerか。日本語ブログでいち早く紹介してるのがショートリードの憂鬱の方か。http://pacbiobrothers.blogspot.jp/ ALLORAが外部持って行けるなら、sangerで組んだミドルサイズcontigと合わせる技に応用できるかも

□ A systematic comparison and evaluation of high density exon arrays and RNA-seq technology used to unravel the peripheral blood transcriptome of sickle cell disease. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22747986
Affymetrix Exonアレイとイルミナシーケンサの体系的比較と使い分け


How error-corrected 3rd-gen #sequencing gave unprecedented glimpse of speech-gene homologs in parrot: http://bit.ly/NCNxZh #biotechnology

シーケンサーの進歩の影響度合い:データの質>データ解析の技術>データ解釈する技術>サンプル作る技術 左の方について行けないなら(中米に置いて行かれるなら)右の方で勝負すれば良い。ひとつ心配なのが実験デザインはどこにくるんだろうってところ。


□ Quantifying and Analyzing the Network Basis of Genetic Complexity:
>> http://t.co/bEjRJeNF

The definition equates genetic complexity with a surplus of genotypic diversity over phenotypic diversity. Applying this definition to ensembles of Boolean network models, we found that the in-degree distribution and the number of periodic attractors produced determine the relative complexity of different topology classes.

The rigorous definition of genetic complexity is a tool for unraveling the structure and properties of genotype-to-phenotype maps by enabling the quantitative comparison of the relative complexities of different genetic systems.


"Conserved topological motifs impart similar properties in different biological systems” 遺伝子ネットワークのトポロジーは生物学的システムに類似する。 この視点に目からウロコ。

□ Linux Kernel Development Visualization (git commit history - past 6 weeks - june 02 2012)

>> http://code.google.com/p/gource/

□ Transcriptional interference networks coordinate the expression of functionally related genes clustered in the same genomic loci

>> http://www.frontiersin.org/Non-Coding_RNA/10.3389/fgene.2012.00122/full

The TIN represents an auto-regulatory system with an exquisitely timed and highly synchronized cascade of gene expression in functionally linked genes located in close physical proximity to each other. In this study, we focused on herpesviruses. The reason for this lies in the compressed nature of viral genes, which allows a tight regulation and an easier investigation of the transcriptional interactions between genes.

『Transcriptional interference networks (転写干渉ネットワーク): The TIN hypothesis: TIN仮説は、 Antisense RNAやウィルス、哺乳動物細胞に至まで、あらゆる生物学的ゲノムにおけるタンデム遺伝子群の発現を説明する試みで提唱された』



□ Modeling Boundary Vector Cell Firing Given Optic Flow as a Cue:

>> http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1002553

The modeling work presented here investigates the role of optic flow, the apparent change of patterns of light on the retina, as input for boundary vector cell firing. Analytical spherical flow is used by a template model to segment walls from the ground, to estimate self-motion and the distance and allocentric direction of walls, and to detect drop-offs.

Distance estimates of walls in an empty circular or rectangular box have a mean error of less than or equal to two centimeters. Integrating these estimates into a visually driven boundary vector cell model leads to the firing patterns characteristic for boundary vector cells. This suggests that optic flow can influence the firing of boundary vector cells.



□ Sagace: Search for Biomedical Data & Resources in Japan: Informative search results with metadata (taxonomyID, DB name) http://sagace.nibio.go.jp/en/index.html

□ Rational design of smart supramolecular assemblies for gene delivery: chemical challenges in the creation of artificial viruses http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2012/CS/c1cs15258k
Polymeric materials have been extensively developed as a delivery vehicle for nucleic acids over the past two decades. Many previous studies have demonstrated that synthetic delivery vehicles can be highly functionalized by chemical approaches to overcome biological barriers in nucleic acid delivery, similar to viruses.

Based on our current knowledge, this tutorial review describes rational strategies in the design of polymeric materials to achieve construction of the versatile vehicles, that is “artificial viruses”, for successful gene therapy, especially focusing on the chemical structures with the minimal adverse effects.

□ Mount Sinai Team Reports Data Showing Most miRNAs Have Low Suppressive Activity

>> http://t.co/cMCcGdxb

bitseq - Bayesian Inference of Transcripts from Sequencing Data for RNA-seq http://code.google.com/p/bitseq/wiki/BitSeq #bioinformatics


□ Lists of Genomics Software/Service Providers:
世界のゲノム、Bioinformatics関連企業、プロバイダ 一覧。実績企業をまとめてるので、これから市場調査したい人には便利かも。 http://grouthbio.com/Genome_Software_Service.php


□ Computational Methods for de novo Assembly of Next-Generation Genome Sequencing Data

>> http://perso.eleves.bretagne.ens-cachan.fr/%7Echikhi/RChikhi-Thesis-Slides.pdf

Definition of the assembly problem Contributions
Contribution 1 : localized assembly Index
Contribution 2 : incorporation of pairing information Monument assembler
Contribution 3 : ultra-low memory assembly Minia

次世代シーケシングにおけるアセンブリの問題を、大きく三つに定義。ブルームフィルタに基づくde BrujinのMinia法が凄い。


□ Minia: Space-efficient & exact de Bruijn graph representation based on a Bloom filter:
 ヒトゲノムNA18507のリードに対し23時間5.7 GBで読み込み

>> http://minia.genouest.org/minia.pdf

□ Drug & Diagnostic Development 2012:

□ Next-Gen Sequencing Applications & Translational Technologies Aug6-8, 2012, SF, CA

>> http://www.ibclifesciences.com/Sequencing/overview.xml
>> http://www.gii.co.jp/conference/ibu223128-2012/sequencing.shtml

・NGS to make therapeutic decisions
・Clinical applications in oncology
・Discovery and clinical trial applications
・Third-generation sequencing
・NGS applied for clinical diagnostics
・Technologies to reveal disease biology
・NGS in carrier screening and prenatal Dx
・CTCs, non-coding RNAs, single cell systems

Agilent Names IMAXIO as Certified Provider of Target Enrichment Services for Next-Gen Sequencing - http://bit.ly/P32lX9

□ Molecular Identification of Commercialized Medicinal Plants in Southern Morocco: モロッコの薬用植物インベントリにDNAバーコーディングを実施。漢方薬に続き。 http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0039459

□ MuSiC: Identifying mutational significance in cancer genomes: 癌ゲノムの包括的変異パイプライン。大規模コホートにおけるシーケンスベースの入力を標準化し、真に重要な事象を分離する http://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2012/07/02/gr.134635.111.abstract
Mutational Significance in Cancer (MuSiC)
comprehensive mutational analysis pipeline that uses standardized sequence-based inputs along with multiple types of clinical data to establish correlations among mutation sites, affected genes and pathways, and to ultimately separate the commonly abundant passenger mutations from the truly significant events.

Chimeras taking shape: Potential functions of proteins encoded by chimeric #RNA transcripts [RESEARCH]:... http://bit.ly/MNOGyC

Comparative dynamic transcriptome analysis (cDTA) reveals mutual feedback between #mRNA synthesis and... http://bit.ly/MNOEqh


□ Programmable single-cell mammalian biocomputers

>> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature11149.html
Rational interconnection of these synthetic switches resulted in increasingly complex designer networks that execute input-triggered genetic instructions with precision, robustness and computational logic reminiscent of electronic circuits2, 3. Using trigger-controlled…

プログラマブルな哺乳類由来の単一細胞を用いた生命計算回路: 生物のプログラム細胞と遺伝的相互作用を用いて、高精度かつ堅牢な計算ロジックを構築 。

・Supplementary Information
>> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/extref/nature11149-s1.pdf

□ CPSS: a computational platform for the analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data: http://mcg.ustc.edu.cn/db/cpss/index.html

□ Architecture of the RNA polymerase II preinitiation complex and mechanism of ATP-dependent promoter opening http://www.nature.com/nsmb/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nsmb.2334.html

□ Use of next-generation sequencing and other whole-genome strategies to dissect neurological disease

>> http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v13/n7/full/nrn3271.html

□ RIP-chip-SRM?a new combinatorial large-scale approach identifies a set of translationally regulated bantam/miR-58 http://genome.cshlp.org/content/22/7/1360.full?rss=1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

□ Triplexator: Detecting nucleic acid triple helices in genomic & transcriptomic data: ゲノム・トランスクリプトームデータからの三重鎖構造検出フレームワーク http://genome.cshlp.org/content/22/7/1372.abstract
Triplexator, the first computational framework that integrates all aspects of triplex formation, and showcase its potential by discussing research examples for which the different aspects of triplex formation are important.


□ NGS & RNA-Seq Form Dynamic Duo

>> http://t.co/CsVriDgt

A multilayer and integrative analysis of the whole transcriptome in gastric cancer: Tumor and noncancerous samples were first subjected to two complementary sequencing protocols that target the RNA fragments from 50?150 nucleotides and 18?40 nucleotides, respectively. Then a multilayer analysis was performed to identify different types of transcriptional aberrations that were associated with gastric cancer, including differentially expressed mRNAs, key differentially expressed miRNAs, and recurrent somatic mutation candidates. Finally, the integrative analysis suggests AMPKa2 as a potential functional target in Asian gastric cancer.

If these sensible standards were applied universally, bulk of cell biology papers would evaporate: http://labstats.net/articles/cell_culture_n.html

(Multi-dimensional phenotyping)

□ Screens, maps & networks: from genome sequences to personalized medicine.

>> http://t.co/bDFhbjpI

Recently, information about the genetic makeup of cancer cells has been combined with novel functional genomics approaches to identify novel targets, exploit synthetic lethality and explore the rewiring of cellular pathways. Here, we highlight recent developments revealing the hidden landscape of genetic interactions in model organisms and cancer cells, a key step toward personalized cancer diagnostics and therapy.

GenoCon2 Challenge B: design a DNA sequence conferring to the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana functionality... http://fb.me/1DQOk58i4

□ Dynamic kinetic energy potential for orbital-free density functional theory

>> http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v134/i14/p144101_s1

A dynamic kinetic energy potential (DKEP) is developed for time-dependent orbital-free (TDOF) density function theory applications.

The DKEP potential should be a powerful tool for embedding a dynamical system described by a more accurate method (such as time-dependent density functional theory, TDDFT) in a large background described by TDOF with a DKEP potential.

□ New Stanford method enables sequencing of fetal genomes using only maternal blood sample: 母体の血液サンプルから胎児のゲノム・シーケシングを可能に http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/sumc-nsm070212.php

□ Ultrafast genome-wide scan for SNP-SNP interactions in common complex disease http://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2012/07/05/gr.137885.112.abstract

□ MCM8- and MCM9-Deficient Mice Reveal Gametogenesis Defects and Genome Instability Due to Impaired Homologous Recombination http://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/abstract/S1097-2765(12)00494-7

□ Study Design Calculator for RNA-Seq: RNA-Seq effect size as the ratio of fold change to sample variance, estimate power http://voila.prognosysbio.com/static/VoilaStudyDesignPower.pdf

A COMPLETE GENOME IN TIME displays the entire human haploid genome sequence in the dimension of time. http://ow.ly/bXAGM

Recent study shows DNA methylation linked to memory loss http://bit.ly/M888Hc

□ Oxford Index: A free discovery service, across Oxford's digital academic content:

>> http://oxfordindex.oup.com/


Data from our recent survey "The future of UK's digital infrastructure" now available on @figshare. Help me sift. http://shar.es/sLtBm #ELC

Joe Incandela/CMS presents group's combined data for mass of new particle at end of talk: 125.3+/- 0.6 GeV at 4.9 standard deviations.
combined significance of ZZ and gamma gamma is 5 sigma.

Tevatron #Higgs results. http://www.fnal.gov/pub/today/archive_2012/today12-07-02.html

Tevatron results indicate that the Higgs, if it exists, has a mass between 115 and 135 GeV/c2, or about 130 times the mass of the proton.
Tevatron saw Higgs signal in the combined CDF and DZero data in the bottom-quark decay mode with a statistical significance of 2.9 sigma.

Higgs Boson包囲網が完成しつつある模様。フェルミのTevatronでも2.9sigmaでシグナル検出とのこと。ってゆーか、以前からHiggsが想定より軽い場合は、LHCよりTevatronが捕捉に向いてるのではないかって声があったよね。

Kind of crossing the streams here at #lnlm12 - hearing about structural genomics and simultaneously following the Higgs tweets :)





□ ふと思ったのだけど、地域毎の癌死亡率と癌罹患率を評価する場合、癌と診断されてからのステージ別の統計と経過時間までを併せたデータって取られてるのかな?


Here's the long awaited map of military men in civilian jobs .. http://el3askarmap.kazeboon.com/index.php @gottschau

Music Updates. Jul.2

2012-07-06 16:17:39 | art music

□ Andy Moor / "Zero Point One"

>> http://www.andymoor.com/

Andy Moor brings you 18 originals, travelling from the depths of ambient to the thick bass of progressive, melodic trance, rocking break beat and songs well beyond the sound of fusion. The album features collaborations with talented producers and vocalists such as Meredith Call, Carrie Skipper, Sue McLaren, Betsie Larkin, Ashley Wallbridge and Orkidea. Timeless productions that were well worth the wait.

Andy Moorのデビューアルバム!近未来的で重厚なアトモスフェリック・トランス。音の細部がスタッターとパッドで造り込まれてる。Year Zero未収録が残念。心して聴くべき。


<iframe width="350" height="54" frameborder="0" src="http://www.wqxr.org/widgets/ondemand_player/#file=%2Faudio%2Fxspf%2F215926%2F;containerClass=wqxr"></iframe>

□ Jóhann Jóhannsson: Mixtapes Radio Playlist

>> http://www.wqxr.org/#!/programs/mixtapes/2012/jun/13/

"I selected music that has inspired me in the past, by composers that are still, in many cases, an inspiration to me. Sometimes it's just as much about their approach to art, life and music. I like composers that are uncompromising but are not afraid of making a visceral connection with the listener." -Jóhann Jóhannsson

ヨハン・ヨハンソンが、NYのクラシックFM局WQXRに選曲。マーラーやメシアン、シュトックハウゼンはともかく、ミハーイからコーツの流れw 全曲聴けます

Gustav Mahler: Kindertotenlieder
Olivier Messiaen: Le Banquet Celeste
Mihály Víg: Poland (Almanac Of Fall)
Gloria Coates: Symphony No. 7 "To those who brought down the wall...": Corridors Of Time
Morton Feldman: Three Voices - For Joan La Barbara
Baby Dee: Small Wonder
Georges Delerue: Camille (From le Mépris)
James Tenney: For Ann (rising) (excerpt)
Witold Lutosławski: Funeral Music: Prologue
Terry Riley: Persian Surgery Derviches: May 24 1972, Paris part 1 (excerpt)
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Stimmung (performed by Paul Hillier & Theatre of Voices)


□ bt / "Morceau Subrosa" / "If the Stars Are Eternal So Are You and I"

>> http://www.btmusic.com/

□ BT - "Nicht Musik [Verklärung] No.2 in D major" taken from "Morceau Subrosa"

"A Topological Abstract Music"

btのAmbient新作の2枚、特に"Morceau Subrosa"はジャケットアートとレーベルプリントが余りにも綺麗で、フィジカルの方を購入してしまった。音楽とアートセンスが合致した美術的価値がある。

"If the Stars~"は、タイトルからしてHammock・シューゲイザー路線を踏襲している気がする。星空を眺めるようなサウンド 。


□ Chicane & Ferry Corsten - One Thousand Suns


□ SPYTHRILLER - Aftermath [007 Mashup]

>> http://www.spythrillermusic.com/tracks/

Caroline LavelleとSleepthiefの変名ユニット、SpythrillerのMash Up Video。

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F51260563&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=515151" frameborder="0" ></iframe>

□ Hybrid / "enjoy the silence"

□ Hybrid / "Classics" July.30 Release.

>> http://www.hybridsoundsystem.com/

こちらはDepeche Modeの曲。

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F49556873&show_artwork=true"></iframe>

□ Andain / "Turn Up The Sound (Xtigma Remix)"

>> http://beatsmedia.com/reviews/reviewed-andain-turn-up-the-sound-remix-package/ (REMIX PACKAGE)



□ Marc-Antoine Charpentier "Leçons de Ténèbres"
 Stephan MacLeod, Arte dei Suonatori - Alexis Kossenko

>> http://www.outhere-music.com/store-Alpha_185

シャルパンティエの『テネブレの読誦』新録音源がAlphaから。シンフォニー ト短調 (Symphonie en G Minor à 3 flutes ou 3 violons, H. 529)が味わい深い。『執筆する聖ヒエロニムス』でESP思い出すクラスタ。


2012-07-02 19:49:37 | music12
(iPhone Camera; iPhoto.)

□ illitheas feat. Tiff Lacey

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Little Heart (Club Mix)

□ Chicane feat. Vigri

Sólarupprás (Disco Citizen's Remix)


□ Little Heart

Its a test of mind to you
All the sleeve I need to proof
Then its time to walk away
So im back on you again
Its always a past
Now I broke your heart
Smiling through the pain
When I broke your little heart again

When I see you, I've lost of your forgiveness
Until I'll see, little mind is witness

I was lost of your forgiveness
But to new it was be with us
So I reach my gloss to you
Touch the gloss you're faces behind
Ever realize how could, and leaving you all these time
You waiting for a sign, I was coming back for you
We are in the edge to start again
I have a little heart into

When I see you, I've lost of your forgiveness
Until I'll see, little mind is witness

I was lost of your forgiveness
But to new it was be with us

もう一度 あなたに背を向けて
また壊してしまったのね あなたの小さな心を

あなたに会うたび 許してくれない気がするの
今度会うまでは この小さな気持ち 抱えているわ

でも新しい何かが いつからか一緒にいたのよ
この輝き あなたまで届くかしら
ほら眩さに触れて 振り向けばそこに
何もかも やっと分かったの 
いつだって あなたを残して行った訳も
こうして戻って来れた あなたの元に
この中に 小さな心臓を宿して

あなたに会うたび 許してくれない気がするの
今度会うまでは この小さな気持ち 抱えているわ


2012-07-02 10:24:01 | Science
□ 『種の保存』は必ずしも『個体の生存』に先行しない。種とは、群様のパターンを記憶しつつ慣性的に進行するエネルギーの一次的時空間構造それ自体であり、ライフゲームが生命を模しているのではなく、逆に生命がライフゲームを擬えているのだ。実は種の保存は個体を担保しない。それは見かけだけなのだ


□ 生命事象における意識の「機械論と決定論」というダブルスタンダードを取る場合、「思考する主体」の知能が、ライフゲームの蓋然性に依って定義されるのだとしたら、意思決定が自動化されたインタラクションであっても、介在する機構の背中である主観は「私が考えている」としか認識出来ないであろう

□ 生命活動の秩序立ったように見える群様は、一種の干渉縞(モアレ)に擬えられるのかも。任意の適応度地形において、相互作用因子を規定する「場のオーダー」を要素ごとに還元したフィルターを限りなく重ねていくことで、その定量的な干渉からライフゲームのような見かけ上の動態が炙り出されるとか

□ 手段-過程-結果を二元的に語ること自体バカバカしいのだけど、結果はエントロピーの過渡状態であり、手段はより汎用性を求められる。結果よりも過程を先ずるのは正しい。手段が波及させる因果と、結果の影響力の総体に相関があるとは限らないからだ。


□ 法人格を人格的糾弾する行為って、大抵がお寒い人情劇だったりする上に、それで満足して問題の本質をゴッソリ見落とすことが多い。だけど、システマの問題を単人格の標的にすり替えるのは、人間の原始的な欲求なのかもしれない。

□ どんな物語にも、どの映像や音楽にも、構成に先立つ言葉が在る。語られる表象であり、語らざる言語である。物語は表現を超越しないし、表現は真実と相容れない。しかし互いの言葉は行間から切り出されている。即ち沈黙だけが虚実双べて抱くことが出来る。発語の瞬間に、世界はどちらかに滑るのだ。