lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2011-07-31 06:09:23 | 写真
(iPhone Camera)

何も話せない 歌えない 笑えない
思い出せない この闇の中で

□ tunes of the day

□ illitheas feat. Tiff Lacey

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Little Heart (Chillout Mix)

□ Falcon

TImes Goes On (Lost Connection Remix)

ISMB/ECCB Conference VIENNA 2011.

2011-07-23 09:08:40 | music11

□ The ISMB/ECCB 2011 conference.

>> http://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2011
>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/13

The annual international conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) is the major meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). Over the past eighteen years the ISMB conference has grown to become the world’s largest bioinformatics/computational biology conference, and ISMB/ECCB 2011 will be the year’s most important computational biology event globally.

□ VIZBI 2011: NIH conference on visualizing biological data

>> http://vimeo.com/album/1640748

As biological data grows rapidly in volume and complexity, biologists rely increasingly on computational visualization to gain insight from data. The VIZBI 2011 conference brought together researchers developing and using computational tools to visualize data from genomes, transcripts, proteins, cells, organisms, and populations. VIZBI 2011 was held March 16-18 at the Broad Institute, Cambridge MA, USA.

□ tweet storage.

□ □ pjacock:
Near complete #bosc2011 tweet archive: twapperkeeper.com/hashtag/bosc20… (thanks @adamhuffman) #bioinformatics #opensource conference (BOSC) pre #ISMB SIG

Kihara, Juan Rodriguez, Meghana Chitale will head to ISMB at Vienna http://bit.ly/g51K5l tomorrow. Attend 3D-SIG, AFP/CAFA, main conf. #ismb

Read Genome Biology's take on ISMB 2011 on the BMC blog bit.ly/qfPuYR #genomics #ISMB
Two initiatives to promote data sharing held workshops at the conference: BioSharing and ELIXIR. At the BioSharing workshop, which discussed the bioDBcore database cataloging project, Genome Biology appeared on the panel as a voice of open access publishing and representative of BioMed Central. In addition to Genome Biology, BioMed Central had several other journals represented at the ISMB, including a strong presence from BMC Bioinformatics and GigaScience.

bioontology: NCBO
NCBO Web Services and Development of Semantic Applications, bit.ly/nALNgS #ismb

New post in GigaBlog: GigaScience on the road... blogs.openaccesscentral.com/blogs/gigablog/ #ISMB
Despite the advantages of using the enormous user base, the drawback of using a wikipedia based system is the lack of semantic representation. Using semantic media wiki to combine this externally may solve some of this issue, and Ben Good followed this talk showing how genes can be linked to diseases by making a wiki mashup of SNPedia with Gene Wiki.

_lrr_: Luis M Rodriguez-R
WikiProject on Computational Biology http://bit.ly/oaXg4K #ismb #eccb11
WikiProject Computational Biology is aimed at improving and organising articles on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Systems Biology and related topics.

YabiProject: A more complex workflow in Yabi that demonstrates running tasks in parallel.
Almost time for our #ISMB tech talk. New movie of Yabi using @emblebi web services youtu.be/zLCNAqn8nFE?hd…

F1000: I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
Sciencenet -- a multidimensional search engine http://bit.ly/nS6xTd
There is a prototype at http://sciencenet.kit.edu/. I’ve had a little play, and think I’m going to put the emphasis on prototype. I ran a search on a protein close to my heart and found the results not quite as useful as if I’d gone directly to some of the more familiar databases. Perhaps Sciencenet will improve with time?I certainly hope so?or maybe we should think about a filtering mechanism on top of this search engine (hey, now that sounds familiar).


Biology Open is now accepting papers! Be one of the the 1st to submit! http://open.biologists.com/ http://fb.me/159sI1Muh
Biology Open is an online-only Open Access journal that publishes original research across all aspects of biological science, including cell science, developmental biology and experimental biology. Biology Open aims to provide rapid peer-reviewed publication for good-quality scientifically sound observations in these allied fields.

#dlab Check out our PLOS One paper on semantic interoperability using relation expansion: plosone.org/article/info%3…
Interoperability between Biomedical Ontologies through Relation Expansion, Upper-Level Ontologies and Automatic Reasoning.
We describe a method to improve automated reasoning over biomedical ontologies and identify several thousand contradictory class definitions. Our approach aligns terms in biomedical ontologies with foundational classes in a top-level ontology and formalizes composite relations as class expressions.

Reading: ‘The Power of Open’ launched by Creative Commons http://ow.ly/5BaOb #oa #open access

LaserGen, National Instruments to Collaborate on Next-gen Sequencing System: The firms aim to have a system deve... http://bit.ly/piarUN

‘Beyond the Tree of Life’: a new thematic series from #BiologyDirect http://ow.ly/5DbpX #biology #evolution
The Tree of Life is a powerfully attractive representation of an evolutionary process and pattern that has been severely challenged by the discovery of extensive horizontal gene transfer in bacteria, archaea and other organisms.

□ DailyNewsGW: GenomeWeb News
Coriell Using IBM for Biosample Management: read more http://bit.ly/nuhmVW


ReaderMeter: Dario Taraborelli
Wikimedia joining forces with open science: bit.ly/nV03IT #OA #opendata //cc: @PLoS @sciencecommons

An integrated semiconductor device enabling non-optical genome sequencing http://nature.asia/qLHZgW

NatureJapan: 新たなるバイオ医薬品開発 - 最前線レポート


celldna: Cell DNA
New Virus Jumps From Monkeys to Lab Worker - Study shows for the first time that an adenovirus can cross the species... http://ow.ly/1dPdDw

Very interesting Harvard/MIT study turns the entire genome of a bacterium into an “editable and evolvable template": bit.ly/n3KVSc

FDA won’t regulate these apps, for now mobihealthnews.com/11978/fda-wont… but will regulate these mobihealthnews.com/11980/types-of… via mobihealthnews

rnomics: Fabrice Leclerc
Immunovirological and Biochemical Changes in Nigerian Patients with Hepatitis B Coinfection on... http://bit.ly/puzAgV #WWS

DivaBiotech: Ruby Gadelrab
Africans are seriously underrepresented in GWAS! Genome Revolution Is Skipping Non-Whites | Wired Science | Wired.com bit.ly/rqxJlv

□ DivaBiotec:
Spotlight on Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana - Africa's vast new tech opportunity (Wired UK): bit.ly/os2YLv

World’s first “home grown” African first-aid guidelines: http://bit.ly/qO8pa9
Evidence-Based African First Aid Guidelines and Training Materials
In sub-Saharan Africa, much disease and injury can be addressed by emergency care. First aid training has been promoted as an inexpensive way to save lives. However, first aid training in sub-Saharan Africa is often based on handbooks prepared outside of the continent that are not adapted to the African context.

We formulated evidence-based guidelines that comprehensively address how basic first responders should be trained to manage emergency situations in an African context. The guidelines focussed on first aid interventions requiring minimal or no equipment.

New openaccess publication for disaster management research calls for papers bit.ly/qjXoWG @PLoS Currents: Disasters

New research in #JCheminf 'PubChem3D: Biologically relevant 3-D similarity' http://goo.gl/SRwrW

MissouriCures: MissouriCures.org
#Stemcell treatment may improve functional learning and memory loss in #braincancer patients http://bit.ly/nra8lU #stemcells #cancer


Chaotic Behavior in the Xenopus laevis Embryo ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3…
Does the Potential for Chaos Constrain the Embryonic Cell-Cycle Oscillator?
By extending a cell-cycle model previously developed for embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis to include the spatial dimensions of the embryo, we establish a novel role for the rapid, fertilization-initiated calcium wave that triggers cell-cycle oscillations.

Specifically, in our simulations a fast calcium wave results in synchronized cell cycles, while a slow wave results in full-blown spatio-temporal chaos. We show that such chaos would ultimately lead to an unpredictable patchwork of cell divisions across the embryo. Given this potential for chaos, our results indicate a novel design principle whereby the fast calcium-wave trigger following embryo fertilization synchronizes cell divisions.

□ Cascading dynamics in complex quantum networks

>> http://chaos.aip.org/resource/1/chaoeh/v21/i2/p025107_s1

量子情報の長距離移送: 外部摂動下ネットワークのカスケードダイナミクスにおける光子損失の最小化
Recently, small-scale quantum communication has been realized by transporting entangled photons, rendering potentially feasible quantum networks on large scales. We propose a class of quantum networks comprising quantum repeaters for long-distance information transport and local networks of fibers and switches.

As the transmitting capability is limited by the node bandwidth, photon loss can occur through the dynamical process of cascading when the network is under external perturbations. We obtain results that can be used to guide quantum network design to minimize the photon loss.

Asymptotic evolution of quantum walks with random coin http://ow.ly/5ElGH #AIP_JMP

【生物学・植物】Plant Ecologyから無料アクセス論文:植物種が豊富なことが林分構造と生産性に与える影響について http://oxford.ly/q9Getw #plants
Effects of plant species richness on stand structure and productivity.

□ OxfordJNLsJapan:
【ライフサイエンス】魚類と哺乳類の噛み方の違いは顎と舌骨の形の違いhttp://bit.ly/jtfqrG 原著論文はこちらから http://oxford.ly/jVpFGH #fish #animals #mammals
Evolution of Muscle Activity Patterns Driving Motions of the Jaw and Hyoid during Chewing in Gnathostomes

Michael Bonner and Klaus-Peter Speidel debunk the myth that solutions are the only benefit of open... http://fb.me/DDPyOQEU
Sometimes the Solution is not the Solution.
If companies only focus on the solution, if they construe this as the only valuable thing that can come from Open Problem-Solving or Open Innovation, they will be disappointed if this solution does not come. Similarly, if a solution is found but discarded, the company will seem to have wasted its time and money. It is better to think of Open Innovation as a process of development or maturation within R&D: a fundamental cultural shift in a company’s approach to thinking about problems.


Björk: Biophilia: multimedia exploration of music, nature and technology, for iOS http://bit.ly/q3Pbfo
Biophilia is an extraordinary and innovative multimedia exploration of music, nature and technology by the musician Björk. Comprising a suite of original music and interactive, educational artworks and musical artifacts, Biophilia is released as ten in-app experiences that are accessed as you fly through a three-dimensional galaxy

ソフトウェアと違い、データは一般的にはファクトなので知的財産ではない。ただし、キュレートされたデータの集合は知的財産となる場合がある(ドイツではそうらしい)。これを明確に回避するには、CC0 ( http://bit.ly/qncham )を選ぶ必要がある。 #BOSC2011

超算術的直線と交わらない 平面の 空でない \Pi^0_2 部分集合があるか。

単位円と超算術的直線の交点や接点はかならず超算術的点になるから単位円から超算術的要素をもたない \Pi^0_2 部分集合をとりだせばよいのでした。ちゃんちゃん!!



そういや「RT(2)→WKL問題」がついに解かれたという噂が流れているらしい。4年前からずっと追っかけてた問題だから感慨深い。ちなみに RT(2) とは、集合論とかの記号を使えば、 ω→(ω)^2_2 のことです。

2007年(4年前)から現在までの「RT(2)→WKL問題」の研究の流れは、ジャファロフのサイトの図表 (pdf) http://www.math.uchicago.edu/~damir/files/diag_rm_strong.pdf のカオスさが物語っているような

Hans Zimmer / "The Power of One"

2011-07-13 19:30:57 | music11

□ Hans Zimmer / "The Power of One"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Mother Africa Suite

Release Year: 1991
Label: Elektra
Cat.No.; 9 61335-2
Format: 1xCD

>> tracklisting.

01. The Rainmaker
02. Mother Africa
03. Of Death And Dying
04. Limpopo River Song (The Bulawayo Church Choir)
05. The Power Of One (Teddy Pendergrass)
06. Woza Mfana
07. Southland Concerto
08. Senzenina
09. Penny Whistle Song
10. The Funeral Song (The Bulawayo Church Choir)
11. Wangal Unozipho (The Bulawayo Church Choir)
12. Mother Africa Reprise

Original Score by Hans Zimmer
Arranged by Hans Zimmer and Lebo M.
Orchestrated by Bruce Fowler
Produced by Hans Zimmer, Lebo M. and Jay Rifkin

1930年代アパルトヘイト化の南アフリカを舞台に、一人の英国少年と現地人とのボクシングを通じた青春を描いた、Bryce Courtenayの小説"The Power Of One"の映画化に際して製作され、当時はシンセサイザー・スコアの名手として活躍していたハンス・ジマーが、アフリカの民族音楽を取り入れる新機軸となった叙事詩的サウンドトラック。

私にとってHans Zimmerと言えば、"Lion King"や"pirates of the caribbean"よりも真っ先に思い浮かぶのが、この作品。


方法論としては、"Lion King"の前身となる当作品。コラボレーターにLebo M、プロデューサーにJay Rifkinと、その作曲過程や構成にも"Lion King"へと引き継がれていく系譜が散見されるが、The Bulawayo教会合唱団の提供したコーラスはもっと重厚で、更に現地の伝統音楽を録音したサントラ全体のカラーは、もっと荒々しく野性的でありながら、ジマーの天才的なアレンジによって一つの完成した組曲の様相を呈している。

実は"Lion King"にはもっと直接の前身的作品がある。1992年製作のPBSドキュメンタリー"Millennium: Tribal Wisdom And The Modern World"に提供した楽曲は、当時のジマーの最大のセールス(帯ではTangerine Dreamとの仕事が紹介されている)であったシンセ・ミュージックスタイルに、アフリカの民族音楽要素を散りばめた内容となっており、実はこの中の一部のメロディが、そっくり『ライオン・キング』に流用されている。

また、ジマーが同時期に手がけている幾つかの作品、とりわけ『愛と精霊の家 (The House of the Spirits)』などに代表される、叙事詩的映像に適性のある楽曲を得意としていたことも、人情の機微を繊細なタッチで音譜に写し取る天才であることも、90年代後半における男臭いアクション・スコアの巨匠としてのポジションの確立が、必然に他ならなかったことを物語っている。


2011-07-10 00:08:40 | music11

□ Andain / "Promises"

>> http://www.facebook.com/andainofficial

The first single off the album, "Promises," is scheduled for release on Black Hole Recordings in June.
their second full-length album would have to wait. Much to their fans' relief, Mavie and Josh decided to reform as a duo, and the resulting full-length record is due for release in Winter 2011.


□ MYSTICO / "OPERA KYRIE" New Video Clip

>> http://www.mysticomusic.com/
>> www.federicovaona.com

NEW Album "The Book Of Secrets" Coming Soon.
Mystico is a combination of 4 musical elements,
Gregorian Chants, Opera Chants, Piano and Electronic Rhythms.


□ 8000 Lanterns Released In Poland ? World Record.

>> http://www.mostwatchedtoday.com/tag/poland-lanterns/

8000 lanterns were released by Poznan in Poland June 21st, 2011 for the first day of summer. The 8000+ lanterns are a world record and the city plans on beating that record again next year.



□ Peter Buffet / "Spirit Dance" (1997)

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Spirit Dance (Official Sample)

>> http://www.peterbuffett.com/


<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F11360773"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F11360773" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> Last Train - Kenneth Thomas Orange Room Remix by phosproject

□ Phos Project / "Last Train" Remixes

イタリアのElectro/Tech House DJのPhos Projectが、Banco De Gaiaの"Last Train To Lhasa"のカヴァーSingleをリリース。リミキサーにKenneth Thomasも起用されてます。冷たくて重厚なケネス節が鈍く光るこのリミックスが断然良い。


□ Abbey Road Studios at 80 (photos)

>> http://cnet.co/iIlqoN

LONDON--For 80 years, Abbey Road Studios has been one of the most important places in the music business.

CNET got a chance to visit and see some of the most impressive studio rooms and equipment in the industry. Including a microphone that both McCartney and Lennon often sung into.

□ Science Tweets.


BSECS: 18th Century Studies
For free access to Abigail Williams’s new piece on Swift’s Journal to Stella see res.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/…

NatureJapan: 男性器のサイズと指の長さに関連性:
Second to fourth digit ratio: a predictor of adult penile length
Asian Jouranl of Andrology http://nature.asia/qMPQez


InsideScience: 細胞中のフラクタル構造解析を癌細胞テストに応用。
bit.ly/n9wY5z - Searching For Fractals May Help Cancer Cell Testing - Tool compares geometry of cells to find potentially cancer cells
Fractal geometry apparently also appears in the human body. The pattern of heartbeats over long intervals looks fractal. How about the geometry of cells? And could the observation of fractal geometry be used to identify cancer cells?


□ InsideScience: 第二次世界大戦中の爆撃の及ぼす地球気候学的影響
http://bit.ly/ruGG8c - Did WWII Bombing Raids Alter The Weather? - Data supports theory that contrails alter ground temps #climate #ISNS
On May 11, 1944, a warm and cloudless spring day, U.S. Army Air Force B-24 Liberators, B-17 Flying fortresses and their fighter escorts lifted off from airfields across southeast England. They climbed, circled, and then formed into one huge formation before heading out to bomb targets in Nazi-occupied Europe.

The bombers and hundreds of fighters flying escort, forming two missions four hours apart, filled the sky with contrails. Researchers from Lancaster University and the Environmental Agency in the U.K. combed through military and meteorological records and determined that the vast cloud cover created by aircraft condensation trails -- or contrails -- slowed the rise of temperatures on the ground that morning.

Reference: International Journal of Climatology.
World War Two Bombing Raids Offer New Insight into the Effects of Aviation on Climate


Social influencing and associated random walk models: Asymptotic consensus times on the complete graph http://ow.ly/5wSxX #AIP_CHAOS
We investigate consensus formation and the asymptotic consensus times in stylized individual- or agent-based models, in which global agreement is achieved through pairwise negotiations with or without a bias.

Considering a class of individual-based models on finite complete graphs, we introduce a coarse-graining approach (lumping microscopic variables into macrostates) to analyze the ordering dynamics in an associated random-walk framework.


□ AIP_Publishing: 現実に構築されるネットワークの低次数ノードの集団力学的影響。
Sample-to-sample fluctuations in real-network ensembles http://ow.ly/5zGe4 #AIP_CHAOS

Network modeling based on ensemble averages tacitly assumes that the networks meant to be modeled are typical in the ensemble. Previous research on network eigenvalues, which govern a range of dynamical phenomena, has shown that this is indeed the case for uncorrelated networks with minimum degree ??3.

Here, we focus on real networks, which generally have both structural correlations and low-degree nodes. We show that: (i) the ensemble distribution of the dynamically most important eigenvalues can be not only broad and far apart from the real eigenvalue but also highly structured, often with a multimodal rather than a bell-shaped form; (ii) these interesting properties are found to be due to low-degree nodes, mainly those with degree ??3, and network communities, which is a common form of structural correlation found in real networks.

In addition to having implications for ensemble-based approaches, this shows that low-degree nodes may have a stronger influence on collective dynamics than previously anticipated from the study of computer-generated networks.

OUP blog: 効率的なテロ組織にありがちな5つのクセ。
5 habits of highly effective terrorist organizations. >> http://blog.oup.com/2011/06/5-habits/

ONE: Put People First
TWO: Smaller Can Be Beautiful
THREE: One Bad Operation Can Undo Ten Good Ones
FOUR: Exploit Openings, Don’t Force Them
FIVE: Trust Is Not Virtual


EurekAlertAAAS: 銀河団マッピングに用いられる10億ピクセルカメラ
Eye of Gaia: Billion-pixel camera to map Milky Way : http://eurekalert.org/e/41zh
The largest digital camera ever built for a space mission has been painstakingly mosaicked together from 106 separate electronic detectors. The resulting "billion-pixel array" will serve as the super-sensitive 'eye' of ESA's Galaxy-mapping Gaia mission.

While the naked human eye can see several thousand stars on a clear night, Gaia will map a billion stars within our own Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours over the course of its five-year mission from 2013, charting their brightness and spectral characteristics along with their three-dimensional positions and motions.

<style type="text/css" media="screen">.prezi-player { width: 350px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }</style><object id="prezi_cu5tymfi7umi" name="prezi_cu5tymfi7umi" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="350" height="255"><param name="movie" value="http://prezi.com/bin/preziloader.swf"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/><param name="flashvars" value="prezi_id=cu5tymfi7umi&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"/><embed id="preziEmbed_cu5tymfi7umi" name="preziEmbed_cu5tymfi7umi" src="http://prezi.com/bin/preziloader.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="350" height="255" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="prezi_id=cu5tymfi7umi&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;autoplay=no&amp;autohide_ctrls=0"></embed></object>

□ The new world map: 7/9の南スーダン共和国の分離独立に伴い更新された世界地図。

>> http://t.co/HoZe9jv

On 9 July the Republic of South Sudan becomes the earth's newest country - instantly making the world's atlases completely out of date. So here's your new guide to the globe to download and explore. Just click 'play' below and use Prezi's pan and zoom buttons by mousing over the right of the screen

MSF_USA: Doctors w/o Borders: 南スーダン独立に伴う緊急人道医療のMSFの応答。 健康予算・帰還民対応・疫病対策・産科ケア
An interview with MSF head of mission in South Sudan: "A massive humanitarian emergency." http://bit.ly/o5aJ9v #SouthSudan
In this humanitarian emergency, MSF will continue to provide essential medical aid where the needs are greatest, and where we can be of most relevance and benefit to the population. Improving access to healthcare and improving its emergency response has to be a priority for this new country.

However, the government of South Sudan has allocated just 3.7 percent of its budget to health in 2011, a decrease from 7.9 percent in 2006. It is essential that emergency humanitarian needs are adequately prioritized by the South Sudanese government, by donor governments and by international humanitarian NGOs.

□ Call for papers: International Journal of Public Research for special issue: 40 years of the spiral of silence http://oxford.ly/hJ03k8 (pdf)

It was in 1972 when Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann first outlined the main fea- tures of the theory of the spiral of silence at the 20th International Congress of Psychology in Tokyo. Forty years later, in the year 2012, the International Journal of Public Opinion Research is planning to publish a special edition of the Journal focusing on the theory. Guest editor is Dr. Thomas Petersen.

Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attibutable to science. - Bertrand Russell

□ Biology.

oatp: OA Tracking Project
GigaScience, Giga-database and now GigaBlog: new resources for the big-data community: ""As biological data is n... http://bit.ly/ndlx5D
As biological data is now produced faster than it can easily be handled and stored, the dissemination of this data has become a major bottleneck. GigaScience: a new type of journal from BioMed Central and BGI ? no stranger to these issues being the world’s largest Genomics center ? starts taking submissions today with the goal of addressing many of the issues surrounding “big-data”.

Photo from the press conference at the BGI launching new OA journal GigaScience http://www.gigasciencejournal.com/ http://twitpic.com/5m0zsq

rnomics: Fabrice Leclerc
Dynamics of a Plant RNA Virus Intracellular Accumulation: Stamping Machine vs. Geometric... http://bit.ly/rf6YMK #lifesciences

Antisense Oligonucleotide Targeting Survivin Induces Apoptosis of Pancreatic Cancer Cells bit.ly/od1jQe

GENbio: 多能性前駆細胞から多能性ヒト造血幹細胞の分離を可能にするマーカーの特定
Scientists Identify Marker Enabling Segregation of True Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells from Multipotent Progenitors http://bit.ly/o6KBuj
Scientists claim to have identified markers that enable the segregation of rare, truly pluripotent human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from multipotent progenitors (MPPS). They identified CD49f as a specific marker for pluripotent HSCs, enabling their isolation using flow cytometry.

CfP by T.Whetzel / JBI: Community-Driven Curation of Ontologies and Knowledge Bases. bit.ly/HCLS-CfP-Crowd…

"What is the right format for my data? Just look it up!" BioSharing and BMC: blog.biosharing.org/2011/07/what-i…

freesci: Pawel Szczesny
Systems Biology Knowledgebase http://j.mp/qIZlVT Interesting, fully open (!), but level of funding unconvincing.
Washington, DC?The DOE Office of Science (SC) announced today the selection of a collaboration of top scientists from across the Nation to lead development of a computer-based Systems Biology Knowledgebase (http://genomicscience.energy.gov/compbio/index.shtml#page=news) for the scientific community that is designed to advance understanding of microbes and plants for energy and environmental solutions.

Ensembl uses the AWS cloud to move data closer to (some) of our users. Let us know if you'd like this in Asia. bit.ly/oyf1CW

EC will extend pilot OA test project from 20% to 100% of EC funded research - tinyurl.com/ECOA100


New Scientific American blogs network launched tinyurl.com/SciAmBlogNetwo…
The shiny new Scientific American blog network is now live! We are excited to announce that 39 new blogs joined the network


eurogene: keith grimaldi
Open Biology - new open access journal from Royal Society http://bit.ly/jUGbcM
Open Biology is a fast, open access journal covering biology at the molecular and cellular level.

Open Biology will publish original, high quality research in cell biology, developmental and structural biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, immunology, microbiology and genetics.

・Rapid publication in a Royal Society journal
・Rigorous and constructive peer review
・Immediate open access: fully compliant with funder and institutional mandates
・E-only continuous publication model, which allows immediate citation of articles
・Author retention of copyright and liberal reuse rights via Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC by 3.0)
・Publisher deposit of articles in PubMedCentral
・Information on individual article downloads
・High levels of author service and support
・Media promotion of articles
・free online colour

biolinksdir: Bioinformatics.ca
BioDBcore: BioDBCore at ISMB http://tinyurl.com/5v664ys #bioinformatics
This workshop will bring together developers, curators, journal editors and researchers to discuss on the growing number of (closely related efforts) developing to catalogues of tools, databases, related data and publications.

The focus on the workshop is a strawman uniform system for describing these bio-resources, in particular, indicating in a consistent manner which community-defined standards (minimal information checklists, terminologies and exchange formats) they implement.

yokofakun: Pierre Lindenbaum
dbPedia "Biological_databases" dbpedia.org/page/Category:…

DBアーカイブの英語版が出来てた http://dbarchive.biosciencedbc.jp/index-e.html

The Life Science Database Archive maintains and stores the datasets generated by life scientists in Japan in a long-term and stable state as national public goods. The Archive makes it easier for many people to search datasets by metadata (description of datasets) in a unified format, and to access and download the datasets with clear terms of use

first_author: 新着論文レビュー
「新着論文レビュー」 前川桃子・山中伸弥,転写因子Glis1による体細胞初期化の促進(Nature 6月9日号)が公開されました.first.lifesciencedb.jp/archives/3079

Sohrab / "You Are Not Alone l"

2011-07-06 20:33:22 | music11

□ Sohrab / "You Are Not Alone l"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Achim Mohné - Milan Knizhak mix#1 (side a)
Leif Elggren - No One Really Knows (destroyed)

Release Date; 10/06/2011
Label; Touch
Cat.No.; Tone42DR1
Format: 320kbps mp3 [Download Only]

>> https://touchshop.org//product_info.php?products_id=469

>> tracklisting.

01. JG Thirlwell - Susanna (Uxorial mix) 4:48
02. Achim Mohné - Milan Knizhak mix#1 (side a) 6:05
03. Jóhann Jóhannsson - Zarrin (remix) 6:01
04. Anonymous - Triple Exposure 9:10
05. Leif Elggren - No One Really Knows (destroyed) 11:46

[1 track - 37:09]

Originally Composed by Sohrab
Track 3 Mixed by Jóhann Jóhannsson at NTOV, Copenhagen, 24th May 2011
Track 4 Mastered by a different Anonymous 24th May 2011
Photography: Jon Wozencroft

The first in a series of reworkings of Sohrab material by artists showing solidarity to his cause... all label and artist money goes towards the fund for his appeal against the refusal to be granted political asylum in Germany...

This release is a fund-raiser to help pay for a lawyer to help with his appeal against the ruling. 100% of Artist and Label money from this release will be donated directly to the appeal fund.

You can donate more if you wish simply by purchasing multiple copies of this release.

テヘラン出身、27歳のエレクトロニカ作曲家、SohrabへのRemix Tribute Album。前後編の前編にあたるダウンロード・シングル。


同じポスト=パンクをルーツに持つJ. G. Thirlwellや、ドイツの空間芸術家Achim Mohné、アイスランドのKitchen Motors主宰の現代作曲家Jóhann Jóhannsson、スウェーデンの実験アートを牽引してきたLeif Elggrenなど、汎芸術シーンで一目置かれる重鎮たちが、彼の政治的理念と人権擁護の為にパフォーマンスを提供している。

"Sohrab"は言うまでなくペルシア英雄叙事詩『Šāh nāmah(王書)』に因んだもの。7歳でイラン・イラク戦争の終結を目の当たりにした彼は、兄弟や友人と組んだパンク・バンドによって、強権社会や体制側に強く抗議する"Rebel Music"を展開。解散までの2年間で多くのものを失い、故郷に居場所を無くしてドイツに渡る。

その後はAmbient/Electronica作家として、Touch Labelから数作品をリリース。しかし、揺るぎない理念と辛辣な批判精神は、楽曲の表層から内面へと移行したものであって、その『鋭いスペクトルと韻律、空虚の表現』に、それらを窺い知ることが出来るのだという。

音楽表現の手法としては、他にイラン音楽の欠片と思しきエスノ・シャントや現地の環境音がサンプリングされていて、Sohrabが故郷に残した想いの強さ、思慕に心打たれる。Jon Wozencroftによるジャケット・アートも、当人のそうした感情を汲んだ寂寥感を漂わせたものだ。




2011-07-02 14:50:12 | music11
(by Don Relyea >> http://post.ly/2JGrK)

□ "Algorithmic Exploration of the Square"

>> http://algosquares.tumblr.com/

Generative art project to explore a small square. Inspired by Mathmatician David Hilbert and Color Theorist Josef Albers.

□ my tweet storage.


□ Biosphere / "N-Plants"

>> http://touchshop.org/product_info.php?products_id=465

ノルウェーのアンビエント作曲家、Geir JenssenのBiosphere名義によるニューアルバム"N-Plants"は、日本の震災と原発事故にインスパイアされたもの。

djkero: detroit underground

Soundworks Collection: The Sound of Transformers: Dark of the Moon from Michael Coleman on Vimeo.

The Sound of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" - designingsound.org/2011/06/the-so… #sounddesign #filmsound

The amazing visual effects in this film are complimented by the talented efforts of the sound team including Re-recording Mixers Greg Russell and Jeff Haboush, and Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designers Ethan Van der Ryn, and Erik Aadahl.

phylogenomics: Jonathan Eisen
David Relman quote on a slide re human microbiome: "We are born ~ 100% human but die > 90% microbial" #microbes


CSHL Press has a new book out: "Mutation - The History of an Idea from Darwin to Genomics" bit.ly/lP5x8d (via @cshperspectives)

The interpretation of the gene as DNA and the deciphering of the genetic code then gave rise to molecular interpretations of mutation, views that also impacted evolutionary biology, population genetics, commercial development of plants and animals, and human genetics.

This book shows how generational definitions or assessments of mutation have responded to the technologies added to science and the experiments that abounded with the inquiries of each successive generation.


Staff at an Australia library have been stunned after first edition copy of Charles Darwin's Insectivorous Plants book was returned 122 years late. http://tgr.ph/jG7Fr1

Nature Highlights: 進化過程で見られた徐々に進む変化 http://nature.asia/jib7Rj

Morphological evolution caused by many subtle-effect substitutions in regulatory DNA
形態の進化ではたいてい発生遺伝子の変化が起こっているが、原因となった変異がいくつあって、どんな影響を与えたのかについてはほとんどわかっていない。Frankelたちはセイシェルショウジョウバエ(Drosophila sechellia)のshavenbaby遺伝子をモデル系として用いて、この現象の遺伝学的特性を調べた。そして、shavenbabyの5つのシス調節エンハンサーの1つに見られる進化的変化が、この遺伝子の発現の時期と量の両方を変化させた多数の単塩基置換によって生じたことが明らかになった。


NatureJapan:もし鳥がしゃべれたら (Nature Neuroscience): http://nature.asia/kp0uE2
Songbirds possess the spontaneous ability to discriminate syntactic rules
ソングバード(スズメ目の鳴き鳥)は人工の文法体系の規則を学習する能力があることが、Nature Neuroscience(電子版)に発表された研究で報告されている。この種の階層的言語構造を処理する能力は、これまではヒト独自のものと考えられていた。




OxfordJournals: 鳥の視覚認識の発達と羽毛の彩色: 4次元色空間の数理的モデルからの解析
Bird's eye view has four dimensions of color earthtimes.org/nature/birds-e… via @earthtimes From Behavioral Ecology http://oxford.ly/l9I70S #birds
The diversity of avian plumage colors occupies only a portion (26?30%, using violet-sensitive and ultraviolet-sensitive models, respectively) of the total available avian color space, which represents all colors birds can theoretically see and discriminate.

Why Do We Like Happy Faces? It's In Our Genes myhealthnewsdaily.com/genes-gaze-hap…
A new study focused on a single gene, the one coding for the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) in brain cells. Participants with certain mutations in this gene spent more time looking at happy faces than others did.

PLoSCompBiol: Eurekometrics / 科学出版物の計量書誌学的アプローチの補完
Eurekometrics: Analyzing the Nature of Discovery ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3… by Samuel @Arbesman & Nicholas A. Christakis

With the increase of automated discovery and large-scale data collection, eurekometric research has the potential to explode. First, automated science will necessarily have the property of creating large amounts of discovery data.

Illustrative examples of automated science include the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Program, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Marine Microbial Genome Sequencing Project, and the Census of Marine Life. The initial output of these projects will not be publications, but findings. Each object, such as a newly discovered asteroid, need not have its own publication, but each object can be examined separately from a eurekometric perspective.

In addition, there is the potential in such areas as automated drug discovery, automated chemical synthesis path discovery, and automated theorem proving.

□ The Future Of Medical Technology Is Apps, Games, and Movies tinyurl.com/3w4hkf6 via @fastcompany

An Oscar-winning producer talks about his interest in moviemaking, medicine, and scaleable (storytelling) design.

By integrating the front line medical expertise of physicians with the artistry of moviemakers, we are trying to shift the focus toward scaling health apps worldwide: We would like to develop a mobile health app that can help kids, from Los Angeles to Mumbai, make better food choices. We want to create compelling solutions to global health problems.

□ A-IMBN Research:
Driving differentiation http://nature.asia/lydQwH The elusive mechanism that promotes neuronal differentiation by blocking cell division is linked to a specific protein.

OxfordJNLsJapan: 『発見可能性駆動のビジネスモデルは最先端か』
【OUP季刊誌Illuminea】OUPライブラリーセールスのトップ、クリス・ベネットが、ディスカバラビリティ主導のビジネスモデルについて語っています。http://oxford.ly/iyHpAU #libraries #librarians

OA_Africa: Open Access Africa
ReadingL ' #Science in #Africa : The view from the front line' http://ow.ly/5tK6O (via @naturenews ) #scidev
Africa's nations are achieving some success in building their science capacity, but the foundations remain unsteady.

PLoS ONE wins more recognition for changing the way science is communicated tinyurl.com/PLoSONEisSPARC…
For blazing a new trail in open-access journals, inspiring broader change in scholarly publishing, and thriving along the way, SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has named the Public Library of Science’s (PLoS) PLoS ONE as the SPARC Innovator for June 2011.


Genome "Wowser"--nice new iPad app for browsing the genome bit.ly/iTNT6x

>> http://www.research.chop.edu/cbmi/wowser

Researchers from the Center for Biomedical Informatics (CBMi) at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have created a free iPad app called Genome Wowser, which provides a mobile interface to data from the UC Santa Cruz genome browser, one of the three major portals to the reference genome sequence established in 2000.

HHMI, @wellcometrust + the Max Planck Society launch a new open access journal for the life sciences. (HT @NatureNews) http://bit.ly/jI93Z7

Three major life science funders, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Wellcome Trust, and the Max Planck Society today announced that they intend to fund the launch of what they hope will become a top-tier biomedical and life science journal to rival the likes of Nature and the New England Journal of Medicine -- and it might seem the Public Library of Sciences' (PLoS] flagship open access biomedical journals.

The journal, which they expect to begin publishing summer 2012, has yet to be given a name, but it would be online-only and open-access, with -- initially at least ? no charges for authors to publish papers, by contrast to most open access journals such as PLoS Biology which charge authors an article fee.

bffo: BF Francis Ouellette
New in NAR: The Annual Nucleic Acids Research Web Server Issue link to Gary Benson's editorial: http://bit.ly/lKPpRq #bioinformatics
The 2011 Web Server Issue of Nucleic Acids Research is the ninth in a series of annual special issues dedicated to web-based software resources for analysis and visualization of molecular biology data. It is freely available online under NAR's open access policy. The present issue reports on 92 web servers.

Roche Launches GS FLX+ System Offering High-Quality, Sanger-like Reads with the Power of Next-Generation Throughput bit.ly/kcOvuC


Increased Sensitivity for Multiplexed microRNA Detection http://bit.ly/mRHNYR

Anti-DNA:RNA Antibodies and Silicon Photonic Microring Resonators: Increased Sensitivity for Multiplexed microRNA Detection
In this paper, we present a method for the sensitive detection of microRNAs (miRNAs) utilizing an antibody that specifically recognizes DNA:RNA heteroduplexes and a silicon photonic microring resonator array transduction platform. Microring resonator arrays are covalently functionalized with DNA capture probes that are complementary to solution phase miRNA targets.

Following hybridization on the sensor, the anti-DNA:RNA antibody is introduced and binds selectively to the heteroduplexes, giving a larger signal than the original miRNA hybridization due to the increased mass of the antibody, as compared to the 22-mer oligoribonucleotide.


Biohackathon 2011, Kyoto Aug-21/22 goes SemanticWeb, Open Bio Tools, TM & SPARL. http://bit.ly/Biohackathon-2011
NBDC / DBCLS BioHackathon 2011 will be held in Kyoto, Japan. Main focus of the BioHackathon is to develop technologies for handling Linked Data in life science. We will discuss, explore and develop SPARQL endpoints, semantic web services, triple stores, ontologies, natural language processing, visualization and Open Bio* tools to utilize RDF data.

Impact Factor Boxing 2011 ? O'Really? http://ff.im/GSIhF

>> http://duncan.hull.name/2011/06/28/if/

LDIF - Linked Data Integration Framework http://bit.ly/jwzLRJ 複数データセットで、同じ対象に異なるURIを与えていたり、同関係を別プロパティで記述しているものを統合するツール。マッピングはR2R、Slikを用いる

今日はルッツの実効的フラクタル次元の話。「フラクタルの理論」の重要なポイントが 『線が 1次元を超えることも有り得る(コッホ曲線など)』 なのに対し、「ランダムネスの理論」の重要なポイントは 『点が 0次元を超えることも有り得る』 であるという対比は結構面白いかも。

rubbish talk_16.

2011-07-02 14:49:42 | Science
□ 量子力学におけるコペンハーゲン解釈と多世界解釈の差異は、確率支配下にある、あらゆる事象の可能性の決定論的分岐を、波動関数の収束の前に置くか、その後ろに置くかという問題でしかない。



□ 主観というパースペクティブにおいて、無限遠にあるものは全ての中心へと収束していく。重力とは、それらに分け入っていく対象を包含して相互作用し、存在の影響を伝播する現象に他ならない。

□ 生命の意識、とりわけ「知性」という対象は、「我々が何者であるか」という真性への、忘却の地平に立脚しているものだ。そして「恋」という感情もまた、生命事象としての己の真性を求め、生化学反応によって構築される高度な記号体系に突き動かされる、「複雑事象の可能性」たる生命個体の確率機械としての一平面を為している。


□ 地球上の大部分の生命体は、その代謝エネルギーの供給源を太陽に依存しているが、言い換えれば地球上で手に入る殆どの自然エネルギーとは、搾取体としての人類の活性も含めて、太陽に由来するものなのである。