書籍之海 漂流記


”Teach Yourself Linguistics by Jean Aitchison — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists”

2016年09月20日 | 人文科学

 該書、私が持っているのは1978年刊の2nd edition。
 Chomskyのuniversal grammarについて多くのページが割かれているのだが、英語でよむと、普遍文法は英語だけの話のように思えてくるから不思議である。

曹長青 「星巴克咖啡喝不出中国民主」 を読んで

2016年09月20日 | 地域研究
 原題「星巴克咖啡喝不出中国民主」。 長青論壇2016-09-19。末尾に「原载《看》杂志2016年9月号」との記載あり。


  We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, (後略)
 (「天ノ人ヲ生スルハ、億兆皆同一轍ニテ之ニ附與スルニ動カス可カラサルノ通義ヲ以テス。即チ通義トハ人ノ自カラ生命ヲ保シ自由ヲ求メ幸福ヲ祈ルノ類ニテ他ヨリ如何トモス可ラサルモノナリ。人間ニ政府ヲ立ル所以ハ、此通義ヲ固クスルタメノ趣旨ニテ、(後略)」) (福澤諭吉訳)

 第十一条 国民は、すべての基本的人権の享有を妨げられない。この憲法が国民に保障する基本的人権は、侵すことのできない永久の権利として、現在及び将来の国民に与へられる。(略)
 第十三条 すべて国民は、個人として尊重される。生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する国民の権利については、公共の福祉に反しない限り、立法その他の国政の上で、最大の尊重を必要とする。 (『日本国憲法』)

宮崎市定 「中国古代における天と命と天命の思想 孔子から孟子に至る革命思想の発展」

2016年09月15日 | 東洋史
 『史林』46-1、1963年1月掲載、同誌81-104頁。使用したテキストは『宮崎市定全集』3(岩波書店 1991年12月)所収のもの。

 孔子から孟子への思想的発展は、中間に墨子の存在を考慮しなければ、正しい理解に到達できない。 (冒頭言)


William James, "The Principles of Psychology"

2016年09月14日 | 抜き書き
 NY: Henry Holt and Company, 1890.

 The Consciousness of Self.

 The Empirical Self or Me.
  The Empirical Self of each of us is all that he is tempted to call by the name of me. But it is clear that between what a man calls me and what he simply calls mine the line is difficult to draw. We feel and act about certain things that are ours very much as we feel and act about ourselves. Our fame, our children, the work of our hands, may be as dear to us as our bodies are, and arouse the same feelings and the same acts of reprisal if attacked. And our bodies themselves, are they simply ours, or are they us? Certainly men have been ready to disown their very bodies and to regard them as mere vestures, or even as prisons of clay from which they should some day be glad to escape.


  WE talk of man being the rational animal; and the traditional intellectualist philosophy has always made a great point of treating the brutes as wholly irrational creatures. Nevertheless, it is by no means easy to decide just what is meant by reason, or how the peculiar thinking process called reasoning differs from other thought-sequences which may lead to similar results.
  Much of our thinking consists of trains of images suggested one by another, of a sort of spontaneous revery of which it seems likely enough that the higher brutes should be capable. This sort of thinking leads nevertheless to rational conclusions, both practical and theoretical. The links between the terms are either 'contiguity' or 'similarity,' and with a mixture of both these things we can hardly be very incoherent. As a rule, in this sort of irresponsible thinking, the terms which fall to be coupled together are empirical concretes, not abstractions.


  INSTINCT is usually defined as the faculty of acting in such away as to produce certain ends, without foresight of the ends, and without previous education in the performance . That instincts, as thus defined, exist on an enormous scale in the animal kingdom needs no proof. They are the functional correlatives of structure. With the presence of a certain organ goes, one may say, almost always a native aptitude for its use.

"The Cambridge History of Science", Vol. 4, 'The Eighteenth Century'

2016年09月14日 | 自然科学

 '29 China' (Frank Dikötter)に関して。
 考証学を初めとする清代の「実証的」で「客観的」な学術を、明末にイエズス会がもたらした西洋科学・技術の影響によると断定してある。その論拠かつ先行研究としては、 Benjamin A. Elmanの"From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in Late Imperial China" (Univ of California, 1984)を挙げてある(p. 682)。そこで第2版ながら該書を検してみたところ、その影響が具体的に見える地理学・天文学・暦学・数学などについてはそう書かれているが、漢学即ち考証学そのものについてそう言っているわけではない(注)。すわこれは大変と期待してあてがはずれた。従来のやり方で証拠を得るのは無理。


(Cambridge University Press, 2003)