書籍之海 漂流記


Peter Calvocoressi 『World Politics since 1945』 から

2008年07月31日 | 抜き書き
In July the Americans experimentally exploded the first nuclear weapon in the history of mankind and in August they dropped two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrendered forthwith and this clinching of the imminent American victory deprived the Russians of the all but a token share in the postwar settlement in the Far East. The Second World War ended with an act which contained the two central elements in the Cold War: the advent of nuclear weapons and Russo-American rivalry.

('Part one: World power and world order', p. 4)


(New York: Longman Publishing, 7th edition, 1996)

Michael Kublin/Hyman Kublin 『Japan』から

2008年07月30日 | 抜き書き
On August 6, 1945, the city of Hiroshima, military headquarters of western Japan, was obliterated by an American atomic bomb. When the Japanese government refused to surrender, a second bomb was exploded three days later over the great seaport of Nagasaki.

On August 8, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. The next day Soviet forces moved across the borders of the Soviet Union into Manchuria and Korea. The Soviet troups speedily overran Japanese positions. By going to war against Japan, the Soviet Union violated the neutrality pact concluded with Japan in the spring of 1941. The attack came as a result of a pledge made by soviet leader Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. He promised the Allied leaders that the Soviet Union would move against Japan "about 90 days" after the end of war in Europe.

At noon on August 15 the Japanese people listened in silence to an unfamiliar voice on the radio. In the address to his subjects the emperor announced that he had decided to surrender to the Allied nations.

('6 Japan on the March', pp. 176-177)





(Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 3rd edition, 1990)

「中央日報」2008.07.29 12:05、「今、独島で空中戦が勃発したら…」

2008年07月30日 | 思考の断片




「Encyclopedia Britannica」で先の大戦時の日本降伏の件りを読んでみる(2)

2008年07月28日 | 抜き書き
●「World War II」項

The Allied landings in Europe and the defeat of the Axis powers » Developments from summer 1944 to autumn 1945 » The end of the Japanese war, February–September 1945 » The Japanese surrender

News of Hiroshima’s destruction was only slowly understood in Tokyo. Many members of the Japanese government did not appreciate the power of the new Allied weapon until after the Nagasaki attack. Meanwhile, on August 8, the U.S.S.R. had declared war against Japan. The combination of these developments tipped the scales within the government in favour of a group that had, since the spring, been advocating a negotiated peace. On August 10 the Japanese government issued a statement agreeing to accept the surrender terms of the Potsdam Declaration on the understanding that the emperor’s position as a sovereign ruler would not be prejudiced. In their reply the Allies granted Japan’s request that the emperor’s sovereign status be maintained, subject only to their supreme commander’s directives. Japan accepted this proviso on August 14, and the emperor Hirohito urged his people to accept the decision to surrender. It was a bitter pill to swallow, though, and every effort was made to persuade the Japanese to accept the defeat that they had come to regard as unthinkable. Even princes of the Japanese Imperial house were dispatched to deliver the Emperor’s message in person to distant Japanese Army forces in China and in Korea, hoping thus to mitigate the shock. A clique of diehards nevertheless attempted to assassinate the new prime minister, Admiral Suzuki Kantarō; but by September 2, when the formal surrender ceremonies took place, the way had been smoothed.



 「これらの状況のすべてが一体となって (the combination of these developments)」。これが常識的な見方だと思うのだが。

「Encyclopedia Britannica」で先の大戦時の日本降伏の件りを読んでみる(1)

2008年07月28日 | 抜き書き

History » Japan from 1850 to 1945 » World War II and defeat » The end of the war

Atomic bombs largely destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, respectively. On August 8 the Soviet Union declared war and the next day marched into Manchuria, where the Kwantung Army could offer only token resistance. The Japanese government attempted to gain as its sole condition for surrender a qualification for the preservation of the imperial institution; after the Allies agreed to respect the will of the Japanese people, the emperor insisted on surrender. The Pacific war came to an end on August 14 (August 15 in Japan). The formal surrender was signed on September 2 in Tokyo Bay aboard the battleship USS Missouri.

Military extremists attempted unsuccessfully to prevent the radio broadcast of the emperor’s announcement to the nation. There were a number of suicides among the military officers and nationalists who felt themselves dishonoured, but the emperor’s prestige and personal will, once expressed, sufficed to bring an orderly transition. To increase the appearance of direct rule, the Suzuki cabinet was replaced by that of Prince Higashikuni Naruhiko.

Postwar investigators concluded that neither the atomic bombs nor the Soviet entry into the war was central to the decision to surrender, although they probably helped to advance the date. It was determined that submarine blockade of the Japanese islands had brought economic defeat by preventing exploitation of Japan’s new colonies, sinking merchant tonnage, and convincing Japanese leaders of the hopelessness of the war. Bombing brought the consciousness of defeat to the people. The destruction of the Japanese navy and air force jeopardized the home islands. Japan’s largest armies, however, were never defeated, and this was responsible for the army’s eagerness to fight on. By the end of the war, Japan’s cities were destroyed, its stockpiles exhausted, and its industrial capacity gutted. The government stood without prestige or respect. An alarming shortage of food and rising inflation threatened what remained of national strength.




2008年07月28日 | 思考の断片
▲「AC論説」No. 245 2008/07/27、「許昭栄先生の遺書」


  (注)「長崎新聞ホームページ」、「【動画】『竹島』抗議で対馬来島 韓国の退役軍人あす座り込み」


「中央日報」2008.07.28 10:27、「信じていた米国に不意打ちされた」

2008年07月28日 | 抜き書き



「」Jul 24th 2008, 「Cyber-nationalism」

2008年07月27日 | 抜き書き
 副題「The brave new world of e-hatred」。

From the earliest days of the internet the new medium became a forum for nationalist spats that were sometimes relatively innocent by today’s standards. People sparred over whether Freddy Mercury, a rock singer, was Iranian, Parsi or Azeri; whether the Sea of Japan should be called the East Sea or the East Sea of Korea; and whether Israel could call hummus part of its cuisine. Sometimes such arguments moved to Wikipedia, a user-generated reference service, whose elaborate moderation rules put a limit to acrimony.



2008年07月27日 | 抜き書き



▲「」2008年07月26日 22:12、「[视频]中国警方否认“东突”恐怖袭击」


 なおBBCは、TIP (the Turkestan Islamic Party) の犯行声明と中国当局の「証拠なし」発表を論評なしで両論併記。

▲「BBC NEWS」14:26 GMT, Saturday, 26 July 2008 15:26 UK, 「China dismisses bus bombs claim」
▲「Al Jazeera English」


「長崎新聞ホームページ」、「【動画】『竹島』抗議で対馬来島 韓国の退役軍人あす座り込み」から

2008年07月25日 | 抜き書き

 今回来島した鄭さんらは「獨島は韓国領土 対馬島も韓国領土」などと書かれたTシャツを着用している。竹島問題では、韓国の与党ハンナラ党幹部が十六日、「『対馬も韓国の領土』と主張するのが効果的な対応方法」と主張。「対馬が日本の領土となったのは明治時代から」などと誤った歴史認識を展開している。




▲「Chosun Online 朝鮮日報日本語版」2008/07/24 11:22、「独島めぐり対馬で『日本糾弾』デモ」



▲「Chosun Online 朝鮮日報日本語版」007/04/22 12:05、金秀恵「『韓国には浅はかな民族主義があふれている』 文化批評家J・スコット・バーグソンさん」

