Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

18フォースステップ/採卵終了! (18 The Fourth Step/Egg Retrieval2)

2023-11-07 09:38:58 | 4thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 3)

Hi folks!

How's your day doing today?

Okay, here is another IVF article.

My treatment schedule was like this. 

8月8日 ピルの服用を止める(5月5日から飲んでいました。)
Aug. 8th  Stopped taking birth control pills. (I started from May 5th.)

8月12日 2つの薬を自己注射で投薬開始
Aug. 12th  Started taking 2 kinds of shots.



Menopur (English) and Gonal-f (English)

8月16日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug. 16th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


8月18日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug. 18th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test


8月19日 12日に自己注射を始めた薬に加えて、セトロタイドCetrotide)という薬の自己注射開始
Aug. 19th  Started taking Centrotide in addition to the other 2 kinds of shots. 

8月21日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査

Aug. 21st  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test

8月23日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査 トリガー注射
Aug. 23rd  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test    Trigger shots

8月24日 トリガー注射が効いているか確認の採血

Aug. 24th  Blood Test to see if the trigger shots were working

8月25日 採卵
Aug. 25th Egg Retrieval

On the last article of this series, I wrote about the day until the anesthesiologist asked me a couple of questions and I signed a paper. 

The morning of the big day was beautiful. 

Once the time got closer, they put a needle in my left arm for I.V.

The anesthesiologist asked me a couple of questions like "Do you wear something detachable like brace or false tooth?" or "Are you allergic to latex?" Then, I waited again. 

Finally they called my name and they led me to the operation room. Andy stayed by the bed. 

The operation room was located right across the aisle and I walked into the room from the bed on my own. 

In the operation room, there was the anesthesiologist and a nurse getting things ready for me. 

I was told to sit on the chair like this. (My hands and feet were not tied down thoguh.)

The nurse in the operation room seemed very experienced and was so sweet. "I'll put a blanket on you so that you won't get freezy." She said and gave me a blanket. 

In the weird position on the chair, an embryologist showed up from a back room connecting to the operation room and asked me, "Can I get your name and date of birth?" and "Do you have any questions?" I didn't have any questions at the time, so she returned to the back room shortly. 

Once I entered the operation room, everything went very quickly. In less than 5 mins after I sat down on the chair, the anesthesiologist sat by me and injucted liquid in the I.V. saying, "This is anti-nausea medication and I'm getting this into you."  

Right after that he also said, "Now, I'm giving you this magical cocktail." which made me think that he was using such a casual and funny expression. 

The procedure itself was only 15-20mins. When I woke up next, I was lying in the bed in the waiting room. 

That was my 3rd anesthesia. 

My first time was the one when I did IVF in Japan and second time was when I had a surgery to remove my right ovary last December. 

On the first time it felt like that I got a car sick, which lasted half day and on the second time it felt like that I freshly woke up from 10 hour sleep. 

This time it was like that I woke up in the morning on an off day. I was comfortably half asleep and half awake at the time, so I could either go back to sleep or wake fully up from there. 

Good morning! I was sleeping only for 20-30 mins. 

Thankfully, I didn't have any pain or discomfort.

Shortly after I woke up in the bed, a nurse brought me a bottle of water and some snackscaring of me in the pre&post precedure. I was still half asleep, but I still put some snacks in my mouth. 

While I was sleeping, Andy talked to our doctor and 

"I could take 4 eggs. Everything went great."

she said. 

I heard about it from Andy right away after I woke up and "Wow! They could get 4 eggs!!" I was surprised. 

From the previous monitorings my follicles in the cycle, they could see only 2 follicles by ultrasound, so it was very nice for me to hear that they could get more than what we had expected. 

I took some more rest in the bed for a while and was fine standing and walking on my own, so they said that we could go home. 

So, this is all about my first egg retrieval in MN and everything went great. 

Let's see how many eggs will normally grow from now. 

Okay, thank you for reading again. Bye for today!!



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