Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ブロック上手にできるようになりました。(May-chan's Block Works)

2021-04-06 11:17:32 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello everyone!

How's your day going today?

Well, pollen allergy is killing me in the last couple of days. Grr...

I have to deal with my runny nose and itchy eyes 24/7 now, which is not fun at all.

I assume now would be the peak and do hope that this will be over the soonest.

So, our lovely daughter, May-chan, is turning 2 and a half year old in a month.

During MN cold winter, we stay and play inside the house most of the time and May-chan loves playing with blocks.

Recently, she surprised me with some works which she made from scratch on her own.

Until then, she always handed blocks to me saying, "Mama! Mama!" and asked me to build something for her with them. She liked to watch me making something with blocks and once I finished putting them together, she enjoyed breaking it down as pretending to be a dinosaur or monster .

One day, she was playing alone so quietly in the living room and I wondered what she was doing and went to check her.

Look! She actually was building this train all by herself!!

I was so surprised and impressed, "Wow May-chan! Did you make this on your own??!! That's super great!! Let Mommy take a picture of it!!" I said to her at that time. Since then, every time she makes something with blocks, she comes to me and says, "Sugoi!! (That's great!)" and shows me what she made.

Here's another one. It's a little bit different from the first one above. I like it when she builds something different depending on the mood of the day.

When Grandpa was over at our house, May-chan asked him to do blocks together with.

Yup, it's always much more fun when you have a company to play with!

She built up this tower with the kind of blocks too.
(When I said to her, "Wow! You did a awesome job! Let me take a picture again!", she seemed to be very happy and proud of herself.)

Through these busy days, I tend to miss such precious moments of her growth, but she's been definitely learning new things for sure!

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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