Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

母の日のおまけ:めいさんから見たマミー (All About My Mommy by May-chan)

2024-05-25 21:24:55 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

Hi everyone!




How's your day going today? 




Okay, I wrote about my mother's day 2024, and today let me share one more little thing about the special day. 




First off, I totally forgot to mention this, but Andy got my favorite cake on Mother's day and it was as yummy as always. 




The name was Triple tiger cake or something from Lunds & Byerly's.




今年の母の日 (Mother's Day 2021) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Andy got this cake for Mother's day 2021 too. 




So, I'd like to talk about this little Mother's day gifts which May-chan made at preschool.




A sheet with a title, "All about my mom". 



I assume that her teachers asked those questions to May-chan and wrote down all the answers from her on the sheet. 



Okay, here's what I look like for May-chan. 



「私のママの名前はHitomiです。/ My Mom's name is Hitomi.」

(うん、合ってる、合ってる。/ Yup, that's correct.



「ママは40歳です。? / She is 40 years old.」

(その通り。/ Exactly.



「ママと私は家族の為にお料理するのが好きです。/ Mom and I like to cook for my family.

(確かに、最近はめいがやりたがるとお料理を手伝ってもらうようにしています。/ Yeah, I sometimes let her help me cook when she wants to.)



「ママは”I love you."と言うのが好きです。/ Mom likes to say "I love you."

(英語でI love youはそんなに頻繁には言いませんが、日本語で「大好きよ。」は言うので、めいが英語バージョンにして先生に伝えたのかも。/ I usually don't say "I love you" in English but often tell her "Daisuki" which means I love you in Japanese. So, I assume that she translated it to the English phrase for the teachers's convenience. )



「ママはハートがとっても好きです。/ My Mom really loves hearts.

(え、好きかな?嫌いじゃないけど。ママじゃなくてあなたが好きなんじゃなくて?/ Oh, do I? I don't necesarrily dislike them, but I think it's you who love hearts!)



「ママはスパゲティが好きです。/ She likes to eat spaghetti.

(うん、これも間違ってないよ。一番はたこ焼きだけどね。後で聞いてみたら、先生にはたこ焼きが分からないだろうから、スパゲティにしたらしいです。5歳ながら、配慮してる~。笑 / Yeah, that's not wrong, but my favorite food is Takoyaki. She later told me that she picked up spaghetti since the teachers wouldn't know what Takoyaki was. Oh, girl! You were so thoughtful!)



「ママは水とコーヒーを飲むのが好きです。/ She likes to drink water and coffee.

(これは大正解!/ You nailed it!)



「ママの仕事は床掃除です。/ My Mom's job is to clean the floor.」

(え?そうやったん?笑 / Oh, is it? I even didn't know that! LOL)



「もし時間があったら、ママは日本に行きます。/ If she had time, she would like to go to Japan.

(大正解。時間とお金があったらね。/ Wow! You nailed it again!! Yeah, if I had time and MONEY!)



「ママはチョコチップクッキーを作るのがめちゃくちゃ上手です。/ Mom is really good at baking chocolate chip cookies.」

(え?そう?パンとかじゃなくて?チョコチップクッキー焼いたの数回。しかもかなり前。/ Oh, am I? It's only a couple of times that I baked them and I even don't remember when I baked them last. )



「ママと一緒に世界中どこにでも行けるなら、ただただ家に行きます。/ If I could go anywhere in the world with her, we'd g to just my home.

(確かに、ママは家が好きだからねぇ。/ Certainly, your mom loves to be home.




「ママの事が大好き。だってママは愛情深いから。I love my Mom because she's very loving.

(えー、ありがとう!/ Aww, thank you, hon!






Some of the answers said that she really knew about her mommy, but the rest of them made me wondered, "Didn't you say just what you liked??" It was very interesting for me to get to know how May-chan saw me. 




May-chan also gave me another present. 




This customized bag. 




There's her hand print on the other side. I used to make lots of her hand prints when she was little, but not anymore. So, this present was really awesome.




I haven't decided yet what I'd put in the bag, but I'll for sure cherish and take care of it well for a long time. 




Okay, this is the last article of Mother's day 2024. 




Thank you for reading agian!! Bye for now!!



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