Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

4 The Sixth Step/いよいよ移植 (The Sixth Step/The Egg Transfer)

2024-06-01 19:47:25 | 6thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 5)

Hi everyone!




How do you like this spring so far?




Okay today, let me talk about our IVF journey again. 




On February 10th 2024, my 3rd egg transfer in Japan was made. 




Back in 2018, I did my 1st IVF treatment in Japan and had 4 eggs grown well enough to be frozen. 1 month after the egg retrieval in 2018, I did an egg transfer, which luckily turned out that Andy and I was blessed with our lovely daughter, May-chan. 




After that, I did another egg transfer in 2022 and got pregnant. Unfortunately, I miscarried at 9 weeks. 




Then, I did my 3rd egg transfer overall a little before Christmas in 2023 here in MN. They put the only and best egg back in my uterus after my 2nd egg retrieval in MN, but it didn't make me pregnant. 



So, this time was my 4th egg transfer overall in the IVF journey and they're going to transfer one of the 2 frozen eggs from the 1st egg retrieval done back in 2018. 




On the big day, Feburuay 10th. 




For the most recent egg transfer done in MN, they gave me a lot of instructions for the procedure, but in Japan, there's no particular instructions except for showing up on the appointment time. 
(In MN, they told me to take some ibroprofen in the morning, fill my bladder until right before the operation and also take Valium right before the operation.)




Again, the clinic didn't want you to bring any attendants if not necesarry, so I went there by myself. 



It was my 3rd egg transfer in Japan and 4th overall. From my past experience, I know that the procedure was not going to be difficult and I'd be fine by myself, but my mom kindly came to meet up with me after the appointment just in case so that I didn't have to go home alone. 




For appointments for usual check-ups, you'd need to be prepared for a long waiting time, but for this egg transfer, I was called shortly after I checked in. 




In the beginning of the appointment, I had a quick meeting with a nurse. She explained some things about the procedure of the day and then asked me if I had used a bathroom yet. 



In the past egg transfers which I went through, they told me to fill up my bladder before the procedure. So, even though they didn't give me any specific instructions for the day, I hadn't used a bathroom at the point so that I could go either way. 




When I told her that, she said, "Yeah, we used to tell patients to fill up their bladder for this procedure before, but later came to conclude that it's unnecesarry, and ask them to empty their bladder now."




9 サードステップ/2回目の診察から胚移植当日 (9 Third Step/From the 2nd Appointment to the transplant) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I read back my blog and found this article saying that they told me to fill my bladder in the last egg transfer in 2022.




There's one more difference in this transfer and the last time in 2022. 




In the last egg transfer, they told me to lie on my belly in bed for 20 mins after the procedure, but the nurse said that it's also unnecesarry now since they didn't have any evidence to tell the resting time made any influence. So, she said that I could leave the clinic anytime after the transfer was done. 




After the quick meeting, I took off my pants and pantie and wore medical gown. 




Then, I was called to the operation room and sat down on the OB/GYN chair. 




Shortly after, an embryologist came in the room with a picture of the egg to be transfered and confirmed my name too. The grade of the egg was 5BA (which was very good). 




She also told me that the egg condition was pretty good after it's defrosted too. 




Then, my doctor came in the room and started the procedure. 




At first he rinsed my bottom area, which was a little bit painful because the metal tool inserted there slightly pinched or pulled my skin when the doctor was rotating it. Still, the pain was bearable. 




After the rinse, he inserted another tool and then put a tube through the tool. He adjusted the position of the tube as watching the ultrasound screen. 




Once the position was decided,  the embryologist came in the room with my egg. 




Then, the doctor connected the tube inserted in my uterus and the tube with my egg inside the embryologist brought in. The 2 experts were teamed up to slowly enter the egg into my uterus through the tubes follwoing the doctor's direction.   




The doctor sometimes said, "Hold on." and relocated the tube inside of me and then finally my egg was inserted in my uterus. 




During the procedure, I didn't feel any pain and all I did was trying to stay still as watchin the ultrasound screen. 



After the transfer was done, I walked back to the resting room and changed back to my cloths from the gown. 




Then, I paid at the front dest and left. 




In the egg transfer in MN, I felt like a motion sickness because of Valium that I took right before the procedure and needed to take a rest for a while after I got back home too. 



Compared to the experience, the egg transfer this time didn't give me eny side effects and I could have my daily life both before and after the procedure. 



Okay, this is all about how the egg transfer, my 3rd in Japan and 4th in the entire time, went. 




Thank you for reading again!!



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