Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

クリスマスツリー狩り 2022 (Xmas Tree Hunt 2022)

2022-12-14 12:18:05 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello everyone!

How's your holiday shopping going??

Yeah, it's almost Christmas there.

ハッピーサンクスギビング! (Happy Thanksgiving!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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感謝祭2022 (Thanksgiving 2022) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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The other day I shared about our family Thanksgiving here, which articles are above. And today I want to write about the day after Thanksgiving when we went to Christmas tree hunt.

The Friday after Thanksgiving is the biggest sale day in the state called Black Friday, and I think this special day's been getting familiar in Japan these days too, but still not as big as in the states. Anyways, our family's tradition in the last several years is going for a Christmas tree hunt on Black Friday.

This year as usual, Andy, May-chan and I were going to go to a tree farm with Dad&Mom, but unfortunately I was having bad cramps from my period in the morning and had to lie in bed for a while after I took Tylenol. So, Dad&Mom and probably Brad too left home for the tree hunt earlier in the morning and the rest of us did in the late morning. So, unexpectedly we did the hunt separately this year.

We're here! It'd been very warm on our tree hunting days in the last some years and luckily it was such a beautiful day this year as well.

今回行ったのも、我が家お気に入りのツリー農場、Happy Land Tree Famsです。
We went to our favorite tree farm,Happy Land Tree Fams , again.

We borrowed a saw from them and got ready for a hunt!!

May-chan was super excited and thrilled.

From tons of trees at the farm, you want to find your favorite.

Andy's so ready for this and brought a tape measure so that we could find a perfect-sized tree to fit the ceiling of our living room. Haha.

May-chan was not so much interested in hunting a tree, but having a fun time to play Hide-and-Seek among the trees by herself.

Why not? Cheese!!

So, we (Andy) finally picked one and tried to cut it down with the saw we borrowed, but somehow the tree was super hard and it seemed forever for Andy to cut it down on his own. So, We ended up a farm guy who was moving around to help the customers to cut our tree down with his electric saw.

We finally and nicely got a nice tree for this Christmas and 2 days after May-chan and Andy put decorations on it.

I used to decorate our tree on my own very often, but Andy took the lead last year and this year. (Thanks!)

May-chan loved to help Daddy too.

Needless to say, the topper of our tree is always "Makkuro Kurosuke", "Soot Sprite" from "My Neighbor Totoro. Look at the space between the ceiling and the tree top!
Great job for Andy on measuring it perfectly!! Haha.

Ta-da! Here's is our tree this year!

Of course, we could buy an artificial tree or get a real tree near our house, but it's really nice that we go a tree hunting together as our annual family tradition.

Also, a real tree smells so nice!!

As of December 12th when I'm writing this, we haven't put any presents under the tree yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing more and more presents getting added there from now to Christmas day.

Okay, this is all about our Christmas tree hunt this year.

Thank you for reading again! Bye for now!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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