Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2021年、メレちゃんとの日々 (Days with Baby-Meredith in 2021 )

2022-01-15 08:00:35 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

Today I'm sharing one of the articles that I wrote last year again.

I've mentioned this a couple of times before here, but since last September, I babysit my friends, Tom&Kat's lovely daughter, Baby Meredith (Mere-chan) 3 days a week.

Today, I want to share some cute pictures of her taken in 2021 and look back how we spent days together last year.

Mere-chan turned 5months old in December and practiced so hard to crawl. She hasn't completely mastered to crawl, but it's not going to be long until she will be able to freely move around on her own.
(That day, Mere-chan was so curious about my penguin socks and attempted to eat my toes several times. LOL)

She's become much more active and mobile lately, so I try not to put small objects around her. Though, my 3 year-old daughter, May-chan, doesn't care about such a thing and spreads her toys anywhere she wants, which adds another work to my to-do list. Haha.
(From this year I'm going to set on the playpen in the living room just like I used to do for May-chan when she was a baby.)

On every first day of the week when Mere-chan comes to our house, May-chan tends to be more jealous and needy. Still, May-chan really loves Mere-chan and every time she shows up to our house, May-chan gets super excited saying, "Baby!!!"

When the weather was not too harsh and cold plus I have enough energy left, I try to take them out.

I can see that Mere-chan also likes taking fresh air too. She sometimes take a nap under the blue sky or enjoys watching May-chan and me play around her.

It was relatively warm on the day and Mere-chan wanted to get out of the car seat, so I bundled her with the blanket and held her for a while. She looked happy.

When I want to take a break, I usually give them some screen time. They like watching May-chan's favorite Japanese cartoons together. Yup, Mere-chan's already familiar in Japanese.
(Yeah, the Christmas tree made the living room much tighter.)

BTW, Mere-chan recently started sleeping in the crib!
(She only took a nap on the bouncer before. The growth process from sleeping in the bouncer to crib is exactly same as how May-chan did.)

On the last day when I watched her in 2021, I gave her solid food for lunch for the first time. I made rice porridge which is traditional baby food in Japan.

Mere-chan showed me this cute smile, but at the time she didn't either seem to like it or hate it on the first try.
(Her parents said that she just started solid food and her reaction was same like that also with other foods.)

Luckily, Mere-chan's such a happy baby. She's pretty much always in the good mood at our house and shows me this very cute smile a lot of times.

Thanks to Mere-chan, our family had extra smiles in the house in 2021!

She surprises me every week by showing me how much she's grown up, so I'm looking forward to more surprises from her this year too!

Mere-chan, thank you for the cutest smile and fun time with you! Let's have more happy and joyful time together in 2022 too!

Okay, this is the end of the last diary of 2021 with Mere-chan.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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