Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

動物園デート 2/2 (Minnesota Zoo Date 2/2)

2022-12-13 09:51:58 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi there!

Did you get your holiday shopping done yet??

Okay, let me share the second half of the fun zoo date with 2 friend families today.

So, the main purpose of the date was this section at the zoo. Yup, dinosaurs!!

I knew that Tac-kun's a master of dinosaurs and knows a lot of dinosaur names when I talked to him at Japanese school, but Mai-chan told me that Rune-kun's also a big fan of dinosaurs too. May-chan's not as knowledgeable about dinosaurs as the 2 boys, but still she likes dinosaurs enough to want to be it on Halloween this year. So, Mai-chan and Rei-chan recommended me, "May-chan will love it too!!"

I don't know it they're real sizes or not, but they move and roar!

I wanted to take a pictures of the kids together, but you know, they didn't stay still even for 5 seconds, especially the boys. Haha.

The girls tried to listen to the adults sometimes, but the boy best friends kept moving around, so I even couldn't take any pictures of them looking at a same direction. LOL

FYI, the dinosaur section hasn't been completed yet, so it might be bigger or have more dinosaurs there in the near future.

After we enjoyed the dinosaur area, we had lunch inside the building.

I assume that it's because of the pandemic, but all of the food stores were closed. So, we had brought lunch boxes.
(For some reasons, Tac-kun got so crabby at the time and wasn't in this picture, but he could join us shortly after.)

Here's a funny story in the lunch time. Andy wanted to buy a bag of chips in a vending machine there and inserted a couple of $1 bills there. Although, the machine was broken and it just ate his cash and didn't give anything back to him. Haha.

Of course, he talked to a staff about it and got his money back, but poor Andy, he ended up not getting any chips after all.

After the lunch, we restarted walking around to look at more animals.

There was a big water tank. I don't remember what's in there. Maybe, sea otter?? My memories at the time are already lost. Haha.

Maybe, seals?? Whatever it was, the kids were super excited there.

Thank you, Mai-chan, again. She took another pic of us together.
(We're on a scale which can compare your weight to some kinds of bears.)

Oh, it was Sunday, but the zoo wasn't that busy and we could see the bear sleeping this close.
(You know what? This one glass plate between us and the bear is a huge deal, isn't it? Haha)

Not only the kids enjoyed the date but also we, moms, enjoyed it a lot. We could chat a lot as walking around, which was much fun.

This pic was taken by Rune-kun. Good job, buddy!!

So, the other day I talked here that one of my closest friends at Japanese school, Ume-chan's family, is moving back Japan, but Tac-kun's family is also moving back to Japan in January too.

Besides that, Rune-kun's family recently left Japanese school for some reasons, which means that 3 of my closest friends at Japanese school are going far away from me!! How sad!!!

That's why Mai-chan, Rei-chan and I were saying, "Let's get together before we get apart for sure!!!" and really wanted to make the date happen at the time.

A picture of all of us together!! We asked a nice guy walking there to take one for us.

It was a nice fall day and warm enough to walk around outdoor, which felt like that the universe was pushing us to enjoy the special date.

Still, when we're taking the last picture, the sun was going down and the wind was blowing harder, which made us start feeling so chilly. Luckily, we could have a great and comfortable time until then.

Okay, this is all about our fun zoo date.

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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