







思出し思出してや春の雪   文化十一年


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23:33 from web (Re: @hiroshi1001
@hiroshi1001 Celanは好きで、詩誌『コールサック』で翻訳連載しております。かなり難しく、しかも、怖い詩が多いですね。
23:46 from web
snow/ whose contexts/ Paul Celan knows the best. #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
23:52 from web (Re: @Jannagae
@Jannagae Thank you @Jannagae. I'm so pleased to hear that. I love my avatar too that means the color of lives. Blue and blue; sky and sea.
by delfini_ttm on Twitter
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01:25 from web
just at that moment/ it became/ spring snow #haiku #poetry
01:27 from web
this beautiful morning:/ the gift from/ Valentine #haiku #poetry for the upcoming Valentine's day
01:36 from web
plum blossoms// the noon moon/ like another world #haiku #poetry
01:39 from web
Excellent RT @apwpoet Surprise / is its own / image. #micropoetry #poem #poetry #senryu
01:45 from web
the spring tree's/ burning without fire// sunset #haiku #poetry
01:50 from web
spring snow// my clock/ points to 2:00 am #haiku #poetry good night everyone
10:16 from web
Many thanks @Jannagae for many RTs. :-)
10:26 from web
@TheMojaTimes Thank you Oye for the RT of Valentine's haiku. I got various chocolates from girls in this day long ago. :-)
12:40 from web
the world/ has had the context/ of snow #haiku #poetry
12:42 from web
a cat /looking up at/ the spring cloud #haiku #poetry
12:47 from web
the man in travel/ the other man in everyday life// spring #haiku #poetry
12:51 from web
dreaming/ of lost words// spring #haiku #poetry
12:56 from web
shutting down/ the computer// the darkness of spring #haiku #poetry
13:03 from web
spring demonstrations/ against Mubarak// black and blue #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
13:10 from web
Thank you both @yupius @asim7asim for RT.
13:57 from web
RT @Raw_Suleiman: Ignorant Thralls, I wasted my time brainwashing you, maybe I should eradicate you at once #Tahrir #Egypt #Jan25
14:31 from web
rolling around shirtless/ on a floor// spring snow #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
14:44 from web
the blank space/ of the poem// spring snow #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
22:27 from web
Thank you so much all for RT. @IF_Wolf @amoz1939 @beezknez
22:48 from web
Valentine day's/ conversations/ by the mobile phone #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
22:50 from web
tapwater's/ so cold// spring snow tomorrow #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
22:53 from web
the steaming ramen// spring has come/ in its steam #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
23:18 from web
Many thanks @yupius for RT.
23:22 from web
the sound/ of the seconds// rain to snow #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
23:30 from web
no time no money/ but have words and silence// spring #haiku #poetry #fhaiku
by delfini_ttm on Twitter
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