verse, prose, and translation
Delfini Workshop
2009-07-08 / 俳句
the Buddha pretends
to be born...
bells and drums
mi-botoke ya umaruru mane mo kane taiko
by Issa, 1825
Issa is referring to a hanamido^ ("blossom temple hall"), which Gabi Greve describes as a miniature hall set up at Buddhist temples and decorated with colorful flowers on Gautauma Buddha's birthday, celebrated on the Eighth Day of Fourth Month. Small statues of the child Buddha are decorated with flowers, and hydrangea tea is poured over the statue by visitors. In this haiku, Issa focuses on the lively music of hand-held bells and tambors.
馬かりて竹田の里や行しぐれ 乙州
一いろも動く物なき霜夜かな 野水
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