西尾治子 のブログ Blog Haruko Nishio:ジョルジュ・サンド George Sand



2021年01月31日 | 覚え書き


 Szabo, Anna. Review of Présences de George Sand en Pologne by Regina BochenekFranczakowa. Helikon (Budapest), 2018, no 2, p. 234-236. Is the Szabo from last time?

 Szabo, Anna. Review of Isadora by George Sand, critical edition by Annabelle Rea. Cahiers George Sand, 2019, no 41, p. 204-207.

 Watrelot, Martine, editor. George Sand et les sciences de la Vie et de la Terre. PUPB, 2020.

 Bernard-Griffiths, Simone and Pascale Auraix-Jonchière, editors. Dictionnaire George Sand. Honoré Champion, 2020. (Paperback edition).

 Hanin, Laetitia. La Pratique intertextuelle de George Sand. Identification d’une poétique et questionnement de genre. Classiques Garnier, 2020. 7

 Fournier Kiss, Corinne, editor. Germaine de Staël et George Sand en dialogue avec leurs consœurs polonaises. Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal. Forthcoming

 Auraix-Jonchière, Pascale, Brigitte Diaz, and Catherine Masson, editors. L’objet dans l’œuvre de George Sand. Classiques Garnier.

 Colombo, Laura, and Catherine Masson, editors. George Sand et ses consœurs, Romanticismi, Univ. of Verona, le Centre de Recherche Interdépartmenta sur l’Europe Romantique (CRIER).

 Fournier-Kiss, Corinne and Valentina Ponzetto, editors. Proceedings of the 22nd International George Sand Conference. MetisPresses. Other Items of Interest

 Anne Carlson (a current PhD student at RMIT Univ., Melbourne, Australia) announces that her PhD involves a creative work which entails poetic biographies of George Sand and Anna Magdalena Bach. One of the poems in this sequence has just been highly commended in the Martha Richardson Poetry Prize. The poem’s title is “The Georges: Sand, Eliot & Lewes”.

 Marion Glaumaud-Carbonnier (Wolfson College, Cambridge). « Un siècle d’Indiana (1832- 1935) : d’un roman mort du démariage », Cambridge Seminar Series in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 16 Nov. 2020.

 Andrew Counter (Univ. Of Oxford). “George Sand and the Sex Wars”, University of Oxford’s Modern French Research Seminar, 5 Nov. 2020.

The George Sand Association Memorial Prize In 2021, the GSA Memorial Prize will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Created to honor the memory of pioneering Sand scholar, Janis M. Glasgow, after her May 2001 death, the prize has now recognized eight young scholars. It will next be awarded for the best dissertation in whole or in part on Sand defended in 2019, 2020 or 2021, at the Saint Louis, Missouri conference, “Frontiers, Borders, and Gateways,” in June 2022. Deadline for submission of materials: January 15, 2022. Please contact Annabelle Rea (rea@oxy.edu) with any questions.

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