


2010年03月20日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海

ウィリアム・ホープ・ホジスン 著
shigeyuki 訳




  WILLIE JOHNSON LAY IN THE BIG BED very quiet and rigid. He had that day come upon his eighth birthday, and in consequence thereof-beginning to be, as his father had told him at breakfast that morning, a big boy-had been promoted from the night nursery and the company of his little sister Jenny and the baby, to the lonely state of a bedroom all to himself.
  He had begged hard to be allowed to stay in the night nursery; but his father had teased him for his babyishness, and his mother had negatived his desire with a few curt words. His nurse, Nanny Josephs, had sat with him for some time to keep him company~ for she knew something of the fear of the dark in which the little man had lived all his short days; but his mother, chancing to come in to see how he liked his new bedroom, had ordered her out, telling her that she was but pandering to the cowardice of the boy, which he would have to learn to outgrow, and that she considered nurse's conduct as nothing more or less than encouraging the boy to rebel against the wishes of his parents.
  His mother had stayed with him some few minutes after Nanny had gone, and she had improved the time with some sharp remarks upon her little son's lack of courage, the which, indeed, hurt her in a very tender place; for, above all sins, she held none so vile as that of cowardice. Then she had given him a cold, reproveful, duty kiss--and gone out into the hght of the big corridor, closing the little man in alone with the darkness. Yet she was a good woman, somewhat cold-blooded it is true; yet by no means lacking in steady affection. But she was also a very proud woman, and neither the Johnsons nor the Lemots--her own family-had ever numbered the fear-vice among their many others. And now, here had she given birth to a son who was a coward to his little marrow. Yet he should be cured, or--what! I doubt if she gave even a thought to the alternative. He should be cured. There was nothing more. Certainly he should be cured!
  She went downstairs and came presently to her husband. To the big, ruddy man she told in a few words her reprehension of nurse's conduct, and quoted a fragment of conversation that had passed between them:
  "I asked her if she thought Willie would grow into a manly boy if she pandered to him in that manner; and what do you think, John, the foolish woman said: 'I'm thinkin', Ma' am, as children do see tbings as we carn't.' I ordered her out of the room instandy. No wonder Willie is afraid to go to bed if she talks after that fashion in his hearing."
  Upstairs, alone in the dark bedroom, Willie lies in the coldness of the big bcd-a littic rigid, human atom, too frozen by fear even to pull the clothes over his face. He is watching with wide-opened, fixed eyes a great shadow against the lofty, invisible ceiling. It is shaping and shaping in hideous convolutions into the form of a vast hand. The four gigantic fingers are completed, and now the huge thumb sprouts of the, as yet, indefinite palm. And the little man alone in the darkness, seeming a thousand miles from all human comradeship, grows yet more rigid, and his eyes become the more fixedly open and staring. Suddenly, he realizes that the still uncompleted hand has moved downwards bodily, and the fingers are crooked towards him. The whole thing comes lower by perhaps a whole foot and pauses. The chlld is scarcely breathing, and his feet, spine, hands and forehead are sweating coldly. His senses seem to have become preternaturally sharp, and he hears, unconsciously, a dull regular booming in his ears that seems to fill, and throb through, the great dark room. In his little heart is one vast desire-prayer, that he might get the bed clothes over his head; but he knows that the crooked hand will pounce the instant he moves even one tiny inch. Sixty seconds pass-sixty minutes of immortal agony-such agony as only the fresh nerves of a fearful child can know. Then the staring eyes note a slow movement in the overhanging mass of shadows. It is receding, slowly, slowly, withdrawing into itself, shrinking, fading; but all the while in constant movement-convoluting. It has risen near to the ceiling, and is become little more than a small shadow. The child on the bed gives a terrific, spasmodic movement, and is under the clothes. The little, relieved heart is sledge-hammering against the frail ribs, so that the curtains of the great bed quiver to each throb. Truly he shall be cured!

"The Room of Fear"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki

