


2011年01月31日 | 紫の雲


Soon after midnight there was a sudden and very visible increase in the conflagration. On all hands I began to see blazing structures soar, with grand hurrahs, on high. In fives and tens, in twenties and thirties, all between me and the remote limit of my vision, they leapt, they lingered long, they fell. My spirit more and more felt, and danced--deeper mysteries of sensation, sweeter thrills. I sipped exquisitely, I drew out enjoyment leisurely. Anon, when some more expansive angel of flame would arise from the Pit with steady aspiration, and linger with outspread arms, and burst, I would lift a little from the chair, leaning forward to clap, as at some famous acting; or I would call to them in shouts of cheer, giving them the names of Woman. For now I seemed to see nothing but some bellowing pandemonic universe through crimson glasses, and the air was wildly hot, and my eye-balls like theirs that walk staring in the inner midst of burning fiery furnaces, and my skin itched with a fierce and prickly itch. Anon I touched the chords of the harp to the air of Wagner's 'Walküren-ritt.'
Near three in the morning, I reached the climax of my guilty sweets. My drunken eye-lids closed in a luxury of pleasure, and my lips lay stretched in a smile that dribbled; a sensation of dear peace, of almighty power, consoled me: for now the whole area which through streaming tears I surveyed, mustering its ten thousand thunders, and brawling beyond the stars the voice of its southward-rushing torment, billowed to the horizon one grand Atlantic of smokeless and flushing flame; and in it sported and washed themselves all the fiends of Hell, with laughter, shouts, wild flights, and holiday; and I--first of my race--had flashed a signal to the nearer planets....

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2011年01月26日 | 雑記



2011年01月25日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海







SEPTEMBER 5th-5 :00 p.m.
Went for a trial run in the Gulf. Both engines were working satisfactorily, although there was much vibration. Returning, we anchored close to the Dispatch. She sent over a diving party to survey our
propellers and found three turns of wire round boss of starboard propeller, which they were able to clear.

SEPTEMBER 6th-Thursday.
Today transferred 450 passengers, mostly Chinese, to West O'rore, We had by now only about 400 left on hoard.
The consul releases the Australia tomorrow.

SEPTEMBER 7th-Friday.
We had a busy day exchanging refugees, passengers and baggage, with Andre Lebon. We took all who wished to get to Kobe. The British consul left in the last boat in the evening, transferring his quarters to the French ship.
A number of business people were remaining behind in hopes of salvaging safes and business records left undestroyed.
11:00 p.m. Sailed for Kobe with a very crowded ship.

SEPTEMBER 9th-7:OO am.
Arrived Kobe. The ship was met by parties from the American and Japanese hospitals and parties from various relief societies of different nationalities.

SEPTEMBER 11th-Noon.
Sailed for Yokohama to fill up with oil from oil tank steamers. In the vicinity of the Gulf of Tokio, there was only one lighthouse in service. All the others were wrecked. The two big forts built out in the middle of the bay were completely wrecked. Gun turrets were twisted on their sides, and the other parts had caved in or sunk altogether out of sight.

SEPTEMBER 12th-7:48 p.m.
Ship once more back to normal, and we sailed for Vancouver.



2011年01月22日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海



Several Japanese destroyers arrived with relief stores. The military arrived from Tokio and established camps in the reclaimed land.
Japanese battleships arrived in the morning and sent off a quantity of medical supplies. They later sent a diving party who did. very well to clear the cable off our propellers and reported that the propellers appeared to have sustained only slight damage.
The Empress of Canada also arrived this morning outward bound. We were busy all day transferring refugees to her in the ship's lifeboats. She took several hundred people and as many injured cases as were safe to be moved.

In the morning we made an expedition ashore in two parties to look for survivors around the European settlement. We landed on the reclaimed land and proceeded towards the Bluff. The Bluff was one of the prettiest parts of Yokohama where about 1,000 Europeans had their homes -- beautiful places, some of them.
In daylight we were able to see what a state of absolute destruction the whole city was in. The Grand Hotel was a heap of ruins which had fallen right across the Bund. There were only about three burnt out frame works of buildings standing. Every other building in the city was flattened to the ground and burnt in the great fire. The canals which subdivide the city were full up with dead bodies. How many lay under the ruins, we shall probably never know. The whole disaster was so sudden that it does not seem possible that very many had a chance to escape. Everywhere we went was nothing but destruction and death.
For the last two days the military had taken charge of things, but very little seemed to have been done. Close around their headquarters, dead bodies still lay around, and even on their landing steps they had made no attempt to move them. If something was not done soon, disease would be sure to be breaking out. Difficulties facing them were having no means of transport. All trucks and wagons were burnt, the roads leading in from the country were impassable, and all the bridges were down. As all the towns and villages for miles round had also suffered, the nearest relief town was Kobe, which is 360 miles by sea.
During the morning whilst on shore, we felt another very pronounced shock.
The Empress of Australia was the headquarters for Europeans in Yokohama. The British Consul (Mr. Boulter) and the American Vice-Consul were on board. Refugees were brought off to the ship and kept on board until we were able to transfer them to other vessels leaving for Kobe or America.
Four American destroyers also arrived during the day and sent over large quantities of medical stores.
At noon on the same day, the H.M.S. Dispatch arrived from Shanghai. She at once sent over doctors, sick-bay attendants, and four signalmen.
The British and American ships were all assisting in transferring refugees from ship to ship.
Dense clouds of smoke were still rising up from Yukosuka, where the huge naval oil reserve tanks and coal supply were stored.
We have since heard that the explosions which took place during that Saturday afternoon, were the ammunition dumps blowing up.
By now considerable numbers of refugees were arriving from Tokio.


2011年01月19日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


On trying out our engines, we found that our port engine would not turn. The ship astern of us, at some time, must have tautened up her cable, which was now foul of our propeller. That hero then slipped his cable, leaving us with 75 feet of cable, and his lower anchor round our port propeller. Our pilot boarded her, passed us a wire, and towed us astern, clear of the wharf, where we anchored.
We had so far come through with no harm to the ship, except for our now disabled port engine and the damage on our poop, only to be faced by a far greater danger. During the night, some of the large oil storage tanks had taken lire and burst. Now from one end of the harbour came a huge pool of blazing oil. We were anchored where the set of the tide would bring this oil right down on us. Everyone saw it coming, but there was no panic.
There was no chance of getting towed out of the harbour as we had only one engine and all that cable and anchor dragging from the other propeller. Captain Robinson then took his one chance and got under weigh with his one engine.
It was a triumph of line seamanship, how he manoeuvered the ship clear of the oil, ruined her in the harbour, and headed her up for the breakwater entrance. The whole evolution took about an hour. There was no accident or mishap of any kind. Then, clear of the breakwater, we anchored. During the afternoon a pool of oil had drifted to the north end of the breakwater within the harbour, and was burning furiously. Watching this, we perceived that the lire had jumped the breakwater and set lire to some wharves along the north shore, and was now rapidly spreading towards a Japanese oil station where there were three 10,000-ton storage tanks close to the waterfront. If these tanks caught, we should probably lind ourselves in a dangerous position.
7:00 p.m. The Dutch oil tanker Iris, took us in tow, and towed us right out, clear of everything, where we at last anchored in safety: I should say here that when the Dutchman saw our lame duck manoeuvering in the harbour, he shewed good sportsmanship by offering, over the wireless, to come into the harbour and tow us out.
That night the oil tanks caught lire. The sky in the north still shewed red with the glare from the lire at Tokio.
By this time there were nearly three thousand people on board, two thousand of whom were refugees from the shore. Launches were coming off all through the day and night, bringing off others. There were a great number of injured, many of them serious cases.




2011年01月17日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


Towards 4:00 p.m. The people were coming down in only small numbers, and hearing that a number of Europeans were sheltering in the Park, which lies in the centre of the city; I decided to go up there and try to find them.
The first great flood of the fire had passed over this part of the city; and it was impossible to make one's way through. On shore the sight was appalling. There was not one building standing. Everywhere was a mass of burning ruins. Although the glare of the fire made it as bright as day, I had difficulty in finding my way, for little over half a mile of streets I knew very well. In places they were so covered in ruins as to be quite unrecognizable as roads. Deep crevices had broken the surface of the earth in all directions. In some places the roads had
sunk and were three feet under water, which made dangerous going, as the holes were not visible. Tangles of twisted wire from telephones and tramways lay everywhere. Here and there were twisted pieces of metal which were once street cars. There was no sign at all of the rails. Wherever one looked, there was to be seen the inevitable of such a disaster--the burnt and charred remains of what were once human beings.
I found the Park-or what was once the Park. It now resembled a lake, with islands of mud. On these mud islands were huddled together thousands of poor people who had lost everything, with no food to eat. Some had small bundles representing their worldly possessions. Amongst them were a few horses and cows. There was no distinction now between human beings and animals; all were in the same plight. It was very quiet. I was not there very long; it was getting rather too much for one's nerves. I know I felt that any kind of noise would be more bearable than that awful stillness, after what had gone before. The only sounds one heard were a few wanderers floundering through the mud, crying out names of people they hoped to find.
We got one or two more injured people and, at 4:30 a.m., we were all returned to the ship.




2011年01月16日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海
 ようやくボートを出すことができるようになったので、我々は海岸にいる難民たちを運んだが、彼らは炎から逃れるために、水の中に雪崩れ打って入ってきており、多くの人たちは首まで水に浸かって歩いていた。我々は船と岸の間をひっきりなしに行ったり来たりしながら、多くの人々を運んでいたが、酷い状態の人がかなり含まれ、即席の担架を作って運ばなければならなかった。その場合はみんな、船の上で手当てを行うことにしていた。船医の指揮の下、船内の一部を救護施設として空けることにした。女性客室乗務員と女性の乗客、それに一部の男性が、負傷した人々の介護のために大いに力を尽くしてくれた。夜が近づく頃には、船はとても込み合うようになってきていた。誰も彼も受け入れるということは不可能になっていたので、我々は船のヨーロッパ人と中国人の数を、負傷者と女性、それに子供たちだけに制限しなければならなかった(ヨーロッパ人とは、全ての白人と英国国籍の人々を指す)。港の中の全ての船のうち、そのほとんどは日本の船だったが、ボートを出した船は、我々が見たところでは、二隻だけだった。湾内にいた、我々の他には唯一のイギリス船であるドンゴラ号(P&O(訳注:ピーアンドオー、Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company、ペニンシュラ アンド オリエンタル スチーム ナビゲーション カンパニー。イギリスの船舶会社))とアンドレ・レボン号(フランス郵船)である。


2:00 p.m. The freight shed right off our starboard bow took fire and went up like matchwood. Things were looking very serious now. All hoses were directed towards the fore part of the ship and on to the wharf. We hauled astern until we were close up to the Navigator's bows. They could see the imminent danger we were in, of taking fire, and they refused to move for us! The burning lighters were now moving round us, several having worked their way in between us and the wharf.
When the Germans built this boat, they did not design her for speed, but they certainly gave us a good fire gear. Nothing less could have saved the ship.
Towards 3 o'clock the fire on the wharf began to burn itself out, and for the present the worst of the fire was over, and no part of the ship had taken fire. The Municipal Building was still standing. All the windows were spouting flames, and from the two high towers the fire was leaping as from a huge blast furnace.
We were now able to get the boats away and pull in shore to bring off refugees who, to escape from the fire, had crowded down to the water, many having waded out up to their necks. We continued backwards and forwards between the ship and the shore, bringing off great numbers, many of whom were in a very bad state, and had to be carried down on improvised stretchers. All these cases were being treated on board. Under the supervision of the ship's doctor, one part of the ship was being set aside for a hospital. The stewardesses and lady passengers and a number of the men were doing great work among the injured. Towards night the ship was becoming very crowded. Being impossible to take everyone, we had to limit our numbers to Europeans and Chinese, all injured cases and women with children. (Europeans meaning all white people and British subjects.) Out of all the ships in the harbour, most of which were Japanese, we only saw boats put off from two of them: The Dongola (P & 0), the only other British ship in port, and the Andre Lebon, (French Mail).
The Japanese, during that Saturda1 night, seemed to take no notice at all of the terrible suffering on shore.
The most pressing need of those on shore was the lack of fresh water. The earthquake had broken all the mains leading into the city; and in that terrible heat the people were dying of thirst.
When we stopped taking off the Japanese, we started a station on shore for distributing water, and had two life boats carrying off large quantities of water, which a party of us on shore served out in






2011年01月15日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海




12:15 p.m. Fires could be seen through the smoke to be breaking out all over the city.
12:30 p.m. We asked the ship astern to move out so that we could get away to an anchorage that sportsman wouldn't move, although the wind had eased off considerably, and the sea was hack to normal.
1:30 p.m. The whole of the wrecked city was now one enormous fire. The wind was blowing strong towards the harbour, driving the flames towards us. The heat and smoke were now getting terrible, and clouds of ashes were flying over us. All hands now together with several volunteers from the passengers, were working at the fire service. We had thirty fire hoses in operation, throwing water over the whole of the outside of the ship. A number of cargo lighters in the harbour had already taken fire, and having burned through their moorings, were drifting about the harbour with the tide, igniting the other lighters as they came together. The freight sheds on the wharf, although they had collapsed, were still above water, and it was now only a matter of time before they took fire. We again made an unheeded appeal to the Steel Navigator to get away and let us out of the danger. They had let go an anchor which was leading close under our stern. Instead of heaving
up and clearing out, they slacked away, still holding on to the wharf.


2011年01月13日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


We were all ready for sailing at noon. The weather was line and clear, with a light, southerly breeze. At one and one-half minutes to noon, we felt the ship vibrating, and wondered what was wrong, as the engines had not yet moved. After a few seconds the vibration became terrible; the whole ship seemed to jump and bend. In the engine room the engineers reported that the steam pipes were working at the expansion joints as much as a foot.
From the bridge I saw the wharf from end to end rolling like a wave. The usual large crowds were gathered to see the ship go out. Down on the wharf there was terrible confusion; people were being thrown down in all directions. Then, with a rending crash, the whole wharf opened up. Down with the wreckage went all the crowds of struggling people, with numbers of horses, vans and motor cars. We threw over numbers of linen and rope ladders to those who were left on the narrow strip of wharf which remained standing. But at that time we were unable to render very much assistance, as the wind had suddenly increased to gale force, and the ship was being thrown away from the wharf as much as twenty feet, then back towards it again, by the extraordinary upheaval of the water. Several of our moving lines had carried away, it being impossible to slack them away in time. The atmosphere was rapidly becoming dark with dust from the fallen masonry on shore. I have a hazy recollection of seeing the buildings along the Bund collapsing, and the noise was terrible. No description can give any idea of the inferno. It seemed that this was the end of everything. The panic-stricken people on the wharf were trying to make their way to the shore over pieces of wreckage which still showed above water. Our Shanghai pilot (Kent) was about the first to go through the wharf. I saw him in the water with a motor car sliding in on top of him, and that was the last I saw of him until he appeared over the ship's side, hauled up on a rope.
The two tugs that were standing by to tend the ship had both cleared off in a hurry. Astern of us was an American freighter, Steel Navigator, and on our port side, moored to a buoy, was another steamer that had dragged her moorings and struck us on the quarter, smashing in the rail round the poop, and damaging some of the light plates on the counter, which was not serious. With the ship astern, we were able to get away. The Japanese pilot boat (a motor sampan) came off to us after a time and, after great efforts, succeeded in carrying out a 9" Manila to the buoy. This line parted, however, as we attempted to heave the ship Out. We had just to hold on where we were.

"R.M.S. "Empress of Australia""
Translated by shigeyuki



 大震災の横浜の様子を描いたルポタージュとしては、最もリアルで詳細な一冊として「古き横浜の壊滅」O.M.プール/著 金井円/訳 有隣堂刊(絶版)があるが、その中に、この部分のことをプール氏の目から見た部分がある。以下に引用する。




2011年01月11日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海
 防災とボランティアの日にちなんで、これから数回に分けて、「R.M.S. "Empress of Australia"」という作品の翻訳を載せようと思います。これはウィリアム・ホープ・ホジスンの未発表作品として、サム・モスコヴィッツがかつて自ら編集したホジスンの拾遺集に収録した作品で、氏はこれを「サンフランシスコ大地震から想を得たのではないか」と述べています。しかし、日本人である我々からみれば、これは「関東大震災」という純然たる史実のレポートであり、サンフランシスコ大地震とは何の関係もないことが明白です。エンプレス・オブ・オーストラリア号による横浜でのボランティア活動は史実として存在しています。1918年に戦死したホジスンに書けるわけがありません。何かの間違いで紛れ込んだようで、現在では贋作だということがわかっていますが、最近完結したホジスン全集にも、贋作だとしながらも、収録されています。






R.M.S. "Empress of Australia"


I DO NOT INTEND WRITING AN ACCOUNT to cover the whole scene of the appalling disaster which completely destroyed the whole City of Yokohama, the greater part of Tokio, the base of the Japanese Navy at Yokoseeka (Yokosuka), Kamura, and also doing much damage in the districts to the east of Fugiyama. This is to give an account, partly in the form of a Log, of some of my own experiences and the part played by the Empress of Australia during her stay in Yokohama from August 31st to September 7, 1923.

AUGUST 31st.
We arrived in Yokohama, homeward bound, and berthed, starboard side to, alongside the Custom's Wharf. This wharf was under construction, the parts built of wood were being rebuilt of re-inforced concrete. It was to have accommodated four of the largest vessels at a time, two on each side of the wharf. It had two large freight sheds built of wood, with upper stories in the form of semi open cafes, which are popular places for people to gather to see the ships depart.



2011年01月10日 | 三浦半島・湘南逍遥



2011年01月08日 | 紫の雲


As I had left a good semicircular region of houses, with a radius of four hundred yards, without combustibles to the south of the isolated house which I was to occupy, and as the wind was so strongly from the north, I simply left my two vehicles at the door of the house, without fear of any injury: nor did any occur. I then went up to the top of the tower, lit the candles, and ate voraciously of the dinner which I had left ready, for since the morning I had taken nothing; and then, with hands and heart that quivered, I arranged the clothes of the low spring-bed upon which to throw my frame in the morning hours. Opposite the wall, where lay the bed, was a Gothic window, pretty large, with low sill, hung with poppy-figured muslin, and looking directly south, so that I could recline at ease in the red-velvet easy-chair, and see. It had evidently been a young lady's room: for on the toilette were cut-glass bottles, a plait of brown hair, powders, rouge-aux-lèvres,one little bronze slipper, and knick-knacks, and I loved her and hated her, though I did not see her anywhere. About half-past eight I sat at the window to watch, all being arranged and ready at my right hand, the candles extinguished in the red room: for the theatre was opened, was opened: and the atmosphere of this earth seemed turned into Hell, and Hell was in my soul.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年01月05日 | 読書録

「真鶴」 川上弘美著 文春文庫 文藝春秋刊


