


2011年10月30日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


'Anyone hurt?" shouted Jumbo, through the smoke that filled the place. There was a general instinctive feeling-over, to make sure, whilst overhead the Second Mate's feet beat a mad tattoo of pain upon the decked roof of the house; and from the main-deck there was loud shouting in the Skipper's voice, and, finally, the First Mate singing out something.
"Turn up the lamp more," said Larry. "No one's hurt, thank goodness! That's what I call a rank attempt to murder, if you like. We ought to block up the ventilator right away."
This was done, by screwing one of the bottom boards out of a bunk over the opening. Whilst they were doing this they could hear a loud and excited talk under the break of the poop, and presently the First Mate's voice: "No, Sir," he was saying; "you can do what you like in your own ship, of course; but I'll have nothing to do with any of it. You mark my words, Sir, an' you, too, Mister, you'll have sad cause to rue, if you don't ease up on them boys. You'll have a police-court case, an' there's going to be some hanging done, if you don't drop it. There, I've had my say. Please yourselves; but I'm out of it."
"Good old Mate!" said Larry, enthusiastically. "I'll bet we find him useful. We may be able to slip out for things at night in his watch. I'll bet he'll take good care never to see us."
At this moment there came the Captain s voice:-
"Take your watch, Mr. Henricksen, and rig a gantling. Take the old mizzen-royal yard; sling it by the parral, and bash the door in. Use it as a battering-ram. The for'ard door'll be best. I'll teach the young beggars!" and he swore horribly.
"Well," said Jumbo, "we've got to stop that. They'll just murder some of us if they get in now. Get that big pistol of yours finished loading up, Tommy. Don't use those bb's; fill her with some of that broken-up rock-salt instead, and mind you don't shoot at their faces, or you'll blind them for life. Aim at their legs. They'll be close enough, goodness knows.
'Now," he continued, standing up and looking rather pale but very determined, "out with the lamp. You take the other port; I'll take the one in the starboard end of the house. Don't you shoot unless there's a rush that I can't stop. And, for Heavens sake, aim low. You'll be glad afterwards. It makes a horrible mess, that saltpetre." (I had better explain here that the rock-salt had come out of a beef-barrel which the Steward had been emptying.)
The lamp was turned out, and then, very silently, the two of them unscrewed the iron covers of the two forward ports and peered out. They saw that the gantline was already rigged and the men were bending it on round the yard, near the parral. This was done, and the Second Mate gave orders to hoist away until the yard was about half a fathom off the deck and about level with the middle of the berth door.
"Make fast, there!" he shouted. "Come here, all of you, and get hold; on both sides, lads-on both sides. Steady her!"

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年10月23日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海




As the Second Mate shouted, Jumbo held up his finger for absolute silence, and the officer bawled the order again, with foul language, and punctuated by heavy kicks. Abruptly he was silent, listening, as they supposed; for directly afterwards he shouted: "I hear you in there, you-! Just wait five minutes, and we'll murder you!" Then, to some man near him, "Bring the Blacksmith's sled out of the Bo'sun's locker. We'll soon have 'em out, Sir." Evidently he was now speaking to Captain Beeston. "I'll make 'em wish they'd never been born!" In a lower tone he added: "I'm blowed, Sir, if I can understand how they got loose out of the lazarette!"
"Stand clear, Sir," was his next remark, after a few seconds' quietness. Then came a tremendous blow upon the steel door, making the whole of the interior of the little steel-house ring like a monstrous drum. But, though the furious officer struck blow after blow, until he was exhausted, he produced no effect upon the strong steel door beyond slightly denting it.
He stopped and hove the hammer onto the deck, swearing breathlessly. Immediately afterwards he gave an order to some of the men: "Bring the hose aft-smartly, now! Shove it on the nearest nozzle, and two of you man the pump."
"What's he going to do now?" whispered Edwards, staring round and round the berth.
He could not conceive just what was going to be done; how the attack was to be made. Jumbo and Bullard tiptoed silently to the after door and listened. Kinniks and Harold Jones stared at each other, with a queer mixture of terror and nervous excitement. The silence was unbearable.
Suddenly Larry felt something touch his head; he jumped back and stared up. Something was coming down the little ventilator in the decked roof\\the brass-coupled end of the hose was being pushed down it into the berth.
"Look!" called Edwards, breathlessly. As he spoke the pump on the fo'cas'le head was manned and a great jet of water came pulsing down into the place.
"Great Scot!" cried Jumbo; "they mean to flood the place!" And he whipped out his sheath-knife, with some vague intention of cut- ting the hose, which, of course, would have done no good at all.
"No!" shouted Tommy; "twist it up, put a turn in it; that'll stop the water." Which it did at once, the canvas pipe swelling up, above the twist, to bursting point, with the strain of the checked water in it, for the pump-men were working furiously. "Now pull for all you're worth," said Larry; and they tailed onto the hanging length of twisted canvas and pulled.
Abruptly something gave, and they went down in a muddle on the deck of the berth, whilst a confused shouting and cursing sounded out on deck. "Pull! Oh, pull!" shouted Jumbo, getting to his feet with a jump. The hose came in hand over hand, as the sailormen say, and in a few moments the end came switching down on them, slat- ting water in all directions.
"It's bust clean away from the lashing on the other coupling," said Jumbo, picking up the final part and examining it. "We've done em proper; we've got the whole lot. Good boy, Larry! There's no spare hose; the other's rotten; an' Sails will take a week to make another."
Outside on deck there was loud, angry talking between the Second Mate and Captain Beeston. "I'll match them! I'll match them!" the 'prentices could hear the Second Mate saying, time after time, in an excited, furious voice. They heard him go aft into the saloon at a run, and then the sounds of his footsteps returning. He ran to the little house, and they heard him spring up the small steel ladder, and so to the decked roof. Then his voice sounded at the ventilator:-
"Open the doors at once, you Young-, or I'll shoot you down for mutiny on the high seas!"
"Don't talk rot," replied Jumbo, staring quietly at the ventilator~ but reaching out his right hand until he held his rifle; for there was no saying what the man would do. "Will you promise to stop treating us all like a lot of dogs? That's the first thing to settle."
"Open that door!" was all the Second Mate's reply. "We're going to take the flesh off your backs and see if that won't learn you. Open that--s"
"Oh," said Jumbo, angrily, "go to the deuce!"
There was a burst of nervous laughter from the other lads, and this seemed to set the Second Mate off like a light to powder. He literally screamed something, and his great hand and arm came down the ventilator. "Flash-bang! flash-bang! flash-bang!" He was shooting madly and indiscriminately among the lads! Three shots he fired. There was a fourth; but it was from Jumbo's saloon rifle. The Second Mate dropped his revolver and ripped his hand out of the ventilator, screaming and cursing as only a man shot in the hand can.


2011年10月19日 | 近景から遠景へ



2011年10月11日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


  "We'll have to be quick," he whispered, as Jumbo struck a match. "It's twenty past eleven; they'll be down here in ten minutes per- haps before."
  They rummaged round with all speed, striking matches constantly, and it was a mercy that they did not set the ship on fire. At the end of three or four minutes Jumbo had secured six full-sized tins of corned beef and a pillowslip full of hard biscuit. He took off his knife-belt and strapped the tins together, and so was ready. Mean- while, Tommy had filled one of his slips with ship's biscuit and the other with sugar, a tin of Kiel salt butter, and several handfuls of loose tea, scooped up bodily out of an opened tea-chest. Bullard had filled his slips with biscuit and an assortment consisting of a tin of molasses, a bottle of lime-juice, and a second tin of salt butter.
  With this bulky collection they fumbled their way up the ladder and pushed up the hatch a little way to listen. Tommy was first; and as he paused there at the top of the ladder, clear and sharp up in the night came seven bells.
  "Goodness!" whispered Tommy, heaving up the hatch. "The bell's gone. We must just scoot. My gracious, they're coming!"
  As he said the last word Bullard and Jumbo stood beside him, and he lowered the trap into place swiftly but silently. Then all three of them ran quietly, barefooted as they were, up the alleyway, just as they heard the Captain's foot on the bottom step of the companion-way. Another fraction of a second and they would have been caught. They heard the Master call up to the Second Mate to send aft a couple of the hands, and to call the Bo'sun and tell him to bring aft a couple fathoms of ratlin-line-- a thinnish tarred rope, from a third to half an inch in circumference.
  The three lads vanished out on deck and reached the berth, where they scratched on the door for Kinniks to open to them.
  "That was for you!" whispered Edwards, as they entered. "Those brutes would have just cut you to pieces with that ratlin-line!"
  "Stop," said Tommy, as Bullard made to bolt the door again. "There's Jones going for'ard for the Bo'sun. We must get him in! I've a notion," he added, quaintly, "that Mr. Bo'sun won't be needed after all."
  He put his head out of the doorway,
  "Jones!" he called quietly, "Jones!" But Harold Jones needed no calling for he was already at the door, trembling with excitement.
  "Larry," he said, "those brutes are going to do it naw, they've sent me for the Bo'sun, and he's to bring some ratlin-line. They're-"
  "Come inside," interrupted Edwards, catching him by the shoulder. "They're just going to do nothing at all. Come in!" And he hauled him in over the wash-hoard and bolted the door.
  "My goodness!" cried Jones, in astonishment. "Jumho! And Bullard! Where's Connaught? How did you manage? What are you going to do? Good Lord! Don't you know they're going to lash you up in the rigging and haste you?"
  "Were going to, you mean," replied Jumbo, calmly, yet with a curious grim gritting of his teeth together. "Connaught's in his hunk. Larry got us out. I guess there'll be murder done before they touch us now." He went to his hunk and, lifting the coil mattress, brought out a Winchester saloon ride. "On my honour," he said, in a tense voice, "I'll pot the Skipper if he tries to touch me-or that hrute of a Second Mate or the Bo'sun either!"
  "I've something, too," said Tommy, and threw down the Captain's revolver on the berth table. "Only I couldn' t find the cartridges. But I've got a good old muzzle-loader in my chest, and heaps of powder and shot."
  He proceeded to rummage for the weapon and its adjunct of death and destruction. He produced the weapon and exhibited it with pride a big, old-fashioned flint-lock pistol, such as might well have been carried in Dick Turpin's holster. "I got it in that gun-shop on the right-hand side of Market Street," he explained. "They wanted a dollar for it, but I only had seventy-five cents, so they let it go for that, and seemed to think it a good joke. The boss of the shop made me a present of the shot and the powder, and said he'd come and read the burial service any time for nothing.
  Tommy grinned cheerfully and began to load the ponderous weapon, "I'd like to-- "
  But he never finished his remark, for away aft there suddenly arose a loud shouting. "They've discovered we're missing!" said Bullard, going to first one door and then the other to examine the bolts. "Hark to the Old Man! He's hammering the Steward!"
  "Iron covers over the ports smart, you chaps!" cried Larry, quickly, at this moment, leaving his pistol and springing to the near- est. "There's the Second Mate! Screw 'em up hard!"
  As each lad jumped to do this job there came a loud shout out- side the after door, and immediately it was shaken and kicked. Then came a roar from the Second Mate.
  "Open at once, you young devils," he shouted, "or it'll he all the worse for you!"

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年10月07日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


Edwards drew his sheath-knife and, by the light of several matches, managed to cut Jumbo's lashings; he was then able to get at the irons to unlock them. Whilst he worked he told them that Kinniks had overheard that they were going to be brought on deck at seven bells (near midnight ―― eleven-thirty, to be exact) and tied by their thumbs in the mizzen rigging and thrashed.
"I'll do murder first," said Jumbo, quietly. Then he caught young Larry in the dark and hugged him savagely. "I'll never forget, kid, while I live. Come on with the others."
Between them they cut out the other two, and in less than an- other couple of minutes had their irons off. They shook Connaught and rubbed his hands and knees and elbows until he began to take some notice of them; then they went for the ladder. Edwards felt his way up first, lifted the hatch ever so slightly, and peeped out. He lifted it higher and listened; there was not a sound, save the creak of the woodwork and the steady footsteps of the Captain and Second Mate overheard on the deck.
"Come on," he whispered, and lifted the hatch fully. Jumbo came first; then Connaught, helped and urged by Bullard from below. Jumbo stooped, caught him under the arms, and hove him up bodily. Bullard followed, and Edwards lowered the hatch noiselessly into place. They next went quietly Out of the pantry into the alley-way, the two bigger lads supporting Connaught. Tommy ran on noiselessly ahead, corning back to report that all was clear. They came out under the break of the poop, waited until the sound of the Captain's and Sec- ond Mate's footsteps had gone aft along the poop-deck; then they made a run, half-carrying Connaught, and so got into the berth through the after door.
They shut the door and bolted it. The for'ard one was open, and Kinniks was just entering with the last bucketful of water for the breaker.
"Good for you, Larry!" said Jumbo. "You seem to have enough for a siege."
"Yes," said Larry; "I've brought in five gallons of lamp-oil, too, for our stove and the berth lamp. Unship the fresh-water pump,
Kinniks, and bring it into the berth; that'll give them beans. We'll bolt the door after you; scratch three times when you're back again."
Kinniks went out into the darkness and Edwards bolted the door. Then he rummaged in his chest and produced two of his pillow- cases.
"I'm going down into the lazarette for some tins of corned beef and some ship's bread," he announced. "Then we'll have to get some lime-juice, and we'll want some sugar. We've got to have enough grub to enable us to hang on in here until the Old Man makes terms and agrees to treat us with ordinary decency, and nor like a lot of dogs."
"You're not going alone, my son," said Jumbo, quietly. "I'm coming; so's Bullard. You've done your share tonight. You stay here and open for us.
But this Larry refused flatly to do, and finally, when Kinniks had returned with the pump, the three of them, each with a couple of pillow-cases, stole out of the berth. They waited until the Captain and the Mate had turned to go aft in their constant pacing, then bolted in under the break of the poop and ran silently down the alley-way to the pantry. Here Tommy listened, first at the Steward's door and afterwards at the Mate's, and, finding them fast asleep, signed to the others to open the hatch.
Tommy went last, and lowered the hatch silently into place above his head; then groped down the ladder after the two big lads.


2011年10月05日 | 読書録

「ねじまき少女」上・下巻 パオロ・バチガルピ著
ハヤカワ文庫SF 早川書房刊




2011年10月01日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


He did not bother to return the keys; but, having seen that Harold Jones was managing all right with the water, slipped out of the berth again and away in through the saloon doorway. Here, after listening awhile, he made his way aft to the Steward's room and listened to his snoring; then to the room of Mr. Jenkins, the First Mate, and made sure that he was asleep. Finally, after standing a moment at the foot of the companion-way, listening, he did the thing be was planning ―― walked right into the privacy of the Captain's own cabin, opened his desk, and took out the keys of the irons. There was a revolver there, which he grabbed up, but failed, in his hurry, to find the cartridges ―― perhaps a providential failure. There were two Winchester rifles locked in a rack, and these he quickly put Out of action by bashing the hammers, which he did with two sharp steady blows from one of the emergency axes, which lay in their rack below the rifles.
The blows had not made much sound, but he was acutely anxious to make sure no one had heard, and so ran again, first to the Mate's door, and then to the Steward's; but both appeared to be sleeping quietly, whilst overheard, to wind'ard, he could hear the steady pacing of the Master and the Second Mate; and so he knew that, for the present at any rate, he was safe.
And now came the most desperate part of his scheme. He ran lightly (he was barefooted, remember) again to the foot of the companion way, listened a moment, and then stole into the pantry. Here he lifted the hatch that led down into the lazarette and felt for the ladder with his feet; then down he went, lowering the hatch cautiously back into place over his head. He felt his way down the ladder, reached the deck of the lazarette, and whispered: "Jumbo! Jumbo!"
"Halloa! Who's there?" said Bullard's voice.
"'S―― sh!" whispered Edwards. "It's me ―― Larry. I've got the keys. We'll beat them yet!"
He struck a light, and a murmur of muttered exclamations of excitement came from out of the darkness. He walked over towards the sounds, striking another match, and so found his three fellow- 'prentices, all ironed brutally. Their hands were handcuffed and their feet lashed together; then they had been doubled forward until their elbows were below their knees, and broomsticks had been thrust in over the elbows and under the knees and lashed securely, thus forcing them to remain always in that one constrained position.
"Larry, you're a little brick!" said Jumbo, and Bullard added an- other word of praise; Connaught, the third one in irons, said nothing. He just lay silent, partly on his side, where he had fallen. He had been so roughly used that all the spirit seemed to have been knocked out of him.

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki