


2011年11月27日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


  Then, on the night of that same third day, about three bells in the middle watch (half-past one in the morning), something happened. Larry Edwards woke with a sudden feeling that something was wrong. He sat up very quietly in his bunk and looked, first at one closed door and then the other. Both were safely shut. He let his glance wander all round the berth and saw nothing unusual. Keeping absolutely still, he listened intently~ As he did so he became aware of a faint, curious sound that he could not locate. It began, continued a little, paused, and then began again a faint grinding sound, slow and stealthy.
  The slight, curious noise, distinct above the faint natural creakings of the bunks and fittings, as the vessel rolled, troubled Larry more than anything that had happened yet. He knew in his heart that the enemy were attacking their security in some way; but he could not imagine how or where. Again and again he let his gaze go slowly round the berth.
  Suddenly he looked upwards, and saw something that made him tingle with excitement and apprehension. The end of a big auger was coming slowly through the decked-roof of the berth!
  He sat up silently, and let his feet down over the edge of the bunk; then took a closer look. The auger was slowly withdrawn, and Tommy Dodd saw that it left an inch hole that was one of about a score of others, all bored to follow round what would make (when completed) a circle some eighteen inches in diameter.
  The lad saw the plan in a moment. When the person on the roof of the house had completed his series of holes, all that would be necessary to finish his work would be a little quiet manipulation of a narrow-bladed saw; then, hey! a blow or two with the Carpenter's heavy maul, and a circle of the roof-planks would be driven clean in, to be followed instantly by Captain Beeston, Schieffs, the Bo'sun, and some of the more brutal of the men, who would thus be upon them before they had fully comprehended the meaning of the noise that had wakened them. A good plan it was, too, and one that would certainly have left them at the mercy of the brutes in authority, but for young Edwards's providential awakening.
  As he slid cautiously from his bunk to the chest that lay beneath him he heard the slow grinding of the tool commence again, very gently, and knew that the man above them was continuing his work, all unconscious that he had waked anyone.

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年11月19日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


They drew back the curtains of Connaught's bunk and had a look at him, but found him still in a kind of heavy, dull sleep, or stupor.
They drew the curtains again before the three unconscious lads, held a council, and finally decided to turn in.
Edwards proved to be right in supposing that no further attempt would be made on them that night. They were left absolutely unmolested for three days--the work of the ship going on about the closed steel-house as though it held nothing more unusual or tragic than its accustomed set of light-hearted, healthy careless crowd of 'prentices, instead of two lads near death, and a third who was still in a kind of heavy stupor, and all of the others under threat of most brutal reprisal, once they should open the doors of the little house.
Within the berth the lads cleaned up, cooked, ate, and tried crudely and ineffectually to feed their unconscious mates with soup of a kind of mawkish beef-tea which they made on their little oil-stove with water and corned beef. Fortunately they did no harm with these well-meant efforts; and presently they desisted for fear that they should.
At times during those three days they would catch snatches of the talk that went on between the men---talk that came plain to them as odd men happened to pass near the house. In this way they gathered bits of news, there behind their steel barrier. They learned that the Second Mate was very bad in his bunk; that one of the men had actually received a portion of the charge from Edwards's pistol in the back of his neck, and was feeling very sore about it, in more ways than one. Also, the lads learned that they were considered by some of the men to be "plucky young devils," and by others as needing something to "break 'em in"; these latter having evidently, from their remarks, a strong relish in the picture of all the 'prentices being tied up in the rigging and the Bo'sun "easing 'em of their bucko with a fathom of ratlin-line."
In the second dog-watch of the third day, when it was growing dusk, a little before eight bells, the 'prentices had a pleasant little "heartener," for they heard one of the men speaking to them cautiously through the keyhole of the for'ard door. "Good on you, mates!" he said. "Stick to it! There's a lot of us is bertin' you'll win yet. Curse 'em! I says." Which, though no more than an expression of sympathy from a half-developed mentality, was yet a cheering thing to the imprisoned five, upon whom the anxiety and confinement of their position were beginning to tell, as they sat there in the lamplight, playing cards most of the day, and talking in whispers; for they had always the feeling that some spy of the "afterguard" might be near one of the doors listening.

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年11月16日 | 読書録

「赤朽葉家の伝説」  桜庭一樹著
創元推理文庫 東京創元社刊




2011年11月13日 | 読書録
「ガリレオの苦悩」 東野圭吾著 文藝春秋社刊






2011年11月12日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


  It was at this moment that Jumbo unscrewed the glass port light itself and put his head out. "Mr. Henricksen," he said, speaking as calmly as he could, "you've got to stop that, or we shall shoot."
  The Second Mate stopped swiftly, caught up an iron-bound snatch-block with his uninjured left hand, and hove it at jumbo's unprotected head. It would have killed the lad, probably, had it struck; but he drew back in time, and the great heavy block crashed against the brass circle about the port-hole and fell with a thud to the deck.
  "Back with it, lads!" shouted the Second Mate. "In with the door!" He caught the far end of the big spar, so as to steer it, for it swayed clumsily with the rolling of the vessel.
  "I give you one more warning," shouted Jumbo, from within the house.
  'All together, lads! All together!" roared Henricksen, steadying the yard with his left hand. "Now!"
  At the same instant Jumbo levelled his rifle and fired. The Second Mate gave a shout, loosed the end of the yard, and caught at his left thigh.
  "Now, then, you chaps," cried Jumbo, to the hesitating men; "you clear off and be sensible. We don't want to hurt you; but there's going to be sudden death aboard here if we ain't left alone and treated proper."
  Still they hesitated, seeming half-minded to obey the Second Mate's groaning orders: "In with the door!"
  "Now, Larry!" said Jumbo, quickly drawing back into the dark half-deck, "shove out your pistol. If they don't move, let 'em have it in the legs, and Heaven help them!"
  Edwards pushed his great pistol out through the other port. "Now" he said, "run!" And as one man they loosed the hanging spar and ran, leaving it there to bash and clatter and sway about. Behind them Larry's great weapon roared; for he had fired over their heads to hasten them. In ten seconds not a man was visible, even the groaning and cursing officer having thought it advisable to remove him- self to a safer place.
  'That's done it!" said Edwards. "Let's screw everything up tight again. They'll not touch us again tonight. Have you seen poor old Darkins and Peters?" He drew back their bunk-curtains, and the five boys stood round solemnly in a semicircle, staring rather helplessly.
  "How queer Peters is breathing!" said Jumbo. "Where's he hurt? Who bandaged their heads up?"
  "The Steward," said Tommy. "The Old Man wouldn't let him come, but I got him to sneak in and fix them up. Look at the colour of Darkin's face! There's going to be an awful row about all this when we get home. Anyway, I'm glad we didn't start the shooting first."
  "Jove!" said Jumbo, "I wish it was all over!" He was old enough to realise the hopeless, dreadful piteousness of it all, and to see some- thing of the awful complications that might he ahead.

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年11月06日 | 読書録

「赤い月、廃駅の上に」 有栖川 有栖著 メディアファクトリー刊




2011年11月03日 | 読書録

 「不連続の世界」 恩田陸著 幻冬舎刊

