


2010年08月28日 | レムリアの記憶
 僕、すなわちミュータン・ミオン、《ムー》の文化的な人間は、これらの真実をタブレットに書き記し、未来のいつの日にか彼らがそれを発見するであろう場所に安置して、未来の人々に伝えなければならないという使命に強くかられている。これらの真実に――僕が今現在目にしている大きな戦争のなりゆきを付け加えよう。戦いは、全ての未来の人々を救うことを望んだものだったが、できなかった。なぜなら、僕たちは森に逃げ込んだ彼らを見失い、探し出すことはできそうにないからだ――彼らは未来の人々の時代にまで生き残るに違いない! [*32]


 32) ソロンから受け取ったという、プラトンの手による記録から判断すると、ミュータン・ミオン氏が頻繁に言及しているこの金属プレートは(この写本は間違いなく、この惑星の表面と地中の多くの場所に埋まった状態である)、一万二千年ほど前の物であるように思われる。ヘラクレスの柱の門が破られて地中海が形成され、アトランティスが沈没するといったような大きな地殻変動が起こり、これらのプレートの隠された場所はおそらくは破壊されてしまい、発見することが困難になったのだろう。少なくとも、科学的な記録として、そのようなプレートが発掘されたという記録は残っていない。さらには、伝説や歴史の中に言及されてもおらず、存在の可能性は、山上のモーセによって与えられた(授かった?)十戒の石版よりも低そうだ。だが、十戒が刻み込まれた石版は、モーセが怒り狂って砕いてしまったというのは真実のように思われるため、それよりも可能性が低いというのはありえないだろう。どうやらミュータン・ミオン氏が非常な苦労をして書き終えたメッセージは、今のところまだ発見されたことがないようだ――(編者)

I could see what had made them so supremely blind now. It was the effects from which the migration had been intended to save them. Yes, that migration had been delayed too long by a few centuries, it appeared.
It was another thing for me to stress in my message to future man; to inscribe on my timeless plates of telonion. Those who will people this planet again with children from the seed of the few we will not be able to find and rescue must be warned that there can be no peace nor beauty in life under this sun, except that they build special chambers which exclude detrimental forces as well as the radioactives that cause age.
Just so long as Mother Mu spins under this sun, just so long will her energy fields induct disintegrant charges from her destructive force, and these charges will work out into neutralization of man-matter growth through destructive will in the units of the life pattern. Without extraordinary precautions these detrimental forces will result in continual war and complete stalling of all real racial, social and individual growth.
If one of future man's really healthy men creates a machine of value to his people, one of the destructive men will take the same machine and destroy that same gain with it. l3isintegrant energy must be neutralized by an equal amount of healthy integrant energy. If it is not, this disintegrant energy will work out in continual social troubles, famines, diseases and death--if it does not actually take the form of a war.
This need not be the fate of future man! The life which grows in integrative source material concentrating chambers can be safe, immortal life--but all life outside such chambers will be destructive, if not by actual fierce blows, then by stupid interference and destructive disapproval.
These are the truths I, Mutan Mion, culture-man of Mu, realizing even more forcibly now, must pass on to future man, written on tablets that will be deposited in likely places so that they may be found in some future time. These truths--in addition to a history of the great war I am now observing; a war which wishes to save all future men, but which cannot, because of those lost ones of the forest whom we will never be able to search out--must reach future man! [*32]

# Footnotes #

^97:32 Judging from the information recorded by Plato, as received from Solon, it would seem that these metal plates so often mentioned by Mutan Mion (which this manuscript definitely states were deposited in many places both inside and upon the surface of this planet) were deposited about 12,000 years ago. Since such vast upheavals of nature as the sinking of Atlantis, the smashing down of the gates of the Pillars of Hercules and thus forming the Mediterranean Sea, have occurred, it would seem that the hiding places of these plates more than likely have been destroyed and rendered impossible of discovery. At least, science has no record of any such plates having been unearthed; nor is there any such record in legend or history beyond the possibility of the plates of the Ten Commandments given (found?) by Moses upon the mount. However this seems unlikely, since they are described as being of stone, which seems true since they were smashed by Moses in his anger. Apparently the message over which Mutan Mion labored so mightily has never been found.--Ed.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki