書籍之海 漂流記


梅棹忠夫 『モゴール族探検記』

2008年05月30日 | 人文科学

●"Mongolian languages" from Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online

"The Moghol language has been reported to be spoken by no more than 200 elderly people of a few thousand ethnic Moghols living near Herat in Afghanistan. It is unique in preserving the high back unrounded vowel //. Unlike some of the other outlying languages, it has lost Proto-Altaic */p/, but it preserves some unassimilated vowel sequences. The phonology and syntax of Moghol have been affected by Persian, and it has borrowed a large number of words from that language, including some function words. Like Daur, it is not closely related to any other extant Mongolian language." ( Robert I. Binnick)

 Britannica ではまだ生きていることになっている。ただし末尾の参考文献のリストを見ると、依拠する資料が古いのではないかという疑問が残る。

"Additional Reading/N. Poppe, Introduction to Mongolian Comparative Studies (1955), is principally a comparative grammar but contains as well history and description of the various languages and a brief history of scholarship. Articles on the Mongolian languages and the family as a whole are found in Handbuch der Orientalistik, vol. 5, part 2, Mongolistik (1964), along with a brief history of scholarship. A comprehensive bibliography is H.G. Schwarz, Bibliotheca Mongolica, vol. 1, Works in English, French, and German (1978)." (Robert I. Binnick)

●"Moghol language" from Wikipedia

"Moghol (also known as Mogholi [ISO 639-3]) is a Mongolic language spoken in Afghanistan by a few people around Herat, where Dari (Persian) is the common language. In the 1970s, when the German scholar Michael Weiers did fieldwork on the language, few people knew the language, most knew it passively and most were older than 40 years. It is probably extinct by now. Moghol people in northern Afghanistan now speak Pashto."


●"Mogholi" from Ethnologue: Languages of the World

"Mogholi/A language of Afghanistan

ISO 639-3: mhj
Population 200. Ethnic population: A few thousand.
Region Two villages near Herat: Kundur and Karez-i-Mulla.
Alternate names Moghol, Mogul, Mogol, Mongul
Dialects Kundur, Karez-I-Mulla. Unintelligible to remaining body of Mongol speakers; linguistically relatively well explored.
Classification Altaic, Mongolian, Western
Language use Speakers are older adults. In the two villages Farsi is the common language and is rapidly replacing Mogholi. Moghol people in northern Afghanistan now speak Pashto.
Comments Muslim (Sunni)."


 ところで、この本の中で言及される、H. F. Schurmann: The Mongols of Afghanistan: An ethnography of the Moghôls and related peoples of Afghanistan, The Hague, Mouton, 1962. とは、どのような書籍なのだろう。

(岩波書店 1956年9月第1刷 2002年1月第35刷)