Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

たっくんとプレイデート3連チャン (3 Playdates with Tac-kun)

2023-04-25 09:54:10 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going today?

So, the last week of March was May-chan's spring break, so I set up lots of playdates that week with her friends from Japanese school.

The one who we played with most was Tac-kun.

Tac-kun actually quit Japanese school last January due to his dad's work, but after that, the situation changed a little bit and his family needed to stay in MN until they would find out his dad's work stuff again. So, why not? They're still here. I asked to have playdates with us.

Also, Tac-kun and his mom, Rei-chan were planning to go back to Japan sometime soon and stay there until they would find out what's going to happen next about the work stuff, so I wanted to hang out with them as often as possible before they were gone. Thanks to everything working out well, we could have 3 playdates from the spring break to the mid week of April right before they left here for Japan.

The first playdate. It was the firstt reunion after Tac-kun left Japanese school 3 months before.

How nice it is that he surely remembered us!!

Thanks to tac-kun's mom, Rei-chan, saying, "I'll make something for lunch, so you don't have to bring anything!" We could enjoy such an amazing lunch there. She made us Chicken Namban (Chicken with sweet&sour sauce and tartar sauce) which's a very popular dish in Japan and I really loved it.

The second playdate on the same week.

Again, Re-chan prepped everything for us to make pizza together. So, we put toppings as we liked.

May-chan and Tac-kun had much fun with the cooking too.


Here we go! They turned out so perfect! This was for the kids.

This was for the grown-ups. It looks very delicious, doesn't it?

Tac-kun was eating his pizzal so well, but May-chan had eaten too much snack and candy before lunch to enjoy the delicious pizza more than a couple of bites.

May-chan finished her lunch in a minute and enjoyed dressing her up like a chef.

May-chan and Tac-kun have much in common probably because both of them are single child. They fight a lot, but also be sweet with each other a lot like this too. Haha.

We stayed at their place for a long time on the second playdate too, but we decided to have one more playdate right before Tac-kun and Rei-chan would leave MN for Japan.

On the third playdate. While the kids were playing well, Rei-chan and I enjoyed chatting.

この日も上げ膳据え膳。(笑) 美味しいスパゲティミートソースが出てきました。(れーちゃん、ありがと!!)
Again, Rei-chan made us lunch. Haha. She kindly had prepped spaghetti sauce for us. (Thank you, Rei-chan!)

May-chan's a huge fan of this spaghetti dish which's simply pour a little olive oil and put a lot of parmesan cheese on top. She ate a lot that day.

I'm saying that it's playdates for Tac-kun and May-chan, but at the same time it's lunch dates for Rei-chan and me too. So, May-chan and I both had such a great time in all of the 3 play(lunch) dates together.

It's pretty much sure that Tac-kun and Rei-chan will come back to MN once at least, but they even don't know what's going to happen after that.

I know that they'll probably move somewhere far from MN, but Rei-chan is such a precious friend who I can be comfortable with and I understand how lucky I am to meet her at the point in my life.

So, I wish that I could keep the friendship for the rest of my life and want to make as many chances to see her in person as possible in the future too.

Okay, this is all about the 3 playdates with Tac-kun and Rei-chan in March and April! Thanks to them, May-chan and I could have such a happy time!

Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!!

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