Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

新たな出会いを通して思う事 (What I'm reminded of through new meetings)

2023-05-02 10:02:40 | Hit-chanが思う事(My Random Thoughts)
Hi folks!

How's your day going today?

April flew away and May just started. It feels to me like that the last 4 months in the new year passed in a blink.

Today, let me write an article in this series, "My random thoughts".

I want to talk about "What I'm reminded of through new meetings" which crossed my mind lately. I've become a housemaker since a couple of months before May-chan was born, so I didn't meet any new people for a while.

Althouth, once May-chan started going to Japanese school, we met a lot of new people not only through her class but also the volunteer time for the entire school.

I live here for 12 years, but I'd never had many Japanese friends who I'd hang out with until May-chan started Japanese school. Literally, my Japanese friends were not more than 5. Haha.

Still, I'd rather have deeper friendship with f a few friends than shallower friendship with many friends, so I was totally happy just to have a few close friends.

In the last couple years, I made bunch of new Japanese friends in MN through Japanese school, which has been very inspiring and stimulating to me, and such a new life reminded me of one important thing.

Which is "everybody is different".

Yeah, you probably knew that and it might sound kind of lame, but you know, if you've been surrounded only by your same old friends who are comfortable with for a long time, you even forget such a fundamental thing in life.

As I'm meeting a lot of new people and getting to know them, I often run into a situation to make me feel, "Oh, this person is different from me." or "Oh, this person is same as me."

In all honesty, if you're hanging out with someone similar to you, you can stay very comfortable in the vibe. On the other hand, if you're with someone very different from you, you tend to get so tired after the chat or whatever and realize, "Oh, I was being more careful of what I would say or do with the person." even if it's not on purpose.

Still, I'm very grateful to meet both types of people, ones who are similar to me and ones who are so different from me.

By me being with someone who has the same values, I can be relaxed and have much fun with simply being who I am and enjoy the feelings of empathy or agreement together.

Also, by me being with someone who has different values, I can remind myself who I am or get to know a new part of myself too. Though seeing the person say or do what I wouldn't do, I can recognize, "Oh, I'm the other type of person." or something.

For instance, if you're surrounded by people who have the same values, everybody else and you would take "Choice A" without any doubts. Then, if there's somebody with different values and takes "Choice B", you can notice that there's another choice. Of course, you can take "Choice B" instead of "Choice A", but even if you still take "Choice A", you can get to know that you prefer "Choice A" to "Choice B".

By somebody showing you "Choice B", you can get more perspectives in your life. Even if you don't like the new perspective you discovered, you can also understand who you are more by knowing that you like or dislike the new perspective.

When you work on something together with someone who has different values as a team, you probably have some difficulties in the process to get to the goal. It's not that strange if you feel like, "Oh, I bet this way would be better than that."

Although, what you think is best is what is best to you, which means that your teammate has his/her own best way too. So, when I run into such a situation lately, I try to remind myself, "Oh, yeah, everybody has a different measurement in what's better and what's worse." in a moment after "Oh, this way is better than that!" cross my mind.

Through some experience trying to accomplish a same thing with a different type of person, I noticed that I sometimes became who I didn't want to be. So, I've recently paid more attention to know if I'm being who I want to be or not and if I'm not, I try to change the part of me.

What I'm most grateful for through meeting new people is that I have my families and friends who's let me be the way I am in my entire life.

Again, I just realized how lucky and precious it is for me to have somebody who loves me as who I am, and I can never appreciate that enough.

Just because I can be whoever I am with my loved ones and they are always my safe place, I can go out and enjoy meeting new people like this.

Okay, this is all about my recent random thought.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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