Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

9 フォースステップ/自己注射開始 (9 The Fourth Step/Self Injection)

2023-10-05 17:00:38 | 4thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 3)

Hi there!

How's your life treating you today? 

Okay, here's another article of The Fourth Step (IVF) series. 

On the previous article, I said that we finally got a specific treatment schedule. 

8月8日 ピルの服用を止める(5月5日から飲んでいました。)
Aug. 8th  Stop taking birth control pills. (I started from May 5th.)

8月12日 2つの薬を自己注射で投薬開始
Aug. 12th  Start taking 2 kinds of shots.



Menopur (English) and Gonal-f (English)

8月16日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug 16th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test

8月18日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査
Aug 18th  Ultrasound to check follicles & Lab test

8月21日 卵胞の発育の経過を見るエコー&血液検査

Aug. 21st  Ultrasound to check follicles and Lab test

Today, let me talk about the green letter part, the self injections that I started from Aug. 12th. 

From the 12th to 16th, I was told to do self injections with 2 kinds of meds. I had to take the shots sometime from 6am to 10am everyday. 
(I'm a night owl, so I felt pressure a little bit to get up early enough to take the shots. I know it's not that early and I ususally get up by the time though.)

画像拝借元:NYU Langone Fertility Center 新規患者向け資料PDF
One of the meds was called Menopur and it helps multiple follicles to grow better at once. 

➀Gonal-f (卵胞刺激ホルモン/FSH)
Follitropin Alfa (Subcutaneous Route) Side Effects - Mayo Clinic



自己投与が可能な排卵誘発剤「ゴナールエフ皮下注ペン」の動画を紹介します。 | 産婦人科クリニックさくら

産婦人科クリニックさくら | 横浜市青葉区東急田園都市線たまプラーザ駅 / 不妊治療やウィメンズヘルスケアのエキスパート


As for Gonal-f, there's also the same medication from a different brand called Follistim and which brand you get is just depending on which brand your pharmacy has. I got Gonal-f. 
(When I researched a little bit about the med, they used to priscribe Follistim in Japan, but now not available anymore. I read that instead of Follistim, they use Gonal-f in the country.) 

Menopur Subcutaneous: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing - WebMD
MENOPUR® (注射用 Menotropin)は、ホルモンを含有する処方薬です。MENOPUR には、卵胞刺激ホルモンと
黄体形成ホルモンの働きが含まれます。これらのホルモンは健康な卵巣を刺激し、卵子を作ります。MENOPUR は
参照:薬の説明書 PDF

I read online that Menopur is not approved in Japan, but considered as one of the most needed unapproved medications. 

I got my meds 2 days in this box before the starting date. Gonal-f was needed to be refrigerated, so they shipped it with cool delivery service. 


Inside the box, you find this pen-shape container with liquid medication inside. 

You take off the cap and put a disposal needle on the top. 

There's scale marks so that you can adjust the dosage by rotating the red part on the other end. 

This is a box of Menopur. You can store this at a room temperature. 

You need to mix the powder medication and sodium chloride on your own following the designated dosage by your doctor. 

The clinic shared some tutorial videos about how to take these shots and Andy and I watched them together on the day before Day 1. We simulated the preparation as watching the videos so that I could be comfortable enough to do it by myself in the next morning. 

Today (that I'm writing this article) is Day 5 after I started taking the shots and I'm pretty used to it now, but I did the shots as watching the videos on Day 1 and Day 2. 

I remember that I got some shots on my 1st IVF treatment in Japan, but at the time I just needed to visit the clinic everyday for a week and had the nurses to give me the shots. I didn't have to do it on my own. 

The self-injections this time reminded me that one of the shots was quite painful. 

Gonal-f is not that bad maybe because it's a little amount of liquid or smaller needle or something, but when I first took Menopur, I was like, "Oh my....that hurts..." the pain level was about 1.5 times more than I had expected and I couldn't help making a pause for a couple of moments.  

But the pain actually gave me a throwback the day when I was doing my 1st IVF in Japan. 

I do the self-injections around my abdomen and the nurses gave the shots to my arm in Japan, but the pain level and kind were the same and gave me the throwback in a moment. 

On Day 5, I haven't got any side effects or discomfort from the medications and I'd say that everything is going well. 

The self-injection life will go on for a little bit more, but I'll work on that. 

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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