Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの成長記録 9ヶ月、10ヶ月、11ヶ月(May-chan's Growth record, 9,10,11months)

2019-11-03 13:27:54 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How are you doing today?

I'm still working of fixing May-chan's sleep cycle and was doing pretty good until the 3rd day. On the 4th day, yesterday, didn't go as I planned.

Though, I heard that it's good to adjust 1 hour a day, so want to keep the easy pace not to stress May-chan and myself out.

BTW, Andy's leaving for another business trip from tomorrow for almost a week, which means that I'm in charge of taking care of May-chan all by myself until he's back. (Woo Hoo!.....kidding.)

Anyways, I haven't written May-chan's growth report forever because I was so busy for the homecoming trip and looking after my sick baby.

To be honest, I don't remember much about the details of 3 months ago, so let me write whatever I remember in the past 3 months at once here. (I'll write a little bit about the things when May-chan was 8 months old too.)

This is a 9 months anniversary picture. I couldn't use the natural light well, so it looks a little dark.

May-chan was in a super good mood that day but needless to say, she didn't want to stay still on the pillow...

and ran away. Haha.

Just like I said, I don't remember all the details like "she did what and when..." but have some videos that I shoot around the time and want to share them with you guys here.

8/5/2019 Falling asleep as eating(ご飯食べながら寝る。)

This is right after when she turned 8 months. She started falling asleep in the middle of feeding her, so I was like "Oh, I gotta shoot this!!" and grabbed my camera.

8/7/2019 Her favorite toy(過去最強のおもちゃ)

This is also when she was 8 months old. I had to use a tape measure at the night, and don't knwo why but she got a burst of laughter with it. (I actually tried to show the same thing to her in the next morning, but she didn't react much. LOL)

8/31/2019 Dive!(ダイブ!)

This is right after she turned 9 months. She's fearless and learned how to dive from the step at Dad&Mom's house.

This is a 10 months anniversary in Japan. A good surprise is that she didn't mind staying still on the pillow for the shot.

Of course, she ran away in a second. Haha.

During the 7week stay in Japan, she made a huge progress.

9/15/2019 First stood up(初独り立ち!)

On September 15th, she could stand still for some seconds by herself for the first time.

10/9/2019 Practice walking(歩く練習1)

She could stand still without any difficuty when she grabbed something and started walking a little bit from the beginning of Octorber.

10/12/2019 Took 3 steps(3歩歩いた!)

On October 12th, she could take 3 steps by herself!! Yay!

There was a low table in the living room at my parents' house in Japan, and it was very convenient for May-chan to grab and stand. So, that let her feel like trying to walk more often in Japan, but when we're back to MN house, she doesn't seem interested in walking so much as she used to in Japan and likes crawling around more.

At my parents' house in Japan, her best record was 5 steps. Yay!

Oh yeah, my parents in Japan owe 2 kitties, and the male one was very shy and didn't show up in front of us so much, but the female one, Marie-chan, was very friendly and voluntarily came close to May-chan and played with her. So, May-chan really loved her too.

Though, I was very nervous to watch them play together since May-chan couldn't control her power yet and grabbed Marie-chan's tail super hard or plucked her hair all the time.

10/17/2019 Bullying Marie chan(マリーちゃんをいじめる)

This is the very brave and sweet kitty, Marie-chan. She just let May-chan play with her.

As you can see it in the video above, May-chan grabbed Marie-chan so hard, but Marie-chan never ever clawed or bit back May-chan at all. (Thank you, Marie-chan!!)

And here is a 11 months anniversary picture that I took last week.

May-chan was still sick and crubby at the time so didn't want to lie down on the pillow at all.

Yeah, she had a bad day.

I tried to put her in the chair too, but she didn't like it either.

After all, she stopped crying when I gave her the stickers, and this is the best shot of the day. Yup, it's also a great memory too.

So, let me write down some rondome things that I can think of her.

・Hit-chanによく噛みつく。She bites me a lot!
She doesn't do this to others so much but tries to bite any part of my body very often. If it's my arm, it's not too bad, but when she did a surprise attack on my thigh, it hurt quite a bit. Besides that, she pulls my hair so hard too, and it's painful too.

・歯は上下8本のまま。She has 8 teeth and hasn't got any new one yet.
Since she got the 8th tooth when she was 8 months old, she hasn't got any new one so far. She didn't mind me brushing her teeth before but doens't let me do it easily recently. She sticks her tongue out and tries to block the tooth brush.

・怖いもの知らず。She's fearless.
She doesn't have anything to fear in her life yet. At my parents' house in Japan, she always dove from the low table and at our house here, she does the same thing from the couch or bed. Even though she fell, banged her head on the floor and cried, she still tries to climb up the same thing and dive from there again. I don't know if she simply forgets what happended to her before or is totally fearless. She's not scared of the darkness at all either.

・何でも引っ張り出す。She always want to take out everything from a container.
She always likes to take clothes from a laundry basket or things from a box. She just can't stop pulling everything out from the container anyway and gets satisfied when she's done with it. Then, she leaves the scene.

・10ヶ月にして初めての発熱と中耳炎。First fever and ear infection at age of 10 months.
I don't know if she has a strong immune system or something, but she'd surprisingly never got fever or sick until she turned 10 months. Though, she finally got sick for the first time when we're in Japan. It was 2 days before our return flight back home and made me pretty nervous, but I was kind of happy about it. (Of course, I don't want her to be sick seriously, but it's nice for her to develop her immune system.)

・引き続き、おむつ替えは困難。Changing her diaper is still hard and even harder.
Since she started rolling over, changing her diaper becomes harder and harder. Pretty much every single time, she runs away once I took a dirty diaper from her. She seems to enjoy being chased by me and runs away from me with a big smile on her face. Haha.

・ほぼほぼ毎食離乳食で毎日快便。Solid food and regular motions
On the way to Japan, her diet got a little odd and made her stool so hard for the first couple of days in Japan. Though, once her diet was back to usual and she started eating yogurt again, her stool turned back to normal. As for diet, she only drinks formula for the last meal of day and when she's too tired to have any energy to eat, but other than those ocasions, she basically eats solid food. She used to eat rice porridge but now eats regular cooked rice. She loves bread too.

I think this is all that I can think of for now.

I assume this record is not fun to read for you guys, but it's going to be a memorable information for me in the future.

Okay, this is all about May-chan's growth record for the last 3 months. Thanks for reading again!!!

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Unknown (怪人)
2019-11-12 06:04:41
怪人さん (Hit-chan)
2019-11-13 02:49:56

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