Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

State Fair 2019 1st Day vol.1

2019-11-12 11:44:29 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's everything going today?

I'm still working on fixing May-chan's sleep schedule after the trip, and it's been going back and forth so far.

I didn't have a chance to update my blog from before the Japan trip to the end at all, and a lot of stories that I want to share with you guys here are still unwritten.

So, most of the topics are about what happened in a couple of months ago, but I still want to write about them here for my own record.

Today, I'd like to start talking about MN state fair in 2019 and make the articles as simple and short as possible.

Though I said "as simple and short as possible, Andy and I went there twice and took bunch of pictures as usual. So, I think...it's going to be 4 articles for total. Haha.

Anyways, let's get it started.

We went to the fair on the opening day. We always try to get there first in the morning before it gets super busy.

This is our traditional at the fair. A picture in the morning. (We always take pictures at the same spot when we first get there in the morning and then do one in the afternoon right before we leave.)

This is my traditional, taking a jump picture. This year was actually May-chan's first fair, so I jumped together with her! (Andy's so used to take my jump pictures and captured this shot after a couple of tries even though I only jumped like 3-4inches. LOL)

Okay, here are the fair food record. Haha.

I always get a cup of coffee first in the morning at the fair.

Though, the food stand that I used to by coffee from was replaced with a new vender.

They were also selling coffee, so there's no problem to get me fresh coffee.

Andy got this hot dog for his breakfast since last year, he tried their hot dog for the first time after 10 years or more, and it was actually better than he had expected.

We gave some pieces of the bun to May-chan. So, it was her first fair food! Woo hoo!

After we finished the hot dog and coffee, we went to the barns as always. We're curious how May-chan would react to the animals, but she's not into them so much.

We always check the biggest pig at the fair too. Look, compared to us standing in the back, she's giant, isn't she?

We also saw the horses...

and bunnies.

Then, we went to check out my favorite show, the horse riding contest.

After we enjoyed the contest, we went to grab my breakfast next.

Crepe!! I was surprised that there's already a long line there!

What I noticed at the fair this year was that most of the food stands opened and started serving food earlier than before.

I remember that Andy and I used to kill some time by checking the barns or big farm vehicles until the food stands opened, but this year, we didn't have to wait so much. I think that most of the stands started serving before 9am.

At the crepe shop, I always debate between the sweet types or the meal types (like BLT), and this time, I chose the one with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.

We brought some May-chan's food from home, but I personally wanted to enjoy the fair together with her and tried to give her something at the fair too. I gave her some of the skin part from the crepe, and she really enjoyed them.

Okay, this is all about the first half of the day at the fair. Thanks for reading again!!!

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