Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

マリーちゃんの結婚式 (Marie-chan's Wedding)

2023-07-14 16:44:43 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's your day going today?

It's already July in 2023. This is about a story in June. Speaking of June, Andy, May-chan and I went to our precious friend, Marie-chan's wedding on the 10th.

マリーちゃんのブライダルシャワー (Marie's Bridal Shower) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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May-chan and I went to her bridal shower too.

On the wedding day, the weather was a little bit unstable, but...

The sprinkle of rain stopped shortly before the ceremony began just like the nature was celebrating the couple too.

They had asked the guests not using cameras or something to be really present at the ceremony, so I took a couple of pictures beforehand.

That was May-chan's first wedding to attend. Andy and I were a little bit concerned how well she could behave there. I got dressed up and put some make-up for the first time in a long time. Haha.

They handed out little cards printed the ceremony schedule and I could utilize the card to tell May-chan what's going on at the time like "Hey, we're here right now and there are only 3 things to go." when she started being fussy and saying, "I wanna end this now!!"

I have attended some weddings here in MN so far and don't fully understand what's said in people's speeches due to the language barrier, but Marie-chan and Josh's wedding was very low-key and comfortable to me. Their pastor? made his speech really entertaining using some Disney topics because Disney was their wedding theme. So, I could enjoy his speech a lot as well as other guests.

After the ceremony, there was some time to greet the groom and bride in person, but May-chan was over the limit and couldn't stay there anymore, so we walked to the party venue straight from the ceremony site.

The theme color of the party room was purple. Of course, it's Disney themed too, so they put some Disney related decorations on the table too.

May-chan who barely made it to the end at the ceremony turned to be in a happy mood at the party room.

Andy and I were less nervous there too because we could take her out of the room anytime she got crabby. Haha.

4 other guests at the same table were all kind and friendly, so I could comfortably enjoy the time with them though I usually tended to be so shy with strangers at parties.

When May-chan started getting bored at the table, we found that there were some Disney ink stamps there. Perfect items for kids!

Here's my plate. They serve roast beef or chicken and some side dishes. It's a buffet style and May-chan ate them well too.

Marie-chan came to the table say hi to us! Congratulations!! On Marie-chan's dress, there were some butterfly decorations on and May-chan was so excited to find them because she's really into butterflies lately.

Besides celebrating the cute couple, there's one more thing that I was really looking forward to at the wedding, which was...

seeing Marie's big sister and my dear friend, Franki!!

6年ぶりにフランキーに会えたよ。(Seeing Franki for the first time in 6 years) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Franki and I met through working at Caribou several years ago and she introduced me her sister, Marie-chan. On this article above, you can see a picture of Marie-chan's husband, Josh too.

Franki said the same stuff later, but what's so surprising to me was that May-chan opened her heart and gave Franki a big hug right away when we saw her. I had explained to May-chan, "Franki is Marie-chan's big sister, okay" a couple times, which helped her to get out of her shell without a hustle.

I was very pleased to see Franki there. She's the bride's sister and, needless to say, busy greeting to the guests at the party, so we couldn't have much to time to make enough catch-up, but it's still worth and priceless for me just to see her face in person.

フランキーの歓送会 (Farewell Party For Franki) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We worked so hard together at the Caribou for a couple of years and I witnessed the process that she was joining the Air Force to explore her life in 2015. It's been already 8 years since then. I'm very proud of her and have a lot of respect in building up a great career from scratch in the Air Force.

I know that Franki's the person who's willing to sacrifice herself to help others and won't ask others for a help for herself, so a part of me is always concerned about her and wants her to remember that "Your friends are always here for you too."

She's going to fly back to Texas in the evening, so we promised to reunite again when she would be able to get back in town probably in the next fall.

The party kept going on, but our 4-year-old was getting tired around 8pm, so we left the party around then.

In the next morning, Marie-chan surprised me by sending a "Thank you" message.

"Wow, I'm surprised that you guys already opened the cards and gifts though you had such a long and busy day yesterday! If I were you, I would've been dead now. Haha." and then she said, "Josh and I were like kids the night before Christmas! We couldn't open the gifts after the party." LOL
(The longer I am friends with Marie-chan for, the more I can tell why she's so loved by her friends.)

Anyways, I'm so glad that their wedding turned out to be wonderful.

I'm very grateful that Andy, May-chan and I all could be there for Jush&Marie-chan's very special day.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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Congratulations! (3人娘の母)
2023-07-15 13:30:15
3人娘の母さん (Hit-chan)
2023-07-17 03:13:16

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