Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家の晩御飯メニュー 2 (Our dinner menus 2)

2021-07-25 10:01:53 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

So, the other day I shared our dinner menus of a week here.


我が家の一週間の夕飯メニュー (Our Dinner for a week) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


我が家の一週間の夕飯メニュー (Our Dinner for a week) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


We don't eat something fancy or special, but I thought that it was a good record for my family to take some pictures of our dinner, so I'd like to share some more menus of our dinner today again.

I shared what we ate for dinner on the same week last time, but this time I'll share whatever made me feel like taking pictures of randomly.

The first one is this. It's one of our favorite dishes, Pulled Pork Tacos.

Andy made the pulled pork from 1 big chunk of meat one day, and we stored them in the freezer so that we could use them for dinner anytime. I seasoned the meat with BBQ sauce and made sandwiches with my homemade coleslaw, guacamole and chips.

This one is Okonomiyaki which is Japanese savory pancakes. Andy loves the sliced pork belly super crispy, so I fried them beforehand.
(I personally like them a little bit less crispy since the crispy texture kind of don't match the soft pancake texture.)

The famous Okonomiyaki sauce makes anything delicious. Haha.

On this day, I made Chirashi-zushi (a type of sushi) because I'd been craving for it. You can make it with a commercial mix of sushi seasoning, but I prefer making it from scratch, so I cooked some dried Shitake mushrooms, dried gourd, carrots, bamboo shoot.

I wasn't sure if Andy would like the sushi, so I purchased a pack of Sashimi at Lunds&Byerly's just in case Andy didn't like my sushi. (He likes Sashimi.)
(Well, it's totally nonsense to compare this Sahimi to what I can buy at grocery stores in Japan, but this Sashimi actually added some extra fanciness and deliciousness to our dinner for sure.)

Again, I'd been super craving for Chirashi-zushi, so it was beyond delicious to me. I didn't expect that Andy would like it, but it's a good surprise that he liked it too.
(May-chan didn't eat it though.Haha)

On this day, we had spaghetti with Andy's homemade tomato sauce and meatballs.

I fixed some salad. I made the dressing without a specific recipe, but it turned out pretty good.

On this day, we tried wings. These ones were Andy's.

These ones were mine. I was also craving for wings for a while, so I was super happy that we could make them finally.

Andy seasoned the wings with his original spices, but he wanted to put them before I fried them. Unfortunately, most of the spices on the wings fried off, and the flavor ended up being pretty much just salt & pepper, which was still very tasty.


甘辛の手羽先からあげ | sobu 2


sobu 2


I seasoned my wings with this super delicious sauce. I use this sauce for a lot of my cooking.

Andy tried the sauce for the first time at the time and really loved it too.

The sauce always makes me want to eat white rice as well, so I cooked some rice for the dinner too. I fried some green beans which turned out unexpectedly delicious!

Okay, I want to end this here today.

Well, I've been super craving for my most favorite food, Takoyaki, for a while and besides that, a couple of my friends posted pictures that they made Takoyaki for dinner lately, which stimulated my appetite more! LOL

Anyways, let me say "Bye!" for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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