Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めい、初めての停電 (May-chan's first Blackout)

2021-07-13 12:41:27 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi folks!

How's everything going today?

So, we happened to have a blackout the other day.


嬉しくない夏の風物詩 (Not welcomed summer events) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


嬉しくない夏の風物詩 (Not welcomed summer events) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I've written an article about blackouts that we had before on this blog, but we used to have a blackout frequently before probably because there's an issue with a electric box connected to our house. Since we had the electric company fix it, thankfully we hadn't had a blackout for a while.

I'm not 100% sure, but we had a blackout for the first time after they fixed the issue in the electric box.

It's pretty common that a blackout happens when a tree branch breaks a cable line by a summer storm or something, but this time it suddenly happened on a very sunny day.

It was still bright outside, but the living room turned to be this dark.

The kitchen as well.

We use an electric stove, so we can't cook during a black out. We also use well water pumped by an electric pump, so we can't flush toilet during a blackout either. Yeah, we really lean on electricity in our life.

Anyways, what I wanted to say was that our life turns super inconvenient once a blackout happens!

It was a very hot day and the blackout happened in a big area. Andy said, "Probably, everybody's using AC at the same time and the transformer at a sub station probably have blown out."

When a blackout happens, you usually want to tell the electric company, "I have a blackout here!" report via phone call or online, and all you can do is wait after that wishing, "Please get it fixed ASAP!" (You can also see the blackout map, which shows how many houses have a blackout in which area online as well.)

When we had a blackout before May-chan was born, we just gave up doing some things and did some other stuff instead hoping, "The sooner is the better." until we got the electricity back, but May-chan couldn't understand what was going on this time and got upset. LOL

First off, the timing was not good and the blackout happened in the middle of her YouTube time. Without electricity, we couldn't use WiFi, so she couldn't watch YouTube at all. "No JJ (her favorite YouTube character)...." she started cried.

Oh well, even her cute crying couldn't solve the problem, and I needed to keep telling her, "Mommy can't do anything! JJ won't be back even if you cry!" She was also told the same thing by Daddy.

So, I tried to distract he with other things. The first try was food.

She fixed her mood a little bit.

Though, she couldn't kill a long time just by eating, so I let her play with paint next.

She enjoyed the colors even in the dark room.

The paint couldn't hold her entertained for a long time, so we ended up going out and played in the yard for a while.

I was going to make dinner, but the blackout changed my plan and "We can grab something from McDonald's tonight." Andy suggested and kindly ran to the store.

Though, the McDonald's also had a blackout, so Andy ended up going to a grocery store near our house and got some fried chicken there.
(The grocery store probably had a private power generator.)

Anyways, we got the electricity back right before Andy came back home, so we could enjoy the dinner in the bright room.

It was lucky for us that the blackout happened on a sunny day because our house also uses a sump pump to drain overflowing water from the well. That means that our basement would get flooded if we lose power and can't use the sump pump on a rainy day. (We've had such a bitter experiment a couple of times before.)

So, Andy and I have discussed about the idea to buy a power generator for a long time, but power generators are not cheap in general and depending on the spec, how much power it can generate and how much of the house electricity can be cover differ. So, we haven't got one yet.

Anyways, this is all about how May-chan experienced her first blackout. Thankfully, we got the electricity back in 2 hours this time, and I think that it was a good life lesson for May-chan.

Okay, thank you for reading again!!!

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