宇多田光 word:i_


***** *****

David: The first single that’s out right now has a very American R&B sound to it, will the album have that same sound? Your other Japanese albums have more of an electronic sound to them.

デイヴィッド(以下D):今度発表されたファーストシングル曲は、アメリカンR&Bサウンドが強く出てるよね。アルバムも同じようなサウンドなのかい? キミの他の日本語アルバムは、もっとエレクトロニックサウンドが強かったよね。

Utada: Compared to the Japanese stuff, yes, there is a bit more of a very American sound I guess. I think the R&B-ness of it is because of the fact that I wanted to make an album that would be mainstream and good pop. At this point, R&B, it’s just that it’s mainstream.


David: and pop?


Utada: Right. But then there are many different styles in the album. Like the songs, they’re all very… some of them are more European sounding or Japanese influenced, it’s many different forms, but overall I would say there’s that mainstream feeling.


David: The first single “Come Back to Me” isn’t necessarily an indication of the entire sound of the album?

D:じゃあファーストシングルの“カム・バック・トゥ・ミー/Come Back to Me”は必ずしもアルバム全体のサウンドを示してるとまでは言えない、と?

Utada: It’s hard. In some ways it is, and in some ways it isn’t.


David: People who already know your stuff will find something familiar?

D:キミの曲(“Come Back to Me”)を既に聴いてる人たちはすぐに馴染めそう?

Utada: Yeh, I think so. There should be something familiar with “Come Back to Me” as well. It’s just what aspect or how much you’re talking about… just the essence as an artist or the nature of the genre or nature of the track. It’s the same voice.

U:うん、それは大丈夫だと思うよ。“Come Back to Me”と似通った部分もちゃんとあるから。でも、それはどの側面に着目するかによるし、どれくらい似てればそういえるかってのもあるよね。アーティストの個性の話なのか、ジャンルの種類の話なのか、トラックの特性の話なのか、ね。それに、(歌ってる)声は同じだから(そこは大きな共通点だし)。

David: “Come Back to Me” personally I think it goes a little bit back towards your older stuff.

D:“Come Back To Me”は、個人的には昔のキミの曲に少しばかり戻ったように思ってるんだけど。

Utada: Yeh, it’s true. To the very beginning. [laughs]


David: It seems to ride more on your actual voice.


Utada: Yeh, I intended to be more of a singer, which is where I started out anyways. I feel very comfortable, like at home with the new song.


David: I assume you’re very confident about the new album because you’re going to release the American version in Japan.


Utada: That’s a sign of confidence? [surprised]


David: Well, it’s not like your Japanese releases. So you must be confident that even tho your Japanese fans are used to listening to something else from you…


Utada: Oh, it’s not a choice that I’m releasing in Japan. It’s more record company politics. It’s like in the contract. It’s not like “I’m going to put this out in Japan because I’m confident.” That kind of thing? Nada!

U:あー。日本でリリースするかどうかってのは私が決めることじゃないんだ。レコード会社に(政治的な)権利があるんだよ。契約とかそういう話。「私は今度のアルバムに自信があるから日本でもリリースしてやるぜ!」なんて思ってないよ(笑)。そういう意味で言ってくれたの? でもね、それはない。(笑)

David: Oh.


Utada: It’s politics. No choice.


David: Is it EMI that’s releasing in Japan?


Utada: Universal.


David: Oh, well that’s a little surprising.

D:本当!? そいつぁちょっとした驚きだ。

Utada: Really? I don’t think any artist has that choice to put it out and in what country. That’s not up to the artist. It’s completely up to the record company.

U:どうして? アーティストはみんなどの国でアルバムを出すか選ぶ権利はないと思うよ。出すこと自体に対しても。私たちの仕事じゃない。100%レコード会社が決めること。

David: I guess I’m surprised [because] I thought you would have a little more say in it.


Utada: No. [laughs]


David: The first single is “Come Back to Me” which a lot of people have heard already. It’s on your MySpace and on your website, and that comes out February 9. And the new album will be called?

D:ファーストシングルの“Come Back to Me”はもうたくさんのひとの耳に届いてるよね。マイスペでもホームページでも聴けるし、2月9日には(iTunesで)リリースされる。ニューアルバム(のタイトル)はなんていうの?

Utada: “This Is The One”

U:「ディス・イズ・ザ・ワン/This Is The One」だよ。

David: For “Come Back to Me” you worked with the Stargate producers. Did you work on any other tracks with them?

D:“Come Back to Me”ではスターゲイトをプロデューサとして迎えてるよね。他にも彼らとやった曲はある?

Utada: More than half the songs. There’s ten songs on the album and six of them were done with Stargate. And the other four with Tricky.


David: Did you have a say in songwriting for all the tracks?


Utada: Yeh, I wrote the songs. Wouldn’t have it any other way. [laughs]


David: You also worked with Timbaland--


Utada: For the last album.


David: Are there any other American producers or artists that you want to collaborate with?


Utada: Not really. When the time comes I will think about who, but not really. [laughs]


David: You prefer being a solo performer?


Utada: This time the reason why I decided to work with Stargate and Tricky was because I didn’t want to have any big producers on the album like Timbaland-type producers that have their own color coming out, like their character is strong, like Timbaland-esque.


David: It sounds like Timbaland.


Utada: Right, where as I wanted it to be just me. To have track makers instead of producers. Stargate and Tricky are more like track makers. They’re producers but compared to Timbaland-type producers, they’re better at bringing out the quality and characteristics of a particular artist. They can take one step behind, sort of, into the background a bit. They know how to do that. That’s how they work. It was a very interesting collaboration in terms of music as well. I said “I’m going to write all the songs. That’s how it is.” I also collaborated on the tracks as well. I added some tracks, I changed the chords, had a part in the arranging… so I think a lot of me comes out in the whole album… which is good. [smiles]

U:そういうこと。このアルバムには“私らしく”あってほしかったから、プロデューサー(タイプの人)よりトラック・メイカーに声をかけた。スターゲイトとトリッキーはどっちかっつーと(プロデューサーっていうより)トラック・メイカーだからね。ティンバランドみたいなひとたちと較べると、スターゲイトとトリッキーは特定のアーティストの個性を引き出して質の高いものにするのが得意なタイプ。三歩下がって師の影を踏まず、みたいな感じ?(笑) どうやればいいかよくわかってるんだよね。それが自分たちの仕事なんだって(よく自覚してる)。作曲面でも、このコラボレーションはかなり面白かったんだ。「私が総ての曲を書く。それが私のやり方なの。」とは云ったものの、何曲かはトラックメイキングの段階から一緒にコラボしててね。私がいくつかトラックを加えたり、コードを変えてみたり。編曲にパートを持ち込んだり。だからアルバムの至る所に私らしさが出てると思う。いいことだね。(笑)

David: I think a lot of you comes out in the single that’s out now. Like I said, it definitely reminds me of some of your older material.

D:今世に出ているシングル曲(“Come Back to Me”)にも、キミらしさは存分に出てると思うよ。さっき云ったように、キミの昔の曲を思わせるところが間違いなくあるからね。

Utada: Yeh, like the “First Love”-ish thing. Yes.

U:そうね、「First Love」っぽいところはあるかな。確かに。

David: But contemporary.


Utada: But the 2009 version. [laughs]


To be continued in Part Two!


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