


2011年12月22日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


It was arranged now, between Bullard, Tommy Dodd, Connaught, Harold Jones, and Mercer Kinniks, that there should be a regular watch kept every night in future, so as to preclude any further chance of a successful surprise. And so, having performed their nightly task of dumping anything not required in the berth through one of the ports out on to the main-deck, they had a final look at their three invalids, and so turned in, all except the watchman.
At times, as can be imagined, the berth got fearfully oppressive and stuffy, with doors, ports, and ventilator all closed; so that, some times at night, having turned out the lamp, the lad who was acting as watchman would open one or two of the ports very cautiously and give the berth a blow through. It was on the following night when Bullard, the watchman at the time, was doing this very same thing, that he discovered there was some new plan "in the wind" for breaking into the berth. For, instead of the quietness of the decks at night, with the wind steady and only the silence apparent, he heard, away for'ard, a constant subdued bustle and the murmur of voices speaking in low tones.
He listened a long while, trying also to stare through the gloom; and eventually heard the Bo'sun speaking, evidently busy with some of the watch. A little later he heard and saw Captain Beeston go for'ard, tiptoeing past the house, and later on there came a loud crash and a hoarse shout of pain in the fore-part of the ship, as if something very heavy had fallen on to the deck and hurt one of the men. That this was to some extent a correct surmise, Bullard discovered soon; for one of the men came limping aft, supported by two others, and moaning and groaning with every step.
Bullard began to think it time to call the other 'prentices, which he did, and after telling all that he had seen, the lads were stationed at various ports to keep watch about the decks and report anything unusual that they might see, without a moment's loss of time; for it was impossible to say what form this new attack might take, or from what quarter it might come, or when.
It must have been just after four bells (ten o'clock) when Bullard first discovered that something was afoot; and the five boys stood watching and listening at their ports until seven bells had struck before anything definite was reported. Then it was young Larry Edwards who gave the word, in an excited whisper.
"Look!" he said. "On the port side! Don't you see? They've got bare feet; they're sneaking aft! They're dragging something. Listen!"
There was an absolute silence in the berth whilst the lads listened with all their might. Then they heard what young Larry meant\\ a dull, vague, heavy rumbling sound that came and went intermittently.
"My goodness!" said Bullard. "What is it?"
No one answered. The three other lads had left their stations, and were crowded now round the two for'ard ports, where Bullard and Tommy Dodd were watching. Very slowly the black, indistinct huddle of figures on the port side of the deck came nearer; and all the time the strange, heavy sound grew more ominous.
"What is it? What is it?" Bullard asked again, in complete and frightened bewilderment. "What can it be?"
"Gracious!" said Larry Edwards, suddenly, and burst away from his port, through the 'prentices at his back, and darted to his bunk. He was back in a moment with a pair of good night-glasses, which he possessed.
"What a fool I was! What a fool I was!" he kept muttering, as he adjusted them hastily
He put them to his eyes and stared along the port side of the main-deck.
"Great Scot!" he cried. "It's the cannon! They're bringing the signal-gun aft! They're going to blow the door in! The brutes mean to kill us! They're mad! They're absolutely mad!"

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki