


2011年12月14日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海


  The only reply was a blind succession of shots into the berth, which hit no one, as no one was in view of the auger holes. The result, however, on Bullard was to make him stoop swiftly for the big horse-pistol upon the floor. Then, in a kind of mad rage, he made one spring right under the holes and thrusting the muzzle of the big weapon up against one of them, he fired. It was all done in an instant of time, with the quickness of a wild cat leaping. From the top of the house there came a terrible scream in the Second Mate's voice: "I'm blinded! I'm blinded! Oh, good heavens, I'm blinded!"
  They heard nothing further for a number of seconds; for every one of the lads was taken with tremendous paroxysms of sneezing, owing to an enormous quantity of pepper being in the air of the berth; for some had spurted out at the sides, at the juncture of the hole and muzzle.
  Abruptly, as the effect of the pepper was easing from them, there came a gigantic sneeze from behind the curtains of Connaught's bunk, and the next instant his curtains were violently switched aside and he sat up-waked out of his long lethargy, sneezing and sane.
  Above them, on the roof of the little house, they caught the moaning of the Second Mate, intermingled with violent sneezings from the Bo'sun and Chips.
  "What's happened?" asked Connaught, utterly bewildered, and staring at the group of lads about the bleeding Jumbo. "What's happened?" he asked again, and went off once more into a burst of sneezes. But none of the lads had an~ time to reply to him, for they were all busy with the senior, Larry and Bullard cutting off his coat, and Kinniks and Harold Jones getting water in the berth basin and tearing up shore-going handkerchiefs for bandages. Presently they had him bound up as well as they could, and so lifted him into his bunk. Above them they heard the staggering, limping steps of the Second Mate and his constant groaning, as the Bo'sun and Chips helped him across the roof-deck of the house and down the little steel ladder to the main-deck. They heard him go staggering aft.
  "Now!" said Larry. And they took the teak washboard and, having bored holes in it with a brace and bit which Bullard had in his chest, they screwed it up over the auger-holes and so felt safe once more.
  They got Connaught something to eat and drink, for he was ravenous, and explained things to him as well as they could. Afterwards they settled down round the table to talk, anxiously and nervously; for the realisation of serious injuries received and given was weighing upon them, with a dread of consequences. From time to time one or other would tiptoe quietly to Jumbo's bunk, to see how he felt. Fortunately, his wounds were not in any way vitally serious. They were, literally, furrows, or gouges. Yet poor old Jumbo lost a tremendous lot of blood, and was some time before he felt quite his old self again.

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki