


2010年02月21日 | レムリアの記憶





 *16 アトラン人は、シェーバー氏が明らかにしているように、永遠の若さを持ち、決して成長を止めるということがない。「成熟」という言葉には、発育が止まっているという感覚がないのだ。したがって、アトラン人の年齢は、その体の大きさによって判断することが出来る。彼らの多くはとてつもない大きさで、時には三百フィートにも達し、四十フィート程度か、それよりも少し大きいというのは、珍しくもなんともない。シェーバー氏は、偉大なるアトラン人の知恵と歴史が詰め込まれた、既に失われてしまったという「古代の」書物を引用しているが、聖書の中の、例えば『かつて地球には巨人たちが存在した(In those days there were giants in the Earth)』というような部分を現実のこととし、ティターンの記憶の記録であると指摘している。とりわけ暗示的なのは、「地球の中に(in the Earth)」という明確な記述であり、「上に(on)」ではないという点だ。アトラン人は、彼らの素晴らしい機械を用いたのだ。彼らは肉体は、絶えず十分な量のエクシド(濃縮によって形成されたあらゆる物質から生み出された、エネルギーの灰)を受け続けるため、成長は止まず、だが彼らの肉体は大きく、そして重くなってゆく。つまり健康は、重量によって決定される。健康な人間は重いのだ。もし病気になったら、体重を失うのである。病気とは、エクシドが十分に利用できないか、エクシドが足りない結果として生じるものなのだ。――(編者)


Terror in Tean City

That evening Arl took me to a dance. Never had I known that there could be such pleasure! And as a part of it all I discovered that my education was to continue through every waking hour, whether in scheduled class or not. There was so much to be learned from actual living! And Arl, it seemed, was determined that nothing should be lacking in my education. Nor did I object, for nothing suited me better than to have her, beautiful tail and all, showing her friendship and interest.
The dance, she told me on the way to the hall in a rollat car, was very scientifically handled by trained technicons. The stimulation of human attraction between male and female, she told me, was due to the generation of many kinds of tiny and fecund spores which grow and are released upon stimulus by male and female. The male spores grow in the female and vice versa, just as pollen between flowers. This cell pollen and the sensation of its growing presence is love. I could imagine the immense fecundity given this process by the strength of the Atlan race, whose growth and youth [*16] never cease.
We arrived at the place where the dance was to be held, and I found a great room, tastefully draped, and decorated by paintings that depicted such scenes of love and joy and health as I have never before seen. Just as the paintings at the Hall of Symbols held forth that invitation to join in the elevation of the race, so did these paintings show the way to participation in love and joy.


# Footnotes #

^27:16 The Atlans, Mr. Shaver reveals, were ever youthful, and never ceased growing. There was no such thing as "maturity" in the sense that growth stopped. Thus, an Atlan's age could be determined to a certain extent by his size. Many of them reached tremendous stature, sometimes as much as 300 feet, and heights of 40 feet and more were rather common. Mr. Shaver refers to "ancient" books which have been destroyed, which contained a great deal of Atlan knowledge and history, but points to references in the Bible such as "In those days there were giants in the Earth" asactual truth, recorded memory of the Titans. Especially significant is the definite statement "in the Earth" and not on it! The Atlans, by the use of their wonderful machines. kept their bodies constantly supplied with a sufficient amount of exd (the energyash from which all matter is formed by condensation] so that their growth never stopped, but their bodies grew ever larger and heavier. Health itself was determined by weight; a healthyperson was heavy. If he became ill, he lost weight. Illness is the inability of the body to fully utilize the available exd, or is the result of an insufficient quantity of exd.--Ed.

"I Remember Lemuria"
Written by Richard S. Shaver
Translated by shigeyuki