


2011年07月14日 | 紫の雲



Save for a time, near Cairo, I did not once stop on that homeward voyage, but turned into the little harbour at Imbros at a tranquil sunset on the 7th of March (as I reckon), and I moored the Speranza to the ring in the little quay, and I raised the battered motor from the hold with the middle air-engine (battered by the typhoon in the mid-Pacific, which had broken it from the rope-fastenings and tumbled it head-over-heels to port), and I went through the windowless village-street, and up through the plantains and cypresses which I knew, and the Nile mimosas, and mulberries, and Trebizond palms, and pines, and acacias, and fig-trees, till the thicket stopped me, and I had to alight: for in those two years the path had finally disappeared; and on, on foot, I made my way, till I came to the board-bridge, and leant there, and looked at the rill; and thence climbed the steep path in the sward toward that rolling table-land where I had built with many a groan; and half-way up, I saw the tip of the crane-arm, then the blazing top of the south pillar, then the shed-roof, then the platform, a blinking blotch of glory to the watery eyes under the setting sun. But the tent, and nearly all that it contained, was gone.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年07月05日 | 紫の雲



Singular my reluctance to put it on paper. I will write rather of the voyage to China, and how I landed the motor on the wharf at Tientsin, and went up the river through a maize and rice-land most charming in spite of intense cold, I thick with clothes as an Arctic traveller; and of the three dreadful earthquakes within two weeks; and how the only map which I had of the city gave no indication of the whereabouts of its military depositories, and I had to seek for them; and of the three days' effort to enter them, for every gate was solid and closed; and how I burned it, but had to observe its flames, without deep pleasure, from beyond the walls to the south, the whole place being one cursed plain; yet how, at one moment, I cried aloud with wild banterings and glad laughters of Tophet to that old Chinaman still alive within it; and how I coasted, and saw the hairy Ainus, man and woman hairy alike; and how, lying one midnight awake in my cabin, the Speranza being in a still glassy water under a cliff overhung by drooping trees―it was the harbour of Chemulpo―to me lying awake came the thought: 'Suppose now you should hear a step walking to and fro, leisurely, on the poop above you―just suppose'; and the night of horrors which I had, for I could not help supposing, and at one time really thought that I heard it: and how the sweat rolled and poured from my brow; and how I went to Nagasaki, and burned it; and how I crossed over the great Pacific deep to San Francisco, for I knew that Chinamen had been there, too, and one of them might be alive; and how, one calm day, the 15th or the 16th April, I, sitting by the wheel in the mid-Pacific, suddenly saw a great white hole that ran and wheeled, and wheeled and ran, in the sea, coming toward me, and I was aware of the hot breath of a reeling wind, and then of the hot wind itself, which deep-groaned the sound of the letter V, humming like a billion spinning-tops, and the Speranza was on her side, sea pouring over her port-bulwarks, and myself in the corner between deck and taffrail, drowning fast, but unable to stir; but all was soon past and the white hole in the sea, and the hot spinning-top of wind, ran wheeling beyond, to the southern horizon, and the Speranza righted herself: so that it was clear that someone wished to destroy me, for that a typhoon of such vehemence ever blew before I cannot think; and how I came to San Francisco, and how I burned it, and had my sweets: for it was mine; and how I thought to pass over the great trans-continental railway to New York, but would not, fearing to leave the Speranza, lest all the ships in the harbour there should be wrecked, or rusted, and buried under sea-weed, and turned unto the sea; and how I went back, my mind all given up now to musings upon the earth and her ways, and a thought in my soul that I would return to those deep places of the Filipinas, and become an autochthone―a tree, or a snake, or a man with snake-limbs, like the old autochthones: but I would not: for Heaven was in man, too: Earth and Heaven; and how as I steamed round west again, another winter come, and I now in a mood of dismal despondencies, on the very brink of the inane abyss and smiling idiotcy, I saw in the island of Java the great temple of Boro Budor: and like a tornado, or volcanic event, my soul was changed: for my recent studies in the architecture of the human race recurred to me with interest, and three nights I slept in the temple, examining it by day. It is vast, with that look of solid massiveness which above all characterises the Japanese and Chinese building, my measurement of its width being 529 feet, and it rises terrace-like in six stories to a height of about 120 or 130 feet: here Buddhist and Brahmin forms are combined into a most richly-developed whole, with a voluptuousness of tracery that is simply intoxicating, each of the five off-sets being divided up into an innumerable series of external niches, containing each a statue of the sitting Boodh, all surmounted by a number of cupolas, and the whole crowned by a magnificent dagop: and when I saw this, I had the impulse to return to my home after so long wandering, and to finish the temple of temples, and the palace of palaces; and I said: 'I will return, and build it as a testimony to God.'


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年06月24日 | 紫の雲



With all that region I would have no more to do: for all here, it used to be said, lies a great sunken continent; and I thought it would be rising and shewing itself to my eyes, and driving me stark mad: for the earth is full of these contortions, sudden monstrous grimaces and apparitions, which are like the face of Medusa, affrighting a man into spinning stone; and nothing could be more appallingly insecure than living on a planet.
I did not stop till I had got so far northward as the Philippine Islands, where I was two weeks―exuberant, odorous places, but so hilly and rude, that at one place I abandoned all attempt at travelling in the motor, and left it in a valley by a broad, shallow, noisy river, full of mossy stones: for I said: 'Here I will live, and be at peace'; and then I had a fright, for during three days I could not re-discover the river and the motor, and I was in the greatest despair, thinking: 'When shall I find my way out of these jungles and vastnesses?' For I was where no paths were, and had lost myself in deeps where the lure of the earth is too strong and rank for a single man, since in such places, I suppose, a man would rapidly be transformed into a tree, or a snake, or a tiger. At last, however, I found the place, to my great joy, but I would not shew that I was glad, and to hide it, fell upon a front wheel of the car with some kicks. I could not make out who the people were that lived here: for the relics of some seemed quite black, like New Zealand races, and I could still detect the traces of tattooing, while others suggested Mongolian types, and some looked like pigmies, and some like whites. But I cannot detail the two-years' incidents of that voyage: for it is past, and like a dream: and not to write of that―of all that―have I taken this pencil in hand after seventeen long, long years.

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年06月19日 | 紫の雲
 夕食の間、そして食べ終えてからも、ぼくはその手記を読んだが、手書きのフランス語で、しかも色あせていたから、判読には苦労したものの、どうやらそれは、おそらくは乗客か乗員のいずれかの手による日記らしく、自らをアルバート・ティシューと名乗っており、船のことはマリー・メイヤー号と呼んでいた。そこには注目に値するような話は何もなかった――ありふれた南洋の風物、気象、物産などの記述があっただけだ――やがてぼくは最後のページにまで辿り着いた。そこには驚くに値することが書かれていた。日付は四月十八日――不思議だ、信じられないほど奇妙なことだ――それは十二年も昔にぼくが北極に到達したのと同じ日付だったのだ。そのページに記されていたことは、他のページに整然と記されていた字体とはまるで異なり、尋常ではないほどの走り書きで、冷静さをまるで欠いていた。そこには「五時」という見出しがあった――明記されてはいないが、午後五時だと推測した。彼はこう書いていた。「ぞっとするような事態だ!類なき現象だ!かつてこの全宇宙に存在したことのあるあらゆる人間の中で、わたしが唯一の目撃者に違いない。この出来事は、ママを、ヘンリを、ジュリエットを、わたしがこれから永遠の航海に出ることになっても仕方がないと納得させるに足るものだろう。船尾でトンバレル船長は、話をしている最中に、いきなり感嘆の声を上げた――『おお、神さま!』彼の顔は蒼白だった。わたしは彼がじっと見つめている方向に目をやった。おお、八キロほど彼方に――十の巨大な竜巻が上空遥かに聳えていた――それは一本の真っ直ぐな線のように、九百メートルという極めて規則的な間隔で並んでいるということがわかった。それは竜巻のように移動したり、踊ったり、揺れ動いたりはしなかった。竜巻のような、ユリの花のような形でもなかった。あちらこちらで少しねじれた、上から下まで一定の直径を持つ十本の水の柱であり、わたしはその直径を五十メートルだと推測した。五秒、十秒、とても長い時間我々は見つめていたが、レンバレル船長は機械的に「神よ!神よ!」と吐息のような声で繰り返すだけであり、全てのクルーは、今では船尾に集まってきていて、わたしが指し示した方向を見つめていた。そして突然、全てが消滅した。その氷の柱は間違いなくまだそこにあったが、もはや見えなかった。それを取り巻く海が、シューっという音を立てながら、濃密な白い蒸気を放っていて、それがその柱よりも高く立ち上り、大きく広がって、有毒なシューシューという音が、これだけ離れていてさえも、我々の耳にはっきりと聞き取れるようになった。それは恐怖の種であり、耐えられないほどだった!目は見えない!耳は聞こえない!祝福されざる辛苦であり、怪物の誕生のように思えた!だがそれは長くは続かなかった。ほどなくマリー・メイヤー号は暴力的な力で弄ばれ、そして海は、さっきまでは穏やかだったのに、今では荒れ狂っていた!そして同時に、白い蒸気を通して、暗い影がゆっくりと立ち上ってくるのを見た――巨大な黒い影、新たに生まれた大陸が、十の火炎を立ち登らせながら、ゆっくりと、確実に、海から雲の中へ。その立ち上ってくるものが姿を現すのを止めた、あるいは止めたように思えたその瞬間、こんな壮大な思考がわたしを襲った。「わたし、アルバート・ティシューは、不滅だ。わたしの名は決して人々の中から失われることはないのだ!」わたしは急いで下に降りて、これを書き記している。南緯十六度二十一分十三厘、西経百七十六度五十八分十九厘(原注・1)。デッキの上を走り回る大きな音がして――彼らが降りてきた。確かに奇妙なアーモンドのような香りがする――わたしの唯一の願い――それは闇、mon D??」


(原注・1 これはパリを拠点とした、フランス式の数え方にちがいない)



During dinner, and after, I read the book, with some difficulty, for it was pen-written in French, and discoloured, and it turned out to be the journal of someone, a passenger and voyager, I imagine, who called himself Albert Tissu, and the ship the Marie Meyer. There was nothing remarkable in the narrative that I could see―common-place descriptions of South Sea scenes, records of weather, cargoes, and the like―till I came to the last written page: and that was remarkable enough. It was dated the 13th of April―strange thing, my good God, incredibly strange―that same day, twenty long years ago, when I reached the Pole; and the writing on that page was quite different from the neat look of the rest, proving immoderate excitement, wildest haste; and he heads it 'Cinq Heures,'―I suppose in the evening, for he does not say: and he writes: 'Monstrous event! phenomenon without likeness! the witnesses of which must for ever live immortalised in the annals of the universe, an event which will make even Mama, Henri and Juliette admit that I was justified in undertaking this most eventful voyage. Talking with Captain Tombarel on the poop, when a sudden exclamation from him―"Mon Dieu!" His visage whitens! I follow the direction of his gaze to eastward! I behold! eight kilomètres perhaps away―, ten monstrous waterspouts, reaching up, up, high enough―all apparently in one straight line, with intervals of nine hundred mètres, very regularly placed. They do not wander, dance, nor waver, as waterspouts do; nor are they at all lily-shaped, like waterspouts: but ten hewn pillars of water, with uniform diameter from top to bottom, only a little twisted here and there, and, as I divine, fifty mètres in girth. Five, ten, stupendous minutes we look, Captain Tombarel mechanically repeating and repeating under his breath "Mon Dieu!" "Mon Dieu!" the whole crew now on the poop, I agitated, but collected, watch in hand. And suddenly, all is blotted out: the pillars of water, doubtless still there, can no more be seen: for the ocean all about them is steaming, hissing higher than the pillars a dense white vapour, vast in extent, whose venomous sibilation we at this distance can quite distinctly hear. It is affrighting, it is intolerable! the eyes can hardly bear to watch, the ears to hear! it seems unholy travail, monstrous birth! But it lasts not long: all at once the Marie Meyer commences to pitch and roll violently, and the sea, a moment since calm, is now rough! and at the same time, through the white vapour, we see a dark shadow slowly rising―the shadow of a mighty back, a new-born land, bearing upwards ten flames of fire, slowly, steadily, out of the sea, into the clouds. At the moment when that sublime emergence ceases, or seems to cease, the grand thought that smites me is this: "I, Albert Tissu, am immortalised: my name shall never perish from among men!" I rush down, I write it. The latitude is 16° 21' 13" South; the longitude 176° 58' 19" West1. There is a great deal of running about on the decks―they are descending. There is surely a strange odour of almonds―I only hope―it is so dark, mon D――'

So the Frenchman, Tissu.

1 [This must be French reckoning, from meridian of Paris.]

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年06月11日 | 紫の雲

Well, on the fourth, or the fifth, evening after this, just as the sun was sinking beyond the rim of the sea, I happened to look where he hung motionless on the starboard bow: and there I saw a clean-cut black-green spot against his red―a most unusual sight here and now―a ship: a poor thing, as it turned out when I got near her, without any sign of mast, heavily water-logged, some relics of old rigging hanging over, even her bowsprit apparently broken in the middle (though I could not see it), and she nothing more than a hirsute green mass of old weeds and sea-things from bowsprit-tip to poop, and from bulwarks to water-line, stout as a hedgehog, only awaiting there the next high sea to founder.
It being near my dinner-hour and night's rest, I stopped the Speranza some fifteen yards from her, and commenced to pace my spacious poop, as usual, before eating; and as I paced, I would glance at her, wondering at her destiny, and who were the human men that had lived on her, their Christian names, and family names, their age, and thought, and way of life, and beards; till the desire arose within me to go to her, and see; and I threw off my outer garments, uncovered and unroped the cedar cutter―the only boat, except the air-pinnace, left to me intact―and got her down by the mizzen five-block pulley-system. But it was a ridiculous nonsense, for having paddled to her, I was thrown into paroxysms of rage by repeated failures to scale her bulwarks, low as they were; my hands, indeed, could reach, but I found no hold upon the slimy mass, and three rope-ends which I caught were also untenably slippery: so that I jerked always back into the boat, my clothes a mass of filth, and the only thought in my blazing brain a twenty-pound charge of guncotton, of which I had plenty, to blow her to uttermost Hell. I had to return to the Speranza, get a half-inch rope, then back to the other, for I would not be baulked in such a way, though now the dark was come, only slightly tempered by a half-moon, and I getting hungry, and from minute to minute more fiendishly ferocious. Finally, by dint of throwing, I got the rope-loop round a mast-stump, drew myself up, and made fast the boat, my left hand cut by some cursed shell: and all for what? the imperiousness of a whim. The faint moonlight shewed an ample tract of deck, invisible in most parts under rolled beds of putrid seaweed, and no bodies, and nothing but a concave, large esplanade of seaweed. She was a ship of probably 1,500 tons, three-masted, and a sailer. I got aft (for I had on thick outer babooshes), and saw that only four of the companion-steps remained; by a small leap, however, I could descend into that desolation, where the stale sea-stench seemed concentrated into a very essence of rankness. Here I experienced a singular ghostly awe and timorousness, lest she should sink with me, or something: but striking matches, I saw an ordinary cabin, with some fungoids, skulls, bones and rags, but not one cohering skeleton. In the second starboard berth was a small table, and on the floor a thick round ink-pot, whose continual rolling on its side made me look down; and there I saw a flat square book with black covers, which curved half-open of itself, for it had been wet and stained. This I took, and went back to the Speranza: for that ship was nothing but an emptiness, and a stench of the crude elements of life, nearly assimilated now to the rank deep to which she was wedded, and soon to be absorbed into its nature and being, to become a sea in little, as I, in time, my God, shall be nothing but an earth in little.

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年06月07日 | 紫の雲



So that something preserves me, Something, Someone: and for what? ... If I had slept in the cabin, I must most certainly have perished: for lying there on the poop, I dreamed a dream which once I had dreamed on the ice, far, far yonder in the forgotten hyperborean North: that I was in an Arabian paradise, a Garden of Peaches; and I had a very long vision of it, for I walked among the trees, and picked the fruit, and pressed the blossoms to my nostrils with breathless inhalations of love: till a horrible sickness woke me: and when I opened my eyes, the night was black, the moon gone down, everything wet with dew, the sky arrayed with most glorious stars like a thronged bazaar of tiaraed rajahs and begums with spangled trains, and all the air fragrant with that mortal scent; and high and wide uplifted before me―stretching from the northern to the southern limit―a row of eight or nine inflamed smokes, as from the chimneys of some Cyclopean foundry a-work all night, most solemn, most great and dreadful in the solemn night: eight or nine, I should say, or it might be seven, or it might be ten, for I did not count them; and from those craters puffed up gusts of encrimsoned material, here a gust and there a gust, with tinselled fumes that convolved upon themselves, and sparks and flashes, all veiled in a garish haze of light: for the foundry worked, though languidly; and upon a rocky land four miles ahead, which no chart had ever marked, the Speranza drove straight with the current of the phosphorus sea.
As I rose, I fell flat: and what I did thereafter I did in a state of existence whose acts, to the waking mind, appear unreal as dream. I must at once, I think, have been conscious that here was the cause of the destruction of mankind; that it still surrounded its own neighbourhood with poisonous fumes; and that I was approaching it. I must have somehow crawled, or dragged myself forward. There is an impression on my mind that it was a purple land of pure porphyry; there is some faint memory, or dream, of hearing a long-drawn booming of waves upon its crags: I do not know whence I have them. I think that I remember retching with desperate jerks of the travailing intestines; also that I was on my face as I moved the regulator in the engine-room: but any recollection of going down the stairs, or of coming up again, I have not. Happily, the wheel was tied, the rudder hard to port, and as the ship moved, she must, therefore, have turned; and I must have been back to untie the wheel in good time, for when my senses came, I was lying there, my head against the under gimbal, one foot on a spoke of the wheel, no land in sight, and morning breaking.
This made me so sick, that for either two or three days I lay without eating in the chair near the wheel, only rarely waking to sufficient sense to see to it that she was making westward from that place; and on the morning when I finally roused myself I did not know whether it was the second or the third morning: so that my calendar, so scrupulously kept, may be a day out, for to this day I have never been at the pains to ascertain whether I am here writing now on the 5th or the 6th of June.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年05月22日 | 紫の雲
 ある夜、十一月二十九日のこと、ぼくは遅めの――八時だった――食事を終え、穏やかな天気の中、左舷の船尾の隅のキャビンラグの上にしつらえたクッションに足を組んで座っていたが、目の前にはスペランザ号の金の食器が小さな半円を描いており、すぐ頭上には、緑の円錐型の油壺を持つ赤いシェードのかかったランプが下がっていて、静かな大海の真中で絶えることなく軋む音を立てており、目の前の皿の中には、温かいスープ、肉の煮込み、肉、フルーツ、スイーツ、ワイン、ナッツ、蒸留酒、銀の蒸留三脚の上にはコーヒー、グラス、調味料入れ、そうしたものが並べられており、それらは常に細心に気を配って貯蔵庫から選んできたもので、広々と、今回は特別に、太陽の上っている午前中に、きちんと並べておいたものだった。ぼくは遅くまで、七時まで、仕事に従事していた。それは、ぼくが常に必要だと感じながら延ばしに延ばしてきた船のオーバーホールの仕事で、ぼくはブラシがけをして、ロープにタールを塗り、舷側にもペンキを塗り、クランクにはオイルを注し、ドアハンドルを磨き、真鍮を磨き、キャビンの三つのランプに油を満たし、鏡と家具の埃を払い、デッキの大きなしっかりとした作りの装飾品に何杯もの水をかけ、あるいは、空高くはためいている、ひと月前に留め具が壊れてから、緩んではためいているミズン・トップ・マスト、このすべてをゆったりとしたカシミアの下に履くコットンのズボン下にし、素足のまま、髭は編み上げて、太陽は燃え上がり、海は滑らかで、強い潮流の滑らかな青さで色を失い、船はほとんど揺れず、陸は見えず、東方には海藻の作る広大な領域が広がっている――ぼくは午前十一時頃から、突然暗くなって、作業を続けることができなくなった七時頃まで働いた。なぜなら、不愉快なことは、一日のうちに全て終えてしまいたかったのだ。そうして疲れ果てて下に降りると、中央のチェーンレバーのついたランプを灯し、身体を二度洗い、寝室で着替えをすると、ダイニングホールの片隅に座って、夕食を摂った。ぼくはガツガツと、汗をかきながら、いつものように眉をしかめて、右手でナイフ、あるいはスプーンを使い、西洋のフォークは決して使わず、イスラム教徒のやりかたで、皿をきれいに舐めるように食べ、そして思いのままに酒を飲んだ。それでも疲れはとれず、ぼくはデッキに上がっていって、舵の前にある、左の肘掛けの壊れた、擦り切れた青いベルベットを張った安楽椅子に座り、Indian D boxから取り出した煙草を次から次へと吹かしながら、意識を保ちつつも、うつらうつらとしていた。月が雲ひとつない空に登ってきていて、輝いていたが、海上で航路を照らし出すほどには明るくはなく、その夜の海は、ひとつの連続したジャック・オ・ランターン(訳注:ハロウィーンのかぼちゃ)の燐光が輝く沼地のようで、星々と明るい輝きが、狂気じみてはいるが微かな光輝で入り交じって、一つのまとまりとなって東へと進んでゆく様子は、まるで強い潮流の流れの中を、重大な目的のために、果てしない数の妖精たちが急いでいるかのようだった。船尾の切り立ったその下方からは、水の跳ねる濡れた音がしていたが、固定した舵が軋んでギシギシと鳴っている場所で、微睡みの倦怠に包まれているぼくにはそれを耳にすることは出来なかった。ぼくはスペランザ号がとても速く、おそらくは四から六ノットという速度で進んでいるということに気づいてはいた。けれども、今自分が経度一七三度、緯度はフィジーとソシエテ諸島の中間にいて、前方二百マイル以内には土地などないということをよく知っていたから、気にはかけなかった。そして煙草が口からしなだれ落ちて、眠気がぼくを飲み込むと、その無限の航路の中で眠った。



 One evening, the 29th November, I dined rather late―at eight―sitting, as was my custom in calm weather, cross-legged on the cabin-rug at the port aft corner, a small semicircle of Speranza gold-plate before me, and near above me the red-shaded lamp with green conical reservoir, whose creakings never cease in the stillest mid-sea, and beyond the plates the array of preserved soups, meat-extracts, meats, fruit, sweets, wines, nuts, liqueurs, coffee on the silver spirit-tripod, glasses, cruet, and so on, which it was always my first care to select from the store-room, open, and lay out once for all in the morning on rising. I was late, seven being my hour: for on that day I had been engaged in the occasionally necessary, but always deferred, task of overhauling the ship, brushing here a rope with tar, there a board with paint, there a crank with oil, rubbing a door-handle, a brass-fitting, filling the three cabin-lamps, dusting mirrors and furniture, dashing the great neat-joinered plains of deck with bucketfulls, or, high in air, chopping loose with its rigging the mizzen top-mast, which since a month was sprained at the clamps, all this in cotton drawers under loose quamis, bare-footed, my beard knotted up, the sun a-blaze, the sea smooth and pale with the smooth pallor of strong currents, the ship still enough, no land in sight, yet great tracts of sea-weed making eastward―I working from 11 A.M. till near 7, when sudden darkness interrupted: for I wished to have it all over in one obnoxious day. I was therefore very tired when I went down, lit the central chain-lever lamp and my own two, washed and dressed in my bedroom, and sat to dinner in the dining-hall corner. I ate voraciously, with sweat, as usual, pouring down my eager brow, using knife or spoon in the right hand, but never the Western fork, licking the plates clean in the Mohammedan manner, and drinking pretty freely. Still I was tired, and went upon deck, where I had the threadbare blue-velvet easy-chair with the broken left arm before the wheel, and in it sat smoking cigar after cigar from the Indian D box, half-asleep, yet conscious. The moon came up into a pretty cloudless sky, and she was bright, but not bright enough to out-shine the enlightened flight of the ocean, which that night was one continuous swamp of Jack-o'-lantern phosphorescence, a wild but faint luminosity mingled with stars and flashes of brilliance, the whole trooping unanimously eastward, as if in haste with elfin momentous purpose, a boundless congregation, in the sweep of a strong oceanic current. I could hear it, in my slumbrous lassitude, struggling and gurgling at the tied rudder, and making wet sloppy noises under the sheer of the poop; and I was aware that the Speranza was gliding along pretty fast, drawn into that procession, probably at the rate of four to six knots: but I did not care, knowing very well that no land was within two hundred miles of my bows, for I was in longitude 173°, in the latitude of Fiji and the Society Islands, between those two: and after a time the cigar drooped and dropped from my mouth, and sleep overcame me, and I slept there, in the lap of the Infinite.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年05月13日 | 紫の雲



During a space of four months, from the 18th June to the 23rd October, I visited the Fijis, where I saw skulls still surrounded with remnants of extraordinary haloes of stiff hair, women clad in girdles made of thongs fixed in a belt, and, in Samoa near, bodies crowned with coronets of nautilus-shell, and traces of turmeric-paint and tattooing, and in one townlet a great assemblage of carcasses, suggesting by their look some festival, or dance: so that I believe that these people were overthrown without the least fore-knowledge of anything. The women of the Maoris wore an abundance of green-jade ornaments, and I found a peculiar kind of shell-trumpet, one of which I have now, also a tattooing chisel, and a nicely-carved wooden bowl. The people of New Caledonia, on the other hand, went, I should think, naked, confining their attention to the hair, and in this resembling the Fijians, for they seemed to wear an artificial hair made of the fur of some creature like a bat, and also they wore wooden masks, and great rings―for the ear, no doubt―which must have fallen to the shoulders: for the earth was in them all, and made them wild, perverse and various like herself. I went from one to the other without any system whatever, searching for the ideal resting-place, and often thinking that I had found it: but only wearying of it at the thought that there was a yet deeper and dreamier in the world. But in this search I received a check, my God, which chilled me to the marrow, and set me flying from these places.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年05月07日 | 紫の雲


I passed down the Straits of Malacca, and in that short distance between the Andaman Islands, and the S.W. corner of Borneo I was thrice so mauled, that at times it seemed quite out of the question that anything built by man could escape such unfettered cataclysms, and I resigned myself, but with bitter reproaches, to perish darkly. The effect of the third upon me, when it was over, was the unloosening afresh of all my evil passion: for I said: 'Since they mean to slay me, death shall find me rebellious'; and for weeks I could not sight some specially happy village, or umbrageous spread of woodland, that I did not stop the ship, and land the materials for their destruction; so that nearly all those spicy lands about the north of Australia will bear the traces of my hand for many a year: for more and more my voyage became dawdling and zigzaged, as the merest whim directed it, or the movement of the pointer on the chart; and I thought of eating the lotus of surcease and nepenthe in some enchanted nook of this bowering summer, where from my hut-door I could see through the pearl-hues of opium the sea-lagoon slaver lazily upon the old coral atol, and the cocoanut-tree would droop like slumber, and the bread-fruit tree would moan in sweet and weary dream, and I should watch the Speranza lie anchored in the pale atol-lake, year after year, and wonder what she was, and whence, and why she dozed so deep for ever, and after an age of melancholy peace and burdened bliss, I should note that sun and moon had ceased revolving, and hung inert, opening anon a heavy lid to doze and drowse again, and God would sigh 'Enough,' and nod, and Being would swoon to sleep: for that any old Chinaman should be alive in Pekin was a thing so fantastically maniac, as to draw from me at times sudden fits of wild red laughter that left me faint.

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年05月06日 | 紫の雲



A whole month of that voyage, from May the 15th to June the 13th, I wasted at the Andaman Islands near Malay: for that any old Chinaman could be alive in Pekin began, after some time, to seem the most quixotic notion that ever entered a human brain; and these jungled islands, to which I came after a shocking vast orgy one night at Calcutta, when I fired not only the city but the river, pleased my fancy to such an extent, that at one time I intended to abide there. I was at the one called in the chart 'Saddle Hill,' the smallest of them, I think: and seldom have I had such sensations of peace as I lay a whole burning day in a rising vale, deeply-shaded in palm and tropical ranknesses, watching thence the Speranza at anchor: for there was a little offing here at the shore whence the valley arose, and I could see one of its long peaks lined with cocoanut-trees, and all cloud burned out of the sky except the flimsiest lawn-figments, and the sea as absolutely calm as a lake roughened with breezes, yet making a considerable noise in its breaking on the shore, as I have noticed in these sorts of places: I do not know why. These poor Andaman people seem to have been quite savage, for I met a number of them in roaming the island, nearly skeletons, yet with limbs and vertebrae still, in general, cohering, and in some cases dry-skinned and mummified relics of flesh, and never anywhere a sign of clothes: a very singular thing, considering their nearness to high old civilisations all about them. They looked small and black, or almost; and I never found a man without finding on or near him a spear and other weapons: so that they were eager folk, and the wayward dark earth was in them, too, as she should be in her children. They had in many cases some reddish discoloration, which may have been the traces of betel-nut stains: for betel-nuts abound there. And I was so pleased with these people, that I took on board with the gig one of their little tree-canoes: which was my foolishness: for gig and canoe were only three nights later washed from the decks into the middle of the sea.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年04月28日 | 紫の雲
奇妙なことに、火山は全て海の近くにある。なぜかは知らない。誰でも知っていることは考えない。その事実は、海底火山の噴火と関連して、火山についての化学的な学説の裏付けとともに述べられていたが、そこで仮定されていたことは、爆発性の燃料の原料となる物質を含んだ断層に海水が侵入したということである。だがもしそれが真実なら、神は知っている。その高所の存在は一時的に休んでいて――一世紀、二世紀、十世紀と、静かに待っていて、彼らがその力を振るうときには、哀れにもいくつかの地域を黙らせてしまうのだ。世界の暗い運命を、誰が知っていたというのだろう?時々、それらは鋳物工場の下にある煙突のように、ひとつにまとまって一方向に伸びる火道で構成された線状システムを形成する。山の場合、鋸状に連なる山頂部を持つというのは、白雲石の存在を意味している。円い山頂部なら、石灰石の存在を意味している。鋭く尖った山頂は、結晶片岩であるということを意味している。北半球の方が陸地が多いのは、遥か昔の地質学的な新世紀において、凄まじい隆起が引き起こされたのだということを物語っている。人間に言えることなど、それくらいのことだ。だが、どこからが凄まじいと言えるのか?ぼくには地球の地下については十マイルほどの知識しかない。だが地球は八千マイルもの直径があるのだ。そしてその内部が炎なのか液体なのか、固いのか柔らかいのか、ぼくは知らない、知らないのだ。彼女が石炭を生成する仕組み、間欠泉や硫黄温泉、宝石、そして環礁やサンゴ礁。片麻岩のような、沈殿によって生成された変成岩、深成岩、火山岩、溶岩、そして外層を構成している無成層の塊。収穫、開花、食物連鎖。ぼくにはそれらのことについての知識はないが、ぼくと同じように彼女のもとに存在するものであり、その火の心臓、同じ竈の中で溶かされていたものなのだ。彼女は暗く、移り気で、気まぐれで、不吉で、まるで人食いライオンのように、彼女の子供を引き裂く。そして彼女は老猾で、ウルクが建設したHur of the Chaldeesを、惑星を象徴した七本の角柱の中に聳えるベル神殿、ビル・ニムルドとハラン、古代ペルセポリスとサイラスの墓、そしてこれらの修道院のようなヒマラヤの岩から切り出された古代仏教のビハラ寺院を、まるで昨日のことであるかのように覚えている。極東から引き返しながら、ぼくはイスマイリアに寄り、それからカイロ、さらにはメンフィスを見て、ある明るい深夜零時、サハラの偉大なるピラミッドと黙りこくったスフィンクスの前に立ち、そしてひとつの石の墓の穴に座って、頬に哀れみの涙が伝うまで見つめていた。なぜなら、偉大なるものはこの大地であり、彼女の年齢であって、人類が「姿を消してしまった」ということではないのだから。これらの墓には、まるで二つの宮殿の柱であるかのような、夥しい数の柱があり、それは円柱ばかりだったが、ぼくの柱は角柱だった。それゆえぼくはその柱を選んだのだ。だが柱の上端には、同じ閉じた蓮の花の装飾があったが、台輪から分離しているぼくの小さな方形の柱礎だけには台輪がなかった。墓は、小さな外側の神殿あるいは王宮で構成され、それから穴の中に入ると、その中には別の小さな部屋があり、想像では、そこに死者は横たえられていたのだろうが、リボンのような玉縁が周りを取り巻いている壁は、大胆に突き出したコーニスによって飾られ、頂板が戴せられていた。ぼくは食欲に突き動かされるまでずっとここにいた。どんどんと地球という存在がぼくの中で大きく成長し、語りかけ、ぼくと同化していたからだ。ぼくは自分自身に問いかけた。「きっといずれは、ぼくは人間であることを止めて、小さな地球、まさに彼女の複製と呼べるような、とてつもなく奇妙で獰猛な、半ば悪魔的で、半ば野蛮で、どこまでも神秘的な――気難しく荒れ狂う――発作的で、錯乱状態で、そして悲しい――彼女のようにならざるをえないのではないか?」



Strange that volcanoes are all near the sea: I don't know why; I don't think that anyone ever knew. This fact, in connection with submarine explosions, used to be cited in support of the chemical theory of volcanoes, which supposed the infiltration of the sea into ravines containing the materials which form the fuel of eruptions: but God knows if that is true. The lofty ones are intermittent―a century, two, ten, of silent waiting, and then their talk silenced for ever some poor district; the low ones are constant in action. Who could know the dark way of the world? Sometimes they form a linear system, consisting of several vents which extend in one direction, near together, like chimneys of some long foundry beneath. In mountains, a series of serrated peaks denotes the presence of dolomites; rounded heads mean calcareous rocks; and needles, crystalline schists. The preponderance of land in the northern hemisphere denotes the greater intensity there of the causes of elevation at a remote geologic epoch: that is all that one can say about it: but whence that greater intensity? I have some knowledge of the earth for only ten miles down: but she has eight thousand miles: and whether through all that depth she is flame or fluid, hard or soft, I do not know, I do not know. Her method of forming coal, geysers and hot sulphur-springs, and the jewels, and the atols and coral reefs; the metamorphic rocks of sedimentary origin, like gneiss, the plutonic and volcanic rocks, rocks of fusion, and the unstratified masses which constitute the basis of the crust; and harvests, the burning flame of flowers, and the passage from the vegetable to the animal: I do not know them, but they are of her, and they are like me, molten in the same furnace of her fiery heart. She is dark and moody, sudden and ill-fated, and rends her young like a cannibal lioness; and she is old and wise, and remembers Hur of the Chaldees which Uruk built, and that Temple of Bel which rose in seven pyramids to symbolise the planets, and Birs-i-Nimrud, and Haran, and she bears still, as a thing of yesterday, old Persepolis and the tomb of Cyrus, and those cloister-like vihârah-temples of the ancient Buddhists, cut from the Himalayan rock; and returning from the Far East, I stopped at Ismailia, and so to Cairo, and saw where Memphis was, and stood one bright midnight before that great pyramid of Shafra, and that dumb Sphynx, and, seated at the well of one of the rock-tombs, looked till tears of pity streamed down my cheeks: for great is the earth, and her Ages, but man 'passeth away.' These tombs have pillars extremely like the two palace-pillars, only that these are round, and mine are square: for I chose it so: but the same band near the top, then over this the closed lotus-flower, then the small square plinth, which separates them from the architrave, only mine have no architrave; the tombs consist of a little outer temple or court, then comes a well, and inside another chamber, where, I suppose, the dead were, a ribbon-like astragal surrounding the walls, which are crowned with boldly-projecting cornices, surmounted by an abacus. And here, till the pressing want of food drove me back, I remained: for more and more the earth over-grows me, wooes me, assimilates me; so that I ask myself this question: 'Must I not, in time, cease to be a man, and become a small earth, precisely her copy, extravagantly weird and fierce, half-demoniac, half-ferine, wholly mystic―morose and turbulent―fitful, and deranged, and sad―like her?'


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年04月23日 | 紫の雲


The Earth is all on my brain, on my brain, O dark-minded Mother, with thy passionate cravings after the Infinite, thy regrets, and mighty griefs, and comatose sleeps, and sinister coming doom, O Earth: and I, poor man, though a king, sole witness of thy bleak tremendous woes. Upon her I brood, and do not cease, but brood and brood―the habit, if I remember right, first becoming fixed and fated during that long voyage eastward: for what is in store for her God only knows, and I have seen in my broodings long visions of her future, which, if a man should see with the eye of flesh, he would spread the arms, and wheel and wheel through the mazes of a hiccuping giggling frenzy, for the vision only is the very verge of madness. If I might cease but for one hour that perpetual brooding upon her! But I am her child, and my mind grows and grows to her like the off-shoots of the banyan-tree, that take root downward, and she sucks and draws it, as she draws my feet by gravitation, and I cannot take wing from her: for she is greater than I, and there is no escaping her; and at the last, I know, my soul will dash itself to ruin, like erring sea-fowl upon pharos-lights, against her wild and mighty bosom. Often a whole night through I lie open-eyed in the dark, with bursting brain, thinking of that hollow Gulf of Mexico, how identical in shape and size with the protuberance of Africa just opposite, and how the protuberance of the Venezuelan and Brazilian coast fits in with the in-curve of Africa: so that it is obvious to me―it is quite obvious―that they once were one; and one night rushed so far apart; and the wild Atlantic knew that thing, and ran gladly, hasting in between: and how if eye of flesh had been there to see, and ear to hear that cruel thundering, my God, my God―what horror! And if now they meet again, so long apart ...but that way fury lies. Yet one cannot help but think: I lie awake and think, for she fills my soul, and absorbs it, with all her moods and ways. She has meanings, secrets, plans. Strange, strange, for instance, that similarity between the scheme of Europe and the scheme of Asia: each with three southern peninsulas pointing south: Spain corresponding with Arabia, Italy with India, the Morea and Greece, divided by the Gulf of Corinth, corresponding with the Malay Peninsula and Annam, divided by the Gulf of Siam; each with two northern peninsulas pointing south, Sweden and Norway, and Korea and Kamschatka; each with two great islands similarly placed, Britain and Ireland, and the Japanese Hondo and Yezo; the Old World and the New has each a peninsula pointing north―Denmark and Yucatan: a forefinger with long nail―and a thumb―pointing to the Pole. What does she mean? What can she mean, O Ye that made her? Is she herself a living being, with a will and a fate, as sailors said that ships were living entities? And that thing that wheeled at the Pole, wheels it still yonder, yonder, in its dark ecstasy?

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年04月13日 | 紫の雲



I had the thought of going across Hindustan by engine, but did not like to leave my ship, to which I was very attached, not sure of finding anything so suitable and good at Calcutta; and, moreover, I was afraid to abandon my petrol motor, which I had taken on board with the air-windlass, since I was going to uncivilised land. I therefore coasted down western Hindustan.
All that northern shore of the Arabian Sea has at the present time an odour which it wafts far over the water, resembling odours of happy vague dream-lands, sweet to smell in the early mornings as if the earth were nothing but a perfume, and life an inhalation.
On that voyage, however, I had, from beginning to end, twenty-seven fearful storms, or, if I count that one near the Carolines, then twenty-eight. But I do not wish to write of these rages: they were too inhuman: and how I came alive through them against all my wildest hope, Someone, or Something, only knows.
I will write down here a thing: it is this, my God―something which I have observed: a definite obstreperousness in the mood of the elements now, when once roused, which grows, which grows continually. Tempests have become very very far more wrathful, the sea more truculent and unbounded in its insolence; when it thunders, it thunders with a venom new to me, cracking as though it would split the firmament, and bawling through the heaven of heavens, as if roaring to devour all things; in Bombay once, and in China thrice, I was shaken by earthquakes, the second and third marked by a certain extravagance of agitation, that might turn a man grey. Why should this be, my God? I remember reading very long ago that on the American prairies, which from time immemorial had been swept by great storms, the storms gradually subsided when man went to reside permanently there. If this be true, it would seem that the mere presence of man had a certain subduing or mesmerising effect upon the native turbulence of Nature, and his absence now may have removed the curb. It is my belief that within fifty years from now the huge forces of the earth will be let fully loose to tumble as they will; and this planet will become one of the undisputed playgrounds of Hell, and the theatre of commotions stupendous as those witnessed on the face of Saturn.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年03月28日 | 紫の雲
 それからの四年間、ぼくはインブロス島を離れることはなかったが、稀に例外的に――キリドバ、ガリポリ、ラプサキ、がモス、ロードス、 エルデク、 エレグリ、さらには一度、コンスタンチノーブルとスクタリへと――何かの必要のあるとき、あるいは仕事に疲れたときなどに、海岸線に沿って短い旅をした。だが一度たりとも害をなしたり戯れたりすることのない、創造主を畏れながらの旅だった。穏やかな魅惑がこのレバーント地方(訳注:地中海の東側沿岸)へのささやかな船旅には溢れており、それはまさに、現実のこの世界のくすんだ色彩というよりは、むしろ天使によって描かれた水彩画のスケッチの中の光のように見えた。そして自己への満足と信仰の充実感に溢れてインブロス島に戻り、誘惑を乗り越えたということで自らの良心の確認を行いながら、従順で曇りのない生活をした。



I did not leave Imbros after that during four years, except for occasional brief trips to the coast―to Kilid-Bahr, Gallipoli, Lapsaki, Gamos, Rodosto, Erdek, Erekli, or even once to Constantinople and Scutari―if I happened to want anything, or if I was tired of work: but without once doing the least harm to anything, but containing my humours, and fearing my Maker. And full of peaceful charm were those little cruises through this Levantic world, which, truly, is rather like a light sketch in water-colours done by an angel than like the dun real earth; and full of self-satisfaction and pious contentment would I return to Imbros, approved of my conscience, for that I had surmounted temptation, and lived tame and stainless.
I had set up the southern of the two closed-lotus pillars, and the platform-top was already looking as lovely as heaven, with its alternate two-foot squares of pellucid gold and pellucid jet, when I noticed one morning that the Speranza's bottom was really now too foul, and the whim took me then and there to leave all, and clean her as far as I could. I at once went on board, descended to the hold, took off my sudeyrie, and began to shift the ballast over to starboard, so as to tilt up her port bottom to the scraper. This was wearying labour, and about noon I was sitting on a bag, resting in the almost darkness, when something seemed to whisper to me these words: 'You dreamed last night that there is an old Chinaman alive in Pekin.' Horridly I started: I had dreamed something of the sort, but, from the moment of waking, till then, had forgotten it: and I leapt livid to my feet.
I cleaned no Speranza that day, nor for four days did I anything, but sat on the cabin-house and mused, my supporting palm among the hairy draperies of my chin: for the thought of such a thing, if it could by any possibility be true, was detestable as death to me, changing the colour of the sun, and the whole aspect of the world: and anon, at the outrage of that thing, my brow would flush with wrath, and my eyes blaze: till, on the fourth afternoon, I said to myself: 'That old Chinaman in Pekin is likely to get burned to death, I think, or blown to the clouds!'
So, a second time, on the 4th March, the poor palace was left to build itself. For, after a short trip to Gallipoli, where I got some young lime-twigs in boxes of earth, and some preserved limes and ginger, I set out for a long voyage to the East, passing through the Suez Canal, and visiting Bombay, where I was three weeks, and then destroyed it.

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki


2011年03月07日 | 紫の雲





This of city-burning has now become a habit with me more enchaining―and infinitely more debased―than ever was opium to the smoker, or alcohol to the drunkard. I count it among the prime necessaries of my life: it is my brandy, my bacchanal, my secret sin. I have burned Calcutta, Pekin, and San Francisco. In spite of the restraining influence of this palace, I have burned and burned. I have burned two hundred cities and countrysides. Like Leviathan disporting himself in the sea, so I have rioted in this earth.


After an absence of six months, I returned to Imbros: for I was for looking again upon the work which I had done, that I might mock myself for all that unkingly grovelling: and when I saw it, standing there as I had left it, frustrate and forlorn, and waiting its maker's hand, some pity and instinct to build took me―for something of God was in Man―and I fell upon my knees, and spread my arms to God, and was converted, promising to finish the palace, with prayers that as I built so He would build my soul, and save the last man from the enemy. And I set to work that day to list-rub the last few dalles of the jet.


"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Translated by shigeyuki