豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-02-02 19:19:00 | 教養?




Desperate situation of magazine houses
Tue. February 2 : fine

One of my Japanese friends sent me 4 copies of magazines. I read Japanese magazines after a long time. They are very easy to read because they have a lot of photos and charts. But all of them contain only the articles that would go down well with every reader. Because of the tendency of reading less and less the deep slump in the publishing industry and digitalization magazine houses has been in desperate situations. As electronic dictionaries have expelled dictionaries, paperless publication is trend of the times. Newspapers, paperbacks and comic books will be able to find their way in e-books, however, the prospect of magazines is poor because they are hard to be transferred into e-books. Book stores and libraries will change drastically in the future.

book stores and libraries
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