豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-02-15 19:55:30 | 教養?





The earth rounds while you don’t realize it
Mon. February 15 : fine

As Junko and her husband are coming to Cairns tomorrow evening from “the heart of the world” I’m reading the same writer’s first book, “The earth rounds while you don’t realize it”. By the way, Japanese top selling books are “Le Petit Prince” and “Tot-Chan” with 6M each, “Norwegian Wood” comes next with 4.5M, followed by “Socrates in Love”with 3.2M. Most of them are media- mixed books. Putting all together with non-literature the top selling books “Six Stars’ Horoscope” written by Kazuko Hosoki with 70M and “Ampam-man” with 50M are the top two overwhelmingly. 70% of the income of Japanese big publisher depends on the comic books. The end of world has been approaching.

Le Petit Prince

Norwegian Wood
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