豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-02-03 00:18:40 | ケアンズ




Wed. February 3 : fine

In Japan the Diet has made a great fuss about postal reform. I thought “letter day” was today, 2 February but it is actually the 23th of every month. That reminds me the reminder from the consumer finance. Australian Post is the government enterprise. You can pay public utility bills there but they don’t operate deposit or insurances. They are combined with stationer but there are no uniformity in stocks. If you ask them about postage, different worker would give you different answer. I have no idea who has the right answer. The postmen wear short pants and ride Honda Super Cubs. Super Cubs have had the sales record of 60,000,000 in the world since 1952 of the first release.

Super Cub

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