豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-02-24 23:19:11 | スポーツ




Steven Bradbury
(Olympic hot news report)

No one expected the results but he is the Australian athlete who won a gold medal on 1000m short track of Salt Lake Olympic Games in 2002. As a result, Korea won silver and bronze medal. Since then he has been visiting the primary schools all over Australia and made speeches, saying “Never give up before the last moment”. I don’t think it’s a good idea from educational point of view but claiming such thing would not work for OZs?

lucky gold medal
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2010-02-24 19:25:24 | 教養?




And you too, Whitney!
Wed. February 24 : fine

Has Whitney Houston revived completely? “I Look to You” has been top in American hit chart for the first time in the last 17 years since “Body Guard”. She came to Australia after the performances in Saitama and Osaka, Japan. On her first stage in Brisbane the chantress had to excuse herself halfway through her concert several times not being able to sing with enough volume of voice and also failed to fix it with fake. She doesn’t seem to have gotten sober from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. So many audiences were disgusted and protested to the promoter saying “We want the refund of the admission”. Her next performance in New Zeeland has been canceled. Are Japanese audiences too generous?

Britney Spears

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