豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-02-22 20:10:26 | スポーツ




Mon. February 22 : cloudy occasionally cloudy

This is the 30th film directed by Clint Eastwood. The rich play rugby and the poor play soccer. It was based on the true story that President Mandela (Morgan Freeman) who had been imprisoned for 27 years as the political criminal has schemed a national reconciliation by rugby and South Africa defeated New Zeeland to win the world cup in 1995. In that year Japan was given historical crushing defeat with 145-17 by New Zeeland. Freeman is the top eliminator of the Best Actor Oscar. Through Mandela’s efforts World Cup Soccer is going to be held in South Africa again this year.

World Cup 2007
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