豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-05-19 18:52:12 | 豪州国内旅行




Black weapons on Green Hill
Mon. May 19 : fine

Japanese army had an air raid on Darwin and Horn Island in the Second World War. There is a ruin of Zero Fighter on Horn Island. The center of Torres Islands is Thursday Island that has 5000 of population. There are batteries on the top of Green Hill that was once prepared for preventing from the invasion by Russia and Japan. The island seen on the background is Friday Island. There is the cemetery of Japanese, Malay, and Islanders who were killed in pearl hunting on the Arafura Sea. As the older tombs are more than 100 years old many gravestones are damaged or leaned.

Pioneers' Cemetary in Cairns
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