豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-05-10 14:52:31 | 植物





Sat. May 10 : fine

Vandas are orchid family epiphytes that originally come from East South Asia and Australia. Their stems expand along the bark of the trees in the tropic rain forest. Their white and thick roots trail over the bark and inspire the vapor in the air. On the other hand, pandas, the animal from mammal cat family that originally come from Sichuan in China political animals, are political animal. They eat not only bamboos but also money. The Political technician, Prime Minister Hu Jintao charges Japan $1,000,000 a year on a lease of pandas at Ueno Zoo. The feed costs $200 a day. Prime Minister Fukuda who wishes he were as popular as pandas seems not to be interested in undersea oilfields, poisonous dumpling, or Tibet riot.

We will lend you ibises free of charge

Australian ibises
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