同世代の競争が激しい会社人間と専業主婦。感情的で自己主張が激しく自分勝手。議論好き 、理屈好きだが根拠に欠ける 。自立心と責任感が欠如し、他人の意見には耳を貸さず、自分の意見が通らないとふて腐れる。保守的。 家庭に服従を強要し、子の人権を無視する。いい年なのだから少しは礼儀正しくならないとね。
Poor baby boomers
Tue. August 21 : fine occasionally cloudy
They are company occupied men who compete seriously with the same generation and full-time house wives. They are emotional, competitive, defensive, and selfish. They are argumentative but groundless, neither independent nor responsive, never respect different opinions, get sulky easily when his opinion is denied, conservative. They demand family member into obeying and neglect children’s right. They should become more polite as they are old enough.
degnified education
同世代の競争が激しい会社人間と専業主婦。感情的で自己主張が激しく自分勝手。議論好き 、理屈好きだが根拠に欠ける 。自立心と責任感が欠如し、他人の意見には耳を貸さず、自分の意見が通らないとふて腐れる。保守的。 家庭に服従を強要し、子の人権を無視する。いい年なのだから少しは礼儀正しくならないとね。
Poor baby boomers
Tue. August 21 : fine occasionally cloudy
They are company occupied men who compete seriously with the same generation and full-time house wives. They are emotional, competitive, defensive, and selfish. They are argumentative but groundless, neither independent nor responsive, never respect different opinions, get sulky easily when his opinion is denied, conservative. They demand family member into obeying and neglect children’s right. They should become more polite as they are old enough.
degnified education