lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2011-07-02 14:50:12 | music11
(by Don Relyea >> http://post.ly/2JGrK)

□ "Algorithmic Exploration of the Square"

>> http://algosquares.tumblr.com/

Generative art project to explore a small square. Inspired by Mathmatician David Hilbert and Color Theorist Josef Albers.

□ my tweet storage.


□ Biosphere / "N-Plants"

>> http://touchshop.org/product_info.php?products_id=465

ノルウェーのアンビエント作曲家、Geir JenssenのBiosphere名義によるニューアルバム"N-Plants"は、日本の震災と原発事故にインスパイアされたもの。

djkero: detroit underground

Soundworks Collection: The Sound of Transformers: Dark of the Moon from Michael Coleman on Vimeo.

The Sound of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" - designingsound.org/2011/06/the-so… #sounddesign #filmsound

The amazing visual effects in this film are complimented by the talented efforts of the sound team including Re-recording Mixers Greg Russell and Jeff Haboush, and Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designers Ethan Van der Ryn, and Erik Aadahl.

phylogenomics: Jonathan Eisen
David Relman quote on a slide re human microbiome: "We are born ~ 100% human but die > 90% microbial" #microbes


CSHL Press has a new book out: "Mutation - The History of an Idea from Darwin to Genomics" bit.ly/lP5x8d (via @cshperspectives)

The interpretation of the gene as DNA and the deciphering of the genetic code then gave rise to molecular interpretations of mutation, views that also impacted evolutionary biology, population genetics, commercial development of plants and animals, and human genetics.

This book shows how generational definitions or assessments of mutation have responded to the technologies added to science and the experiments that abounded with the inquiries of each successive generation.


Staff at an Australia library have been stunned after first edition copy of Charles Darwin's Insectivorous Plants book was returned 122 years late. http://tgr.ph/jG7Fr1

Nature Highlights: 進化過程で見られた徐々に進む変化 http://nature.asia/jib7Rj

Morphological evolution caused by many subtle-effect substitutions in regulatory DNA
形態の進化ではたいてい発生遺伝子の変化が起こっているが、原因となった変異がいくつあって、どんな影響を与えたのかについてはほとんどわかっていない。Frankelたちはセイシェルショウジョウバエ(Drosophila sechellia)のshavenbaby遺伝子をモデル系として用いて、この現象の遺伝学的特性を調べた。そして、shavenbabyの5つのシス調節エンハンサーの1つに見られる進化的変化が、この遺伝子の発現の時期と量の両方を変化させた多数の単塩基置換によって生じたことが明らかになった。


NatureJapan:もし鳥がしゃべれたら (Nature Neuroscience): http://nature.asia/kp0uE2
Songbirds possess the spontaneous ability to discriminate syntactic rules
ソングバード(スズメ目の鳴き鳥)は人工の文法体系の規則を学習する能力があることが、Nature Neuroscience(電子版)に発表された研究で報告されている。この種の階層的言語構造を処理する能力は、これまではヒト独自のものと考えられていた。




OxfordJournals: 鳥の視覚認識の発達と羽毛の彩色: 4次元色空間の数理的モデルからの解析
Bird's eye view has four dimensions of color earthtimes.org/nature/birds-e… via @earthtimes From Behavioral Ecology http://oxford.ly/l9I70S #birds
The diversity of avian plumage colors occupies only a portion (26?30%, using violet-sensitive and ultraviolet-sensitive models, respectively) of the total available avian color space, which represents all colors birds can theoretically see and discriminate.

Why Do We Like Happy Faces? It's In Our Genes myhealthnewsdaily.com/genes-gaze-hap…
A new study focused on a single gene, the one coding for the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) in brain cells. Participants with certain mutations in this gene spent more time looking at happy faces than others did.

PLoSCompBiol: Eurekometrics / 科学出版物の計量書誌学的アプローチの補完
Eurekometrics: Analyzing the Nature of Discovery ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3… by Samuel @Arbesman & Nicholas A. Christakis

With the increase of automated discovery and large-scale data collection, eurekometric research has the potential to explode. First, automated science will necessarily have the property of creating large amounts of discovery data.

Illustrative examples of automated science include the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Program, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Marine Microbial Genome Sequencing Project, and the Census of Marine Life. The initial output of these projects will not be publications, but findings. Each object, such as a newly discovered asteroid, need not have its own publication, but each object can be examined separately from a eurekometric perspective.

In addition, there is the potential in such areas as automated drug discovery, automated chemical synthesis path discovery, and automated theorem proving.

□ The Future Of Medical Technology Is Apps, Games, and Movies tinyurl.com/3w4hkf6 via @fastcompany

An Oscar-winning producer talks about his interest in moviemaking, medicine, and scaleable (storytelling) design.

By integrating the front line medical expertise of physicians with the artistry of moviemakers, we are trying to shift the focus toward scaling health apps worldwide: We would like to develop a mobile health app that can help kids, from Los Angeles to Mumbai, make better food choices. We want to create compelling solutions to global health problems.

□ A-IMBN Research:
Driving differentiation http://nature.asia/lydQwH The elusive mechanism that promotes neuronal differentiation by blocking cell division is linked to a specific protein.

OxfordJNLsJapan: 『発見可能性駆動のビジネスモデルは最先端か』
【OUP季刊誌Illuminea】OUPライブラリーセールスのトップ、クリス・ベネットが、ディスカバラビリティ主導のビジネスモデルについて語っています。http://oxford.ly/iyHpAU #libraries #librarians

OA_Africa: Open Access Africa
ReadingL ' #Science in #Africa : The view from the front line' http://ow.ly/5tK6O (via @naturenews ) #scidev
Africa's nations are achieving some success in building their science capacity, but the foundations remain unsteady.

PLoS ONE wins more recognition for changing the way science is communicated tinyurl.com/PLoSONEisSPARC…
For blazing a new trail in open-access journals, inspiring broader change in scholarly publishing, and thriving along the way, SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) has named the Public Library of Science’s (PLoS) PLoS ONE as the SPARC Innovator for June 2011.


Genome "Wowser"--nice new iPad app for browsing the genome bit.ly/iTNT6x

>> http://www.research.chop.edu/cbmi/wowser

Researchers from the Center for Biomedical Informatics (CBMi) at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have created a free iPad app called Genome Wowser, which provides a mobile interface to data from the UC Santa Cruz genome browser, one of the three major portals to the reference genome sequence established in 2000.

HHMI, @wellcometrust + the Max Planck Society launch a new open access journal for the life sciences. (HT @NatureNews) http://bit.ly/jI93Z7

Three major life science funders, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Wellcome Trust, and the Max Planck Society today announced that they intend to fund the launch of what they hope will become a top-tier biomedical and life science journal to rival the likes of Nature and the New England Journal of Medicine -- and it might seem the Public Library of Sciences' (PLoS] flagship open access biomedical journals.

The journal, which they expect to begin publishing summer 2012, has yet to be given a name, but it would be online-only and open-access, with -- initially at least ? no charges for authors to publish papers, by contrast to most open access journals such as PLoS Biology which charge authors an article fee.

bffo: BF Francis Ouellette
New in NAR: The Annual Nucleic Acids Research Web Server Issue link to Gary Benson's editorial: http://bit.ly/lKPpRq #bioinformatics
The 2011 Web Server Issue of Nucleic Acids Research is the ninth in a series of annual special issues dedicated to web-based software resources for analysis and visualization of molecular biology data. It is freely available online under NAR's open access policy. The present issue reports on 92 web servers.

Roche Launches GS FLX+ System Offering High-Quality, Sanger-like Reads with the Power of Next-Generation Throughput bit.ly/kcOvuC


Increased Sensitivity for Multiplexed microRNA Detection http://bit.ly/mRHNYR

Anti-DNA:RNA Antibodies and Silicon Photonic Microring Resonators: Increased Sensitivity for Multiplexed microRNA Detection
In this paper, we present a method for the sensitive detection of microRNAs (miRNAs) utilizing an antibody that specifically recognizes DNA:RNA heteroduplexes and a silicon photonic microring resonator array transduction platform. Microring resonator arrays are covalently functionalized with DNA capture probes that are complementary to solution phase miRNA targets.

Following hybridization on the sensor, the anti-DNA:RNA antibody is introduced and binds selectively to the heteroduplexes, giving a larger signal than the original miRNA hybridization due to the increased mass of the antibody, as compared to the 22-mer oligoribonucleotide.


Biohackathon 2011, Kyoto Aug-21/22 goes SemanticWeb, Open Bio Tools, TM & SPARL. http://bit.ly/Biohackathon-2011
NBDC / DBCLS BioHackathon 2011 will be held in Kyoto, Japan. Main focus of the BioHackathon is to develop technologies for handling Linked Data in life science. We will discuss, explore and develop SPARQL endpoints, semantic web services, triple stores, ontologies, natural language processing, visualization and Open Bio* tools to utilize RDF data.

Impact Factor Boxing 2011 ? O'Really? http://ff.im/GSIhF

>> http://duncan.hull.name/2011/06/28/if/

LDIF - Linked Data Integration Framework http://bit.ly/jwzLRJ 複数データセットで、同じ対象に異なるURIを与えていたり、同関係を別プロパティで記述しているものを統合するツール。マッピングはR2R、Slikを用いる

今日はルッツの実効的フラクタル次元の話。「フラクタルの理論」の重要なポイントが 『線が 1次元を超えることも有り得る(コッホ曲線など)』 なのに対し、「ランダムネスの理論」の重要なポイントは 『点が 0次元を超えることも有り得る』 であるという対比は結構面白いかも。

