lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2011-11-26 16:12:30 | music11

□ Rodrigo Leão / "A montanha mágica"

>> http://www.myway.pt/album/a_montanha_magica.aspx

“A Montanha Mágica” é o nome do novo álbum de Rodrigo Leão, a ser editado a 28 de Novembro.


RodrigoLMusic: Rodrigo Leão
Primeiro avanço para o novo álbum "A Montanha Mágica". Chama-se "O Fio da Vida" e será uma das canções para ouvir... fb.me/1kSCaSf7g

Oceano__: Piotr
Karl Jenkins NEW ALBUM "Peace Makers"/ will be available also as Deluxe Edition Read more about the album : karljenkins.com/news/news-view…

□ Peter Gabriel "games without frontiers" - Massive attack mix

Massive Attack Remixがあったの知らなかった。原曲も大好きだけど、こっちの方がグッと引き締まってて主題を引き出してる。ブートレグ"Ultra Rare Traxx 2"収録。

□ science.


□ RECOT: Read Coordinate Transformer >> http://sesejun.github.com/recot/
RECOT transforms coordinate next-generation sequencer reads from your genome/gene to other species genome. RECOT is useful to compare RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and CLIP-seq sequences between closely-related species.

次世代シーケンサのリードを種間で変換するツールRECOT を公開しました: bit.ly/sKoXkR


NGS first truly disruptive technology for diagnostics since the microscope in the 1850s, BC's Huntsman said - AMP - genomeweb.com/amp-next-gener…

overgeorgoch: Georgia Ochenduszko
Craig Venter Sets X PRIZE for Human Genome Sequencing bit.ly/tv11jG
To goose developers along, Venter?along with the X-Prize Foundation and Medco Health Systems, a health care firm?has put a bounty on the achievement: $10 million to the first team that can meet a standard for accuracy that Venter calls “medical grade.” The task is to sequence the genomes of 100 centenarians, providing a baseline to which other genomes can be compared.

Was ist eigentlich "Leben"? Die Frage erhielt eine neue Bedeutung, als der amerikanische Biochemiker Craig Venter... fb.me/18kqQVj3J
Synthetisches Leben
Erkenntnisse und Diskussionen
Die Frage nach dem Leben erhielt eine neue Bedeutung, als der amerikanische Biochemiker Craig Venter ein Bakterium aus künstlich hergestelltem Erbgut schuf. Gert Scobel wird mit seinen Gästen darüber diskutieren, wie bahnbrechend die Forschungen der synthetischen Biologie wirklich sind und welche Gefahren damit einher gehen.

charedbv: C Verschuur
Craig Venter talks about reading and writing the genetic code #LSM11 yfrog.com/nt61rgrj

Melanie Swan - Genomic Self Hacking from Gary Wolf on Vimeo.

□ Melanie Swan on Genomic Self-Hacking: SNPs series were identified in her own genome relating to cancer, immunity& aging

Genomera organizer, Melanie Swan, on Genomic Self-Hacking via @diygenomics ow.ly/7Cqke #quantifiedself
Melanie Swan of DIY Genomics describes the results of sequencing her own genome in the hopes of developing her own personalized preventive medicine strategies. She developed a mobile app that permits exporting of personalized sequencing data more easily.

A series of small nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by Melanie in her own genome relating to cancer, immunity and aging. Importantly, she has made available the results of her own deep sequencing results to be combined and compared with those of other individuals.

simile Exhibit 3.0 a publishing framework for large scale data-rich interactive Web pages simile-widgets.org/exhibit3/ github.com/zepheira/exhib…

Review: Genetic sequencing technologies and applications for human Genetic History and #Forensics ow.ly/7DRXc #genetics #biology

Mass Genomics asks of the clinic: Why not apply whole-genome, or whole-exome to every tumor that comes in the door? bit.ly/uqDJCV
2. For the clinician, it would provide a new avenue of investigation to be taken when all other treatment strategies have failed. A guided shot in the dark is better than no shot in the dark at all.

EPFLNews: 量子効果によりエネルギー問題を解決する。
EPFL research in quantum computing to reduce energy consumption 100X bit.ly/t6hnCz #ICT #green
Electronics could be 100 times less energy-hungry thanks to a quantum phenomenon known as the tunnel effect - by 2017 in consumer electronics
By 2017, quantum physics will help reduce the energy consumption of our computers and cellular phones by up to a factor of 100. For research and industry, the power consumption of transistors is a key issue.

The next revolution will likely come from tunnel-FET, a technology that takes advantage of a phenomenon referred to as "quantum tunneling." At the EPFL, but also in the laboratories of IBM Zurich and the CEA-Leti in France, research is well underway. As part of a special issue of Nature devoted to silicon, Adrian Ionescu, an EPFL researcher, has written an article on the topic.

Check out the 1st #PLoS podcast! VS Ramachandran & David Brang talk @ synesthesia bit.ly/siQZIt w/#PLoSBiology editor Ruchir Shah

NEW paper published today: Understanding the open source development model: bit.ly/tuPYgl #linux #oss

Now browsing: "クラウド ガール 技術解説マンガ | MSDN" msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windowsa…

”ありがとう、ジョブス”で、科学論文の作成環境に、ジョブスが引き起こした革命について書かれてますな。確かに、その通りだね。Nature ダイジェスト 2011年12月号 : NPG Nature Asia-Pacific: bit.ly/sJr1AO via

遺伝子検査と保険 bit.ly/snCwcn



遺伝子検査と民間保険のコンフリクトの話、DTC geneticsに対しFDAの風当たりが理不尽と言われるほど強いのも、米の保険会社の体質に対する予防学的措置と牽制が働いてるのかもね。現場ではFDAの監視の締め出しを望む声もあって、欧州市場からの熱い追風も心強いとは言えるけど

