lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2011-05-21 10:49:29 | music10
(To estimate the age of ancestral nodes in the tree, we used the rho statistic,20,21 considering a germline MSY mutation rate of 1.0 × 10-9 single-nucleotide substitutions (SNS) per base per year.22 Indel variants were excluded from this calculation. We obtained a time estimate for the root of the MSY tree of 141.5 ± 15.6 KY, with an age in mutations (rho) of 29.1 ± 3.2 and values of 107.6 ± 12.2 KY, 104.9 ± 13.1 KY, 74.5 ± 12.5 KY, and 38.8 ± 9.7 KY for the coalescence age of A1a-T, A2-T, BT, and CT, respectively (Figure 1 and Table S3 )

□ The father of us all: 142 thousand years ago

>> http://dienekes.blogspot.com/...thousand-years-ago.html

DebbieKennett: 遺伝子の『アダム』の生年が最新の研究発表で14万2千年前に改訂。
A major new paper substantially revises the age of genetic Adam to around 142,000 years ago http://bit.ly/kndtMd

Y-chromosome Adam、人類の最初の父はいつ生まれたか?
The new age of our male-line common ancestor is ~142 thousand years ago, which is in agreement with multiple new lines of evidence, as well as a recent genetic model in which the bottleneck that gave rise to modern humans occurred 150 thousand years ago, and not 60 thousand years ago, as it has commongly been thought/reported.

A scenario of a Y chromosome “Adam” living in central-northwest Africa about 140 KY ago would provide a good fit to the present data.

rnomics: ヒトRNAにおける遺伝的多様性発見の新たなレベル。
New level of genetic diversity discovered in human RNA sequences http://bit.ly/jCeeAj
A detailed comparison of DNA and RNA in human cells has uncovered a surprising number of cases where the corresponding sequences are not, as has long been assumed, identical. The RNA-DNA differences generate proteins that do not precisely match the genes that encode them.

rnomics: RNAiの生物学的ネットワークと分子信号を用いた計算モジュール
Engineering RNAi Circuits: Engineered “computing” biological networks are a generalization of... http://bit.ly/ihlmR5
Engineered “computing” biological networks are a generalization of endogenous regulatory pathways. They are intended to generate novel biological responses based on preprogrammed processing of multiple molecular signals. We have recently introduced an approach to constructing complex signal processing networks in mammalian cells using RNA interference (RNAi) as the underlying regulatory mechanism.

□ On the organization of bioinformatics core services in biology-based research institutes.

>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/27/10/1345.full

These so-called ‘embedded’ bioinfomatics researchers are involved in more research-oriented work and are largely funded by outside grants. In our opinion it is very important to develop structures that allow the ‘embedded’ bioinformaticians to meet and communicate.

In conclusion, we can state that we favor a model where a small core group of bioinformaticians provide transparently organized support on more general, institute-wide research problems, while the majority of the bioinformaticians are embedded in the research groups.

CellPressNews: 仕事中にゲームをして生産性が上がる生物学的理由
A Current Biology study shows that playing videogames on the job may improve productivity. Read more at PC World: http://ow.ly/4Z4Rk

(Sperm coat, courtesy of Helen Storey Photography: John Ross. Model: Connie Chiu)

TheScientistLLC: 発生生物学とファッションの融合。敢えて訳さないけど、"Sperm Coat"が艶かし過ぎるw
What do you get when you combine developmental biology and high-end fashion? Embryology inspired couture. http://bit.ly/kHiMia

Very cool result out of RIKEN /New gene expression analysis technique on a single molecule sequencer
A new gene expression technique adapted for single molecule sequencing has enabled researchers at the RIKEN Omics Science Center (OSC) to accurately and quantitatively measure gene expression levels using only 100 nanograms of total RNA. The technique, which pairs RIKEN's Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) protocol with the Helicos® Genetic Analysis System developed by Helicos BioSciences Corporation, opens the door to the detailed analysis of gene expression networks and rare cell populations.

Mechanical Morphs from Hollywood Edge on Vimeo.

Mechanical Morphs SFX library: Now available from Hollywood Edge: http://bit.ly/mgiptQ
Mechanical Morphs-Trailer from the new Hollywood Edge Vimeo Page: http://bit.ly/lCjRIB


□ Scientists fail to discover the Higgs Boson particle

>> http://www.economicvoice.com/scientists-fail-to-discover-the-higgs-boson-particle/50020220

The Higgs Boson has been tagged as the ‘God Particle’ yet it has no relevance to God, and if discovered, the Higgs Boson would only serve to satisfy a series of questions to how and why the universe works as it does but The Higgs Boson is not God.

2012年までに一定の結論を得るだろうとされている、物質に質量を付与する『神の粒子』、Higgs Bosonの存在の有無について、その予想される質量範囲の狭さと観測器のエネルギーとの相性の悪さから、LHCのCERNによる観測実験が難航を示していることは以前にも紹介しました。

>> lens, align.: “神の軽さ”が見え難くする:Fermilab experiments constrain Higgs mass.


□ 『Gravity(重力)』と『Grave(墓)』は互いに語源(GRAV-)が同じで、行き着く先は等しく『地の底』なのだ。

