lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

BT / "These Humble Machines" & "These Re-Imagined Machines"

2011-04-23 22:27:32 | music10

□ BT Releases Two New Versions Of His GRAMMY®-Nominated 'These Hopeful Machines'

>> http://btmusic.com/thm/306-bt-releases...

□ BT / "These Humble Machines" release date >> 26/04/2011

<object height="325" width="100%"><param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F634877&"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="325" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F634877&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed></object>BT - These Humble Machines by nettwerkmusicgroup

□ BT / "These Re-Imagined Machines" Release Date >> 31/05/2011

>> tracklisting.

Disc: 1
1. Le Nocturne De Lumiere [Cedric Gervais Remix]
2. Rose of Jericho [Adam K & Soha Remix]
3. Always [Funkagenda Mix]
4. Love Can Kill You [Moonbeam Remix]
5. The Emergency [Marcus Sch¿ssow Remix]
6. Every Other Way [Josh Gabriel Remix]
7. Suddenly [Ferry Corsten Remix]
8. Forget Me [Mr. Sam Remix]
9. The Unbreakable [Grayarea Mix]

Disc: 2
1. The Emergency [Lost Stories Remix Vs. Dragon, Jontron, Manufactured Superstars Remix]
2. Rose of Jericho [Sultan & Ned Shepard Remix]
3. A Million Stars [Digital Stories Remix]
4. The Light In Things [Tydi Remix]
5. Always [Chicane Remix]
6. The Unbreakable [Breakfast Remix]
7. Forget Me [Michael Cassette Mix]
8. Every Other Way [Armin Van Buuren Remix]

BT最新作にして永遠のマスターピース、"These Hopehul Machines"のEdit Versionが、"These Humble Machines"として登場。本来は二枚組だったオリジナルアルバムを、それぞれ五分前後に編曲して一枚の作品に纏め、この電子音楽史上に遺る芸術作品について、リスニング/クラブ仕様として新たな提案を呈しています。

来月末には待望のRemix Albumもリリース。先行して話題を呼んでいた"Always (Chicane Remix)"もしっかり収録されています。

Oceano__: Piotr
new CHICANE website + New Exclusive FREE track+preview of new single GOING DEEP - Happy Easter. http://chicanemusic.co.uk/


The Miners' Hymns trailer from Forma Arts & Media on Vimeo.

□ Jóhann Jóhannsson / "The Miners' Hymns" Release Date >> 23/05/2011

>> http://fat-cat.co.uk/fatcat/release.php?id=355

Jóhann Jóhannssonのダラム炭坑夫祭委嘱作品、"The Miners' Hymns"がFatCatから漸くリリース。 ダラム聖堂で行われたプレミアライブもDVD化。

hal_ex: alex di nunzio
RIP Max Mathews, father of computer music: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Mathews

□ column.



□ science.


□ The Unique Red Rectangle: sharper than ever before.

>> http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1007a/

The Red Rectangle is an unusual example of what is known as a proto-planetary nebula. These are old stars, on their way to becoming planetary nebulae. Once the expulsion of mass is complete a very hot white dwarf star will remain and its brilliant ultraviolet radiation will cause the surrounding gas to glow. The Red Rectangle is found about 2 300 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros (the Unicorn).

Computer Concerts? Software Engineers Re-Invent Classic Music Performances Using Artificial Intelligence http://ow.ly/4F2qw #AIP_PRC



Mesoscopic analysis of networks: Applications to exploratory analysis and data clustering http://dld.bz/Xyj8 #AIP_CHAOS


Last week's most-viewed: Discovering Biological Progression Underlying Microarray Samples http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001123

SPD may be best viewed as a novel tool for synthesizing biological hypotheses because it provides a likely biological progression underlying a microarray dataset and, perhaps more importantly, the candidate genes that regulate that progression.


InsideScience: InsideScience - ISNS
http://bit.ly/gszXtT- Believing In The Pygmy Bunny - This spring, renewed attempts to save the smallest of rabbits #ISNS #EasterBunny

Qualumina: 神野 純榎(カミノ スミカ)
BodyParts3Dが地震の影響から復活してた! 見たいパーツ(骨やら内臓やら)を選択してぐりぐり回して見れる良サイト。http://lifesciencedb.jp/bp3d/

emmecola: Moreno Colaiacovo
“The Gene Code” ? Prima parte http://bit.ly/flYAQC

akhomenko: Alex Khomenko
"Genetic knowledge, whether the high priests like it or not, is going to be a crowd-sourced phenomenon" http://on.wsj.com/f6Huta

The only way slight genetic influences on health are going to emerge is if thousands of people submit their genomes for testing, and the only way that is going to happen is voluntarily. Academic research projects cannot promise to create the huge databases that an enthusiastic populace applying to an entrepreneurial testing industry can spawn.

GeneticsSociety: ASHG
NHGRI publishes new ENCODE user's guide & tutorial to help researchers interpret human genome: http://bit.ly/grnIHj #DNA #NIH #genetics

fishforscience: Danio rerio
The shells around zebrafish embryos need removing for most experiments. We can also do it manually, like this: http://tinyurl.com/3lc8rjo

Pablo reminds us not to forget the big picture when studying developmental biology. http://fb.me/t2aa0dHN

evinlatie: エヴィン・ラティエ

